Hi guys! A friend of mine kindly shared this useful document with me (I hope you enjoy) but we're now looking for seeds that aren't all just 6iv. I must point out that I haven't checked each and every seed (this would take years) but so far all the ones we have used from this document have been 6iv.
In an ideal world we would create our own seed using the "SeedFinder" plugin tool in PKHeX but that often generates a "No seed found" message
As you can see below the SeedFinder plugin cannot generate a seed for this Hatterene, sad times...
So as an alternative I'm asking for anyone that has working seeds to share on this post for all to enjoy. Specifically seeds that aren't 6iv but can actually be used for competitive Singles/VGC such as this Shiny, 4iv, Hidden Ability, 0 ATK, 0 SPE Hatterene in my example above.
Any help would be muchly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!!!