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Everything posted by ignisrothe

  1. A hidden Pikachu is going to be distributed too. Nickname: ♥♥ピカ♥♥ Gender: Female Moves: Thunderbolt, Quick Attack, Heart Stamp, Hold Hands Ball: Heal Ball Item: Heart Scale It was "hinted" in the Japanese Pokemon twitter and in a flier that is distributed. The info is from this blog.
  2. That's right. I wish I could provide the picture I saw, but alas, it's hard on my phone.
  3. The Japanese Vivillon can be female. The US one looks very much like the Paris one: always male.
  4. Additional details: The Jirachi doesn't have 3 set perfect IVs but it will be random, just like the past Wishmaker Jirachis.
  5. Pokemon: Jirachi Gender: None Level: 5 OT: 소원의 별 (Wishing Star) ID: 26866 Ability: Serene Grace Nature: Moves: Healing Wish Rest Confusion Wish Item: Ganlon Berry Pokeball: Cherish Ball Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Location: a Pokémon event Dates: August 13 - September 14 Game Distribution: X/Y Distribution Type: Serial code Distribution Location: South Korean movie theatres Sources: http://pokemonkorea.co.kr/?inc=movie-jirachi-index
  6. OT: 올레<space>tv The distribution type for the new Charizard is local wireless
  7. I think he meant this.
  8. I think it is. I dunno if there's a difference between Nintendo Zone and local wireless distribution, like in a PokéSen. Gen VI events are either done via codes, local wireless, or infrared. Code events are really popular right now. M17 Dakrai, Winter2013 events and Wishmaker Jirachi are some examples.
  9. By the way, the Japanese one will be in a Pokéball, as opposed to the French one which was in a Cherish Ball.
  10. That I don't know. The official site doesn't say so.
  11. My friend's picking up some codes for me so yes, alternatively it's a code event. I think it's the case for some GAMEs that doesn't have Nintendo Zone.
  12. The Pikachu will be distributed in 6 different locations in Minato Mirai park: Pacifico Yokohama - will only be distributed on the last two days Yokohama Landmark Tower Yokohama Cosmo World Yokohama Red Brick Warehouse Royal Wings Cruise's pier Nihon Maru Memorial Park You could consider each a separate event since they get different nicknames depending on where you claim it.
  13. I was pumped when I heard it was to be distributed in Japan...until I read it was only in Pokesen Tohōku. It would be really nice if it was nationwide coz I'm planning to visit the one in Ōsaka on my birthday to get a Sylveon and a Vivillon.
  14. Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Location Met: a Pokémon event It should be the same for the rest of them since I only have Heracross right now.
  15. Hello! I am looking for several languages of the Fancy Pattern Vivillon. I need Japanese, Korean, German, French, Italiand and Spanish. If anyone can help me get these, please PM me.
  16. That's what really happens with Gen III files in Pokegen.
  17. Hi, Is there anyone who has these events? Korean Eevee House Sylveon Singapore Garchomp Greetings for the New Year Gengar and Scizor Taiwan Garchomp PM me if you're thinking of trading it.
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