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The Majestic Mr L

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About The Majestic Mr L

  • Birthday 05/23/1999

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  1. TID is: 60225 SID is: 53573 Trainer name: Willie if that combination proves difficult to work with though feel free to just use a random TID/SID combo
  2. I did not know this was a thing, however in trying it there doesn't seem to be any way to "lock in" specific things about the Pokemon (gender, shininess, for example), so every time I hit the button to make it legal, it just changes the gender to male every time. Is it random? Is there no way to guarantee specifically the gender? I just want the thing to be female and shiny and for some reason that seems difficult to do.
  3. I've been attempting to wrap my head around Colosseum RNG abuse/PID editing but have been having little luck. Would anyone be willing to help me out and generate this for me? I have plans to transfer it up through later generations, so please make this legal! Please let me know if you need any other info for this request! Also, it can be sent as a .pkm file. Thank you!
  4. Unsure if I'll get an answer to this, but is there a list of each Pokemon's learnset? I love this hack but would love to be able to scout out what moves certain Pokemon learn in the event I decide to use them for a playthrough
  5. I'm sure this has been asked before, but... I'd love to play this on actual hardware, specifically my Wii. Is there a way to launch this through USB Loader GX/Nintendont? edit: wound up answering my own question. Turns out, yea it can be launched through USB Loader with Nintendont
  6. honestly probably a dumb request but I must have typo'd when entering my name years ago and well... would like the K at the end changed to a L, thanks in advance
  7. Would you recommend me going through with it, and if so, where would I find the data of another mon to overwrite?
  8. okay so I'm fairly new to using this thing, is there a tutorial somewhere that explains how to use each part of it? I've been trying to edit Mega Evolutions and I can't figure it out for the life of me. For example, trying to give Milotic a Mega Evolution using the Prism Scale as the item, but I read that only Pokemon with two forms can be made to Mega Evolve, but I can't figure out how to say swap the Pokemon for Milotic furthermore is there just a complete guide on what I would need to make a custom romhack anywhere? Most stuff I've found seems outdated and I'm not sure what kinds of things I would need (i.e. HANS, Ohana, etc)
  9. Nope, still no dice. Thanks anyway, though. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong though. My firmware is correct, I followed every step correctly. Is it because I'm not using a Japanese 3DS? The video I watched(not the one linked) had the guy using an American 3DS, and it worked fine. Even the Hoopa doesn't work.
  10. Someone help? So I downloaded the Hoopa, did everything correctly, yet the Pokemon doesn't appear in slot 1 of Box 1.
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