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Posts posted by HaxAras

  1. trigger_death said:
    Doesn't look like I even have the option to delete posts on my own thread. No worries though everyone makes mistakes.

    Also I didn't realize you were using the Japanese mail. That will add an extra layer of challenge to the mix. But I guess I can try and support Japanese mail as well.

    Oddly enough, it shouldn't be too difficult. The game seems to automatically translate everything but the trainer name. It does a poor job but it seems to correct itself when you send it back to a Japanese game.

  2. As a quick note, I've started Pokémon Black now, and it's reminded me why I lost interest in Pokémon from 2010-2013. Worst animation, music, rivals and overall feel IMO. Sinnoh to me still has the most class :P

    I couldn't agree more. I hated Heart Gold and Soul Silver so much I stopped playing Pokemon. I came back at the end of gen 5 and it's the worst thing ever. Everything that's terrible in gen 6, started in Black and White.

  3. Ammako said:
    Haha yeah, and it was a massive pain when you wanted to restart your game, because you would trade all your important Pokémon over to another game, and you couldn't trade them back until after the Elite Four.

    Glad Diamond/Pearl got rid of that limitation and that it never came back afterwards.

    They should just have had the National Dex unlocked the same way as it is in R/S.

    Originally Pokemon Box was a lifesaver for me. I use it all the time but having to catch 100 Pokemon for every single new playthroguh of gen 3 is tedious as all hell. I also end up with hundreds of un-wanted junk Pokemon I need to get rid of. I thought originally that Box would allow me to not have to trade anymore. I also think I said before, it's so annoying when you're playing through FR/LG and stuck with gen 1 Pokemon. I've played through Red/Blue and FR so many times. I'm tired of the gen 1 Pokemon. I've used most of the gen 1 & 3 Pokemon. It's so awesome that I can now inject gen 2 Pokemon into my save.

    I ended up buying this fan game based on Fire Red called Pokemon Blue Sea's and it was more fun than the actual Fire Red because I could catch any gen 1-3 Pokemon in the wild and it seemed random.

    trigger_death said:
    Problem fixed and will be patched in the next update. At the moment it's caused by not having any games added so just add a game to get around it for now.

    Also HaxAras I have a request. I'm doing the mailbox now and I'd like to have your saves with the in game mail in it. I want to figure out if I can determine what some unknown values in the mail structure mean.




    This save has the Japanese Emerald mail as well as a few others in the PC. I can get another save later.

    Also, thanks for letting me know what the problem was. The main save I've been using for the tool and my personal use is a Fire Red save. It's a perfect go-between for my FR/LG carts and my Emerald. The problem is, it's not always the same as the save on my R4 or cart. So I always have to strip it of anything valuable and then copy the other version over and replace the empty one.

    This tool has allowed me to merge so many old saves of mine, that I've been able to get rid of them. Mostly my Pokeblocks. Why keep somebody elses Spanish Colosseum save forever when I can just strip it of Pokemon and then save them for later? No need for an old Emerald save that has perfect Pokeblocks when I can just store them in your tool. Mixing records to get legit Regi dolls into my saves? Not anymore! etc.

  4. LOL yeah! I tried to do this when BW came out (you can see the 2011 progress in zArchive, I got through all of JPN, most of ENG and was starting with FRA). Too tedious to finish :P

    I'm allergic to the concept of being in a hurry. Every time I complete something, I'm not left with a sense of satisfaction or happiness. I'm left with an empty feeling and the question "What do I do now?". The way I see it, So long as I always have goals, I'll always have a reason to play.

    I recently got French copies of Ruby and Sapphire and a Spanish Ruby. I'm also going to be working on the Japanese saves so I can contribute any and all static Pokemon as well as in-game trades from these languages.

    I've been playing PMD: Red Rescue Team since 2007. In 2010, I decided to 100% the game. I recruited all the legendaries in 2010 and then every other Pokemon in 2013. Technically, I only have 2 entries left. Spotted Munchlax and every Pokemon was made leader. I refuse to let Munchlax be my last entry. I still haven't played Etrian Mystery Dungeon, or the 2 new Pokemon ones. Despite the Mystery Dungeon games being my favorites of all time.

    I played through Pokemon Emerald for the millionth time so I could upload my save for a project. I beat about a third of Leaf Green and xD: for the in-game trades. I still haven't really played everything after Platinum. I may get to the games someday. Until then, I'll always have something new left to play.

  5. Updated: 20160519 -> 20160525

    Getting a headache looking at my "To Sort" folder :/

    The perpetual "To do list". I know it all too well. I'm always trying to give myself multiple long and complicated goals to give myself a reason to play.

    Because for some reason living Pokedexes caught entirely in Pokeballs in every language in every gen with the OT HaxAras seemed like a good idea at the time.

  6. http://i.imgur.com/mCnYjq6.png


    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    at PokemonManager.Windows.EvolutionItemWindow.OnPocketSelectionChanged(Object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Controls.SelectionChangedEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Controls.ComboBox.OnSelectionChanged(SelectionChangedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.InvokeSelectionChanged(List`1 unselectedInfos, List`1 selectedInfos)

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.SelectionChanger.End()

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.SelectionChanger.SelectJustThisItem(ItemInfo info, Boolean assumeInItemsCollection)

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.Selector.OnSelectedIndexChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.FrameworkElement.OnPropertyChanged(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.NotifyPropertyChange(DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.UpdateEffectiveValue(EntryIndex entryIndex, DependencyProperty dp, PropertyMetadata metadata, EffectiveValueEntry oldEntry, EffectiveValueEntry& newEntry, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValueCommon(DependencyProperty dp, Object value, PropertyMetadata metadata, Boolean coerceWithDeferredReference, Boolean coerceWithCurrentValue, OperationType operationType, Boolean isInternal)

    at System.Windows.DependencyObject.SetValue(DependencyProperty dp, Object value)

    at PokemonManager.Windows.EvolutionItemWindow..ctor(IPokemon pokemon, UInt16[] validItemIDs)

    at PokemonManager.Windows.EvolutionItemWindow.ShowDialog(Window owner, IPokemon pokemon, UInt16[] validItemIDs)

    at PokemonManager.Windows.PokemonViewer.OnEvolveClicked(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()

    at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()

    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseLeftButtonUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.OnMouseUpThunk(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

    at System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs.InvokeEventHandler(Delegate genericHandler, Object genericTarget)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)

    at System.Windows.RoutedEventHandlerInfo.InvokeHandler(Object target, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)

    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)

    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean trusted)

    at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()

    at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessInput(InputEventArgs input)

    at System.Windows.Input.InputProviderSite.ReportInput(InputReport inputReport)

    at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)

    at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

    at System.Windows.Interop.HwndSource.InputFilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

    at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)

    at MS.Win32.HwndSubclass.DispatcherCallbackOperation(Object o)

    at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

    at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

  7. trigger_death said:
    Ah I see. And I was more hoping for your save files again so I could figure out the cause of the problem.

    As for the Spanish save I don't need it anymore. I fixed the issue. :)

    I'm actually not sure about mailbox support. I don't know anything about the mail location in the save files so I wont be able to get them off of the save.

    What's even worse is if you trade your mail away from your save to Your PC you may lose the contents forever. :\ I'll have to do some testing.

    Progress Update: I'm making progress on figuring out how mail is structured. Sending them to other games shouldn't be too hard but reading them in the program will be a little different since I need to know what each word's code is.

    Maybe I'm mis-reading what you're saying. You can store mail in the mailbox in the PC and it will keep the words. My problem is Pokemon Box and the BS restrictions by the game.

    I was playing Leaf Green and did all the in-game trades. I couldn't trade with Emerald yet and I couldn't put the Jynx into Pokemon Box either. So I had to trade it to my Fire Red, then to Emerald, strip the mail and then deposit it into Pokemon Bank for storage.

    I've discovered a new problem. The app seems to be working for the most part. But item evolution isn't working for me. The app crashes every time I try it.

    Also, for Pokemon Box Support.

    Here's InsaneNutters Fire Red save. In the HaxAras box, is my contest team.



    Screenshot of Pokemon Box.


    I sent you my Pokemon Box save. You said you'd need the .PKM files of my Pokemon and their locations in Box. I hope this is good enough.

  8. trigger_death said:
    Send me your a screencap of your tool directory and send me your gen 3 Manager files again. Also good news! Multi selecting and moving is coming in the next update!

    Edit: Also if something causes a crash on startup it would be helpful to try removing the tool's PC files temporarily. If that fixes it then try temporarily removing your tools saves from Settings.xml. Now if that fixes it it's crashing when trying to read a save and not the tool's data.

    Edit 2 - Electric Boogaloo: Aras could I also get your Spanish Colosseum save? I think the language index for Spanish GameCube games is wrong but I don't know what value it actually is.

    Edit 3: Nevermind about edit 2. I figured out the language index issue.

    I had no idea what you were talking about. So I just moved the Pokemon Box files elsewhere, deleted everything and re-downloaded. Thankfully, after restoring some of the deleted files, I was able to save my Pokeblocks, dolls, TM's and all that.

    As for the Suloku's Spanish save. I can try to find it on my computer if you like, I know it's around somewhere. It would definitely be nice to have support for every language. I collect foreign Pokemon and I want living dexes in every language so I can completely fill out my Pokedexes.

    Will there ever be mailbox support? I normally don't care about mail at all. But since I started collecting every in-game trade at the lowest level, it's been a chore and a half to trade the mail from various games to my Emerald version for storage. I'm currently working on English and Japanese and I don't even know how much room the PC has for it.

  9. trigger_death said:
    6) I'm not too concerned about that. It still wouldn't obey. The people who would do that are the people who would most likely use actual cheating tools instead. It's totally possible to cheat with this tool since you can mess around with the saves from the file system.

    8) Yes you can evolve any pokemon that requires a stone or trade (with or without an item). Just go to the settings tab in the pokemon viewer and click "Item Evolve".

    Yeah, I agree. One of the things I always hated about Fire Red/Leaf Green and the older Pokemon games in general. Were the limitations on what Pokemon you could use while you beat the story. For me, it makes almost the entire Johto dex worthless. By the time I get access to them, I've already cleared the game and there aren't any more trainers to fight using them. It should be left up to the individual person. If you don't want Pokemon on your cart that the games won't allow, then just don't put them there.

    Edit: So far, I really love this tool to death. Honestly, I could deal without being able to move multiple Pokemon at once, as tedious as it is. The only thing that irritates me to no end. When you're moving Pokemon to the app for storage: You have to select the box you're depositing them to every single time. It starts on box 1 every single time you move a Pokemon so you have to click through the boxes for every single Pokemon you move.

    Edit 2: I have no idea why or what happened but I can't even open the tool anymore.

  10. trigger_death said:
    That's all the help I need. I'd really appreciate it. :)

    I'll try to work on it this week then. When I gained the ability to backup and restore GameCube saves, I did a piss-poor job of keeping track of which ones were which. As I said, I managed to sort all but Pokemon Box. The other problem. I have a lot of GameCube memory cards and I did a similarly piss-poor job of organizing those as well. I have to go through, one by one and figure out what's on all my GameCube memory cards, if I have a backup and then if it's worth keeping as well as identify the 3-5 Pokemon Box saves I have.

  11. trigger_death said:
    For Pokemon Box support I'd actually need some assistance.

    The only reason I'm able to read Colosseum and soon xD files is because of the source code from PkmGCSaveEditor. So I have no information on the Pokemon Box save file format. However, if you're able to give me your Pokemon box saves and give me pkm files for certain pokemon in the box. (I'll also need the X, Y of the pokemon's position and the number of the box they're in). With this info I may be able to work with the format, however I'm worried there may be some kind of encryption I can't break.

    I'll tell you know. I don't know a damn thing about programming or any of that nonsense. But as far as contributing my personal saves to you to work on. I'd be more than happy to share with you and help in any way I can. As for PKM Files for Pokemon. The best I'd be able to do is move them to a gen 3 save, backup the save and use something like A-save to get the PKM files for you.

  12. trigger_death said:
    Both of these issues should be fixed in the newly released version. Enjoy. And HaxAras you'll be happy to know Japanese is now supported in the GBA and Main Storage games. Also I really admire your collection. :)

    I just wanna note. The Japanese Pokemon are from a tool, the Spanish Collection are from Suloku's save I think. The ones I wanted to keep private were my shiny Teeter Dance Pichu egg and my Feebas. The Metagross are also both public already.

    Edit: Any chance you'd ever be willing/able to add Pokemon Box support? That would be a godsend! It's so tedious to write files to my GBA carts or my MCBackup folder for my SD Media Launcher and try to test them out to find out which save is which. I was able to use save editors to rid myself of all my Colosseum/XD save clones but I still have several Pokemon Box saves I have yet to identify. Pokemon Box is an amazing tool but it would be so much quicker to just do everything on my computer.

  13. I've never had a problem getting the Colosseum Bonus disk to work for me. The Regi dolls also aren't that unobtainable. I know I posted a save file of Ruby on this site a couple weeks ago that had the regi dolls in it. I also scanned them into an Emerald save and that's on another forums. I'll be using this tool quite a lot now that I know it exists. I'll report to you any problems or bugs I might find.

    Edit: Well, I guess I found one problem. It keeps crashing. I was slowly moving my Pokemon from various saves into the tools PC and then it crashed. I booted it back up and it just crashed again.

    If you're looking for suggestions for features: A way to move multiple Pokemon at once. Not only is it tedious moving one Pokemon at a time. But my arm just fell asleep and now it's tingling. I try to avoid using my computer mouse for extended periods of time to prevent this from happening, but still.

    I'm also adding my Ruby save with the decoration Present scanned in for anybody who wants the Regi Dolls. They were scanned in using a legit E-reader and card so if you don't mind clones of the real thing, here ya go!

    Edit 2:

    Error handling for invalid save files isn't too great yet. I'll fortify that in a bit.

    I take it this is in reference to different languages? I was able to move Pokemon from a Spanish Colosseum save and items from my Japanese Ruby save. Every single time I even click on a Pokemon from my Japanese Colosseum, the program crashes. I was able to right click and move a Japanese Pokemon but as soon as I was trying to place it, the program crashed.

  14. Invader TAK said:
    They probably copied their save to an English R/S, scanned in the Eon Ticket, Trainer or Berry then copied the save back to the Spanish R/S.

    I've been considering doing that with some of my games sometime. Just to have a collection of foreign Latios/Latias.

  15. (Forgive me if I misspell your name dude.)

    AJXPKM said in a thread that he didn't have many for his collection so I offered to help. I don't remember all of out conversations but I remember him linking me to a Reddit thread that said there were 119 of them. He ended up finding 140 unique IV spreads in the save. That might have been why I went for a full PC but in all honesty, I don't remember why I did. I'm glad you like it though. I wanted to share it with people but I didn't know where. They are all brand new and untouched so I hope you guys find some use in them.

    I wanted to do a giveaway. I did a second 100-Zigzagoon giveaway for the launch of ORAS. I feel this is better. Anybody with the desire and tools can get just about any Zigzagoon they could possibly ever want.

  16. suloku said:
    There's a fact: even an obvious hack like morfeo's code does the same job as the official event.

    For what we know, If you toss the wondercard there's no way of telling if you received mystyc ticket from the official nintendo event (on usa savegame of course) or from morfeo's wondercard.

    In the end, there would be not much difference from a really accurate wondercard, gamewise. The lugia and hoho received from the event would also be 100% legit (legal?) as they are generated in-game.

    Same happens with eon ticket, were even the script is deleted after triggering the event.

    See, I've been fine using Action Replay for years. The Pokemon are already in the game. I'm just unlocking a door. So as far as I see it, they're all legit. I'm just huge on preservation of old stuff and a gen 3/Pokemon fan as well. I'll likely just use Action Replay to send in all but 1 of each ticket to my carts in the future to save time and then just using the tool for the last one so I can have the WC ticket.

    Actually, I kinda do that already. I use AR to scan in an Eon Ticket into Emerald, despite having Ruby and Sapphire and an actual Eon Ticket card.

  17. ajxpkm said:

    Making a perfect hacked ("legit") duplicate of an official Event however is impossible without having the original one... :(

    It's a sad fact unfortunately...

    Actually, isn't that a happy fact? People won't be able to make fakes of the ones we're missing down the line and try to contribute them as real.

  18. Invader TAK said:
    Considering the English Mystic Ticket was only distributed in the US, there's absolutely no way Nintendo Italy has it.

    I refuse to give up yet though. It may be a completely lost cause to send an English cart to Italy. There's already way more backed up events than I'd ever have imagined were still around. It might still be out there. It might be like finding a needle in a haystack, but it could happen.

  19. ajxpkm said:
    Thanks for contacting them... at least we know now what there is no hope regarding NoA and the Mystic Ticket. :/

    Yeah, I didn't really think it was going to happen to begin with but it was still a sad bit of news to find out anyway.

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