Thank you theSLAYER!
Well, right now I don't want to inject data. I just want to read valuable information such as the SID and the IVs.
Are there any viable means to retrieve or calculate gen VI SIDs?
Aside of these methods (serebii, smogon) to calculate a SID in previous generations, I also found it is possible to retrieve certain game saves here; is it working for xy? And if it works, is it possible to read the information contained in such game save to get PKX data or trainer information?
Another way to find the SID was employing the lottery ticket; basically, it took a person to retrieve 3 lottery numbers at a determined time and date (set on the DS) and input the numbers along the ID on a website. The instructions are here (it's in spanish, look for "3.3.- Sin Shinys"). The Japanese website is broken, but I found a similar one here.
Given that you have several pkx files with the SID and that the lottery is back on xy, is it possible to device a method to retrieve the SID?
Somebody from Japan found a "connection between the old SID finders" and xy to retrieve MASTERBALLS using the lottery dynamics. I know that's on a different subject, but there might be something of use to retrieve a SID. You can learn more about it here (it's in japanese). Please note that this post was made after the patch 1.2 release.
Comments appreciated~