PKHeX is just a PC software, it will always work. You have to check if your exploits are compatible with the latest 3ds FW.
So don't do it, try to install Emunand and upgrade it.
Line 79 of SAV_MysteryGiftDB, it can't find ...\bin\debug(or release)\wc6
foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(DatabasePath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
Pressing Alt+Click on the box tab you could delete all the pokemon of the current box
- Using batch editor you could set species of all pokemon as 0 to apparently delete them from PKHeX, but I don't know what happen in the game (I could try)
Hi, i maybe found a bug using batch editor.
- .PID=$rand sets all' PID as 0
- .PID=$shiny doesn't work
I'm using the latest version from github and those situation didn't happen always
Does "linkew Mew" is The newest Mew distributed for gen 1 virtual console games? Anyway i'm enough sure that you can't legally transfer gen 1'mons to gen 6 (GB/GBC isn't compatibile with GBA and VC's aren't compatible with Pokèmon Bank)
Just search "Personality Value Bulbapedia" on Google to get a good answer about PID in sixth gen (you could also surf between old Smogon topics to understand How old games generate PIDs for Pokémon) I'm sure that EC influences Spinda Spots, But I don't know what else.
PKHeX has an alghoritm that notice you when a Pokèmon isn't Legal. Don't Worry.
I know that topic about legality and online plays aren't accepted in this subforum
Hi Kaphotics. In third gen editor, Met Levels of some Pokemon aren't correct. For example my legendary pokemon encountered at level 70 are swown with 6 as met level.