Some things I'd like to report on when it comes to the bugs
When you have a Pokémon with an ability like speed boost, if they get intimidated, both Pokémon have the buffed up stat graphic instead.
Some Pokémon can't learn moves they should either have learned that generation or in future generations. Metang can't learn Ice Punch, but there is one in the Battle Square in Pyrite Town that has it.
The Pokémon Silvia/Lovrina have will appear in the Battle Memo as their nicknames if you encounter them there first.
Some complaints
I'm sure you've gotten this quite a lot but I don't like the fact that some character names changed, as well as the writing for Lovrina/Silvia.
The TM and move tutor selection seem a little weak.
Why have Graveler as a Pokémon you can catch when the other 3 Trade Evo Kanto Pokémon are shadows?
Final words
It's a great hack, and I can't wait for the Battle Sims to be fixed. I'd love to help on that front if you need any ideas or anything.