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Everything posted by yoshivsjoshi

  1. Sorry, I did not mean to put it in the wrong section, but thank you
  2. Hey, can this Landorus have an english username when used on battle spot? Iike if it’s redeemed on an english game cart? Thank you
  3. Thank you very much both of you!
  4. Hello, I’m wondering what the different shiny/square odds are for hatching Pokémon from eggs or encountering them in the wild, I’d like to know if you find a shiny what are the chances they will be shiny or square shiny, thank you
  5. Curious to know if all the Pokémon that are shiny that you transfer into gen 8 from older games will they 100% be a square shiny? or is there a small chance you get normally shiny? thank you!
  6. Hey, I've tried all the different key combinations that I can think of to make the Cresselia work in Pkhex but it just comes up with PID mismatch, the other legendary Pokémon seem fine but this one is just being annoying thank you 488 - Cresselia - 5686EC64A53A.pb8
  7. That's amazing thank you very much, I've tried making a forced shiny Drakloak and it says it's not working, the Square shiny and regular are fine though, I've attached the files thank you New Drakloak files.rar
  8. Hey, I downloaded the program and managed to generate a legal mark shiny Dragapult, unfortunately star (keep TID and SID) still changes my SID but its all good, thank you very much will use this program in future 887 ★ - Dragapult - C3249A68B12E.pk8
  9. No I am extremely grateful for the help, I just was unsure if the lazy comment was a joke or not, thank you for the help
  10. I was not trying to be lazy, I was genuinely unsure if it was a glitch or not, I apologise if you thought I was trying to blame PkHex but I said “I dunno if it’s a problem with PkHex or not” thank you for the help I appreciate it but I’m not trying to be lazy I just wanted help
  11. Hey, I've checked Serebii, and it says that Dreepy, Drakloak and Dragapult cannot be found in raids at the lake of outrage, I've uploaded two more dragapults but these ones are from the threepoint pass and can't be encountered in raid battles there, thank you, I dunno if its a glitch with PkHex or not 887 ★ - Dragapult - 2E5CF43EF135.pk8 Dragapult with Mark.pk8
  12. Hey, my shiny Dragapult is legal, but when I give it a mark, it flags it as illegal, it's a wild encounter, I thought that wild area Pokémon can get marks, I've attached the two files below thank you Dragapult files.zip
  13. I understand what you are saying here is the Roserade to show what I mean 407 ★ - Roserade - 230DB2BE8730.pk8
  14. Hello, is it possible to know when pokemon that can be caught in Safari balls and bred onto pokemon into sword and shield like Roserade will be changed to legal in PkHex? and the new events like the Bulbasaur and Squrtle raid events, also when I try and add the Smiley Mark onto my pokemon it automatically gives it the Jittery Mark and the smiley mark does not show up at all when you gen the pokemon in game, thank you very much for everything you do
  15. Hello, I've discovered a bug if you change a Pokemon's mark to the Smiley Mark and then check the Pokemon's marks again it automatically changes the Pokemon's marks to the Jittery Mark and also the Smiley Mark but when you trade the pokemon and receive it you only get the Jittery mark, thank you
  16. Hello, I’ve got a friend who trades Pokemon to me and I wanted a Shiny Zacian Zamazenta and other shiny locked Pokémon, I’ve seen online that people have received shiny Zacian from wonder trade and people selling shiny Gmax toxtrixity, I messaged them asking how they did it and they did not wanna tell me for some reason? Could someone tell me how people are able to wonder trade shiny locked Pokémon or post the files so they can be traded? Thank you everyone
  17. I see that is unfortunate, I wanted to get Pokémon but not sure where to go, and I wanna do some mods on the switch but like there is no localfriendcodeseed_a method on switch so it’s like worrying
  18. I did not know that it was a risk going online on a switch, thank you for telling me though
  19. Hello, I don't have PkHex and I'm struggling to get these pokemon could someone please get these pokemon for me I'd be extremely grateful my discord is YoshivsJoshi#5408 or I will add you. Here are the pokemon I am looking for thank you Mew Ability: Synchronize Level: 50 Modest Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Dark Pulse - Ice Beam - Psychic - Sludge Bomb Melmetal (Could it please me in a Masterball please) Ability: Iron Fist Level: 50 Brave Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Double Iron Bash - Earthquake - Ice Punch - Superpower Muk-Alola (M) Ability: Poison Touch Level: 50 Shiny: Yes Happiness: 70 Brave Nature IVs: 0 Spe - Minimize - Crunch - Poison Jab - Rest Mew Ability: Synchronize Level: 50 Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Dark Pulse - Ice Beam - Psychic - Sludge Bomb Gengar (M) Ability: Cursed Body Level: 50 Shiny: Yes Happiness: 70 Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Shadow Ball - Sludge Bomb - Foul Play - Dazzling Gleam Ditto Ability: Limber Level: 50 Shiny: Yes Happiness: 70 Timid Nature - Transform
  20. Hello, Necrozma is one of my favourite Pokémon so subsiqnently I have him on my VGC 2019 team I’ve seen a few online wifi battle videos where people have used shing Necrozma I’ve tried using shiny Necrozma online but can’t pass the hack check, any advice would be great thank you
  21. Would of been a perfect opportunity to release the Darkrai with Special rend and Roar of time, disappointing
  22. Version 1.0.2


    It's shiny Zygarde
  23. just the rock slide VGC 2018 meme
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