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Posts posted by HaxAras

  1. trigger_death said:
    Turns out I forgot to shove Trigger's PC into the zip file. Apparently a standard empty zip file is copyrighted. Anyway it should work now.

    I was going to edit this in before I got an email that you replied.

    Edit: One hopefully small request.

    When using the "Send all To PC" function, would it be possible for the program to ask which box to dump Pokemon in, instead of the nearest empty one? Currently I have a few boxes set aside for my current xD: Gale of Darkness run.


    Let me know if these requests get annoying. I just like making requests and suggestions that I think might improve something and just allow the other people I'm working with to decide what's best.

  2. trigger_death said:
    Thanks for the help. Also v1.1.2.0 is up, lemme know if there are still issues with it.

    "File Download Blocked

    The file you attempted to download has been previously claimed by a copyright holder through a valid DMCA request and cannot be downloaded.

    Still have questions, or think we've made a mistake? Please contact support for further assistance."

  3. trigger_death said:
    Fixed the Bad Egg issue. It was a pretty silly mistake. It will come packed with the next version which I'll try to get out today. Sadly Pokemon Box still won't have saving yet since I'm having a really hard time figuring out how the checksums are calculated.

    Seriously, good luck with that. All that goes far over what I'll ever be capable of.


    I didn't show everything because that would take forever but I tried to give a general idea.

  4. trigger_death said:
    That may be because the same letter drive is not referenced each time the program looks for the save. I'll see if there's anything I can do about that.

    Maybe a note alerting you that one of the saves was moved/removed might be useful. But now that I know, I've been more careful about it. I'm also uploading a video showing my Pokemon Box save and a decent number of my Pokemon.

  5. trigger_death said:
    In that case. Pokemon Box saving is a definite goal. :)

    I only need the box names and you can change wallpapers I found out. Since I can view the pokemon I don't need them anymore.

    Edit: Also I asked this earlier but can you explain in more detail the "bad egg" thing on your game? Did it happen in French Ruby?

    Some of the Pokemon (Not all for sure) that I would item evolve or change the nicknames of. After I'd save the game and boot the game back up, they'd appear as bad eggs. If I'd open the save in A-save editor and just edit their settings. Literally just right click, edit, save changes and then save the file, they'd be fine again. It happened on the French Ruby save I was working on at the time as well as the Leaf Green I was working on.

    More of a note for people. I keep my Emerald save on my SD card most of the time right now. When I pull the SD card and put it back into my R4, the program crashes at startup. But it's fine when I put the SD card back in.

  6. I'll make a video showing them later. You can re-name the boxes. I don't think you can change the wallpaper. I'll check when I boot up the game. I have a lot of Pokemon. I can show some of them but it would take a really, really long time to show data for all of them.

    I definitely want to be able to continue using Pokemon Box. I look at Box as permanent storage so I'm using your tool to organize and eventually putting all my Pokemon on various Box saves for permanent storage.

  7. ajxpkm said:
    Don't worry. The seller we bought it from has the user name "phestos" and like Real.96 said we don't have too much to fear about because he has quite good feedback.

    But you never know. Stuff from ebay is always a story of its own and sometimes it's a bit surprising... not always in a positive way... :XD:

    And we bought the most cheapest cartridge we could get with the most cheap shipping method. Let's pray! :rolleyes:

    I recognized that seller name instantly. It's the same person who I bought my French Ruby and Sapphire from and they're both legit. So you made a good choice. I don't think you have anything to worry about with him/her. I'm definitely going to be buying from them more in the future.

    Edit 5-30-16 // 30-05-16

    I beat Pokemon Ruby in Spanish for the Spanish cart I bought. Here's the save, Mystery events activated. Saved in the Petalburg Pokemon Center or in front of Norman. Elite 4 has been beaten.

    Once again, in case anybody is confused about why the save is empty. While I have absolutely no problem sharing event Pokemon, I prefer to keep the rest to myself.

  8. Real.96 said:
    Guys i think this is a good seller, with good feedback. I think we won't have any kind of problems. The ship will take a bit because we made a cheap one

    "" 425drav ""

    Avoid this person like the plague. The 3 games I've purchased from them were bootlegs. I've had to open Ebay cases for all 3 because they keep ignoring me when I say I don't want to keep them, I want my money back. And they refuse to send shipping labels. I just want to save you the headache.

    If you get any games you're unsure of, post a lot of pictures. I'm really good at spotting these bootlegs. I've purchased probably 10-15 to do research on them a few years ago.

  9. trigger_death said:
    I'll definitely look into saving in the future. I have VERY high hopes that the checksums are calculated the exact same way as in the GBA games which would mean all of the work is basically done for me. It still comes down to being able to test if it works afterwards.

    So what do I need to download when you update the program? As I said before, I've just been downloading the whole program and just copying over the mail, boxes and settings/manager files.

  10. trigger_death said:
    Nope. I'm all good. I'm writing the game save classes to support Pokemon Box in Trigger's PC now. :D Saving most likely won't be a thing for awhile until I can get Pokemon Box to work on Dolphin.

    Even if it doesn't save Pokemon Box, that should be fine for me. It was Colosseum that didn't save at first right? Even if I can just rip Pokemon from my Box save and basically clone them to put them on your tool, that would be exponentially helpful to me. I could easily just dump my Pokemon box save onto an empty GBA save or make a new GameCube save if the tool can't save to box anyway.

  11. trigger_death said:
    Nah when I say anything GameCube I usually refer to Colosseum and xD for the context of Trigger's PC.



    I found ALL of your Pokemon's Personalities all in order, 4 times in the entire size of the file, which of course would be mathematically impossible otherwise. Turns out Pokemon Box ISN'T encrypted, at least in the normal sense. I managed to find it in Little Endian instead of Big Endian which I tried last night and I turned off the decryption code I was testing from Colosseum.

    Edit 2: Better news. Pokemon are stored in the standard gen 3 pkm format that's used for all GBA games! :D

    Try just deleting your settings file. That should fix that issue whenever it comes up. And I'll make a fix for it.

    Also checkout the Pokedex tab. I think you'll like that I implemented Living Pokedex features and I'll probably implement Living Move Dex features if that's a thing too. Also the Oak's Opinion has "Living Pokedex" response assuming that's the case. I assume you have to have all Unown forms so that's required for the rating. I'm gonna look through your Pokemon Box save and record the information of various Pokemon and then see if I can track them down in the save.

    Edit 3: Apprently you need a GBA game connected just to browse. Well that's never gonna happen on Dolphin. Hey HaxAras I have another request... I'll need a screenshot of every box and I'll need some information about select pokemon in each box recorded. For example: Species, Nickname (If applicable), Level, And Moves (in order, left to right, top to bottom). That information should be enough to spot each pokemon and determine the box structure. Also the screenshot you posted earlier of what was in your box was either out of date or more up to date than in the save, I spotted a Lv100 Snorlax with tackle, a couple ghastly, and ALOT of Metagross in English and Japanese.

    Edit 4: Actually I could have been looking through one of the previous saves. So that may be why. Since I found your Pokemon's PID's 3 times I'm assuming there's 3 save slots. (The file structure works like this. Every time a new save is made the save slot with the lowest save count is overwritten)

    Edit 5: Can I ask you if you have a pair of clones of your Contest Pokemon in your Pokemon Box save? If so that would explain a lot and it would mean there's only 2 save slots which would help tremendously.

    Edit 6: I'VE DONE IT! I CAN READ EVERY POKEMON IN POKEMON BOX! Apparently the entire structure is EXTREMELY similar to how the GBA Pokemon save files are structured.

    Well, I had to work but it looks like you've figured it out. Do you still need screenshots or info from me?

  12. trigger_death said:
    That's expected. When pokemon don't have a nickname their nickname variable is physically stored as their species name. I just forgot to increment that. The exception in the Spoiler earlier. Did that happen on startup? If so I know why. And the Pokemon that became eggs? What game was this in?

    Also bad news. Looks like the encryption's not the same And it is encrypted. So I'm not sure if there's anything I can phsycally do to read Pokemon Box. I really gotta praise the guy who made PkmGCSaveEditor since I don't think there's ANY save documentation anywhere on the GameCube game save formats.

    Are you saying there's a GameCube save editor out there somewhere? I've been messing with A-save and the Colosseum/XD save editors a lot lately. I save and import Pokemon between the programs. If I could do the same with Box.

    Yeah, I've had several of those start-up problems. I've just been re-downloading the program and copying over the boxes files and the files that store my items and now, main. And while I'm at it. I'll like to say, you have my eternal gratitude! I'm just getting started with in-game trade mail and I found out my Emerald save was full.


    I think I'm just going to get roms of every GBA language before I buy the actual carts just so I can finish this in-game trade/mail project. I have English and French in-game trades and mail for Ruby/Sapphire. I never knew just how much of an undertaking this would be.

  13. trigger_death said:
    I'll have to look into that. At the moment I'm attempting Pokemon Box. I'm really crossing my fingers that the encryption is the same since it was released a few months apart from Colosseum but I'm not too hopeful since it wasn't developed by the same company. I shall post my results later.

    Alright, awesome! That would be so wonderful. I have maybe 3 full boxes left on Pokemon Box and 21 currently occupied in your tool.

    I just item evolved another one of my Huntail and I actually encountered the same glitch as before. It was named Clampearl for some reason.

  14. trigger_death said:
    xD Support is here! Rejoice! And I've fixed all the bugs (I think) from yesterday's release.

    What were the bugs? I was messing with a French Ruby save today and found a few (I think) myself.

    Typical Gen 3, when I item evolved my Skitty and Clampearl, they kept their previous names like it was a nickname.

    I changed the ball of a couple Poktmon as well and every one that I evolved or changed the ball of, became some kind of egg. I'm not sure if they were bad eggs because I would never in a trillion years, learn French. But I was able to un-check the egg option in A-save to fix them.


    System.Windows.Markup.XamlParseException: The invocation of the constructor on type 'PokemonManager.Windows.PokeManagerWindow' that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot set Owner property to a Window that has not been shown previously.

    at System.Windows.Window.set_Owner(Window value)

    at PokemonManager.Windows.TriggerMessageBox.Show(Window window, String message, String title, MessageBoxButton buttons)

    at PokemonManager.PokeManager.LoadPokeManager()

    at PokemonManager.PokeManager.Initialize(PokeManagerWindow managerWindow)

    at PokemonManager.Windows.PokeManagerWindow..ctor()

    --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

    at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.Load(XamlReader xamlReader, IXamlObjectWriterFactory writerFactory, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlObjectWriterSettings settings, Uri baseUri)

    at System.Windows.Markup.WpfXamlLoader.LoadBaml(XamlReader xamlReader, Boolean skipJournaledProperties, Object rootObject, XamlAccessLevel accessLevel, Uri baseUri)

    at System.Windows.Markup.XamlReader.LoadBaml(Stream stream, ParserContext parserContext, Object parent, Boolean closeStream)

    at System.Windows.Application.LoadBamlStreamWithSyncInfo(Stream stream, ParserContext pc)

    at System.Windows.Application.LoadComponent(Uri resourceLocator, Boolean bSkipJournaledProperties)

    at System.Windows.Application.DoStartup()

    at System.Windows.Application.<.ctor>b__1(Object unused)

    at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)

    at MS.Internal.Threading.ExceptionFilterHelper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate method, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

  15. ajxpkm asked me to work on a project and here it is.

    Pokemon Ruby (French) - Complete save with the Mystery Gift activated and saved in front of Norman.

    (The save only has one Pokemon. I figured If I was putting 15 hours of work in, other people could put 5 minutes in to move some Pokemon over. I'm working on a French living dex and after I found a shiny Oddish and spent probably 30 minutes catching Voltorb, Electrode and Groudon and everything having my OT, I'd keep them to myself.)

  16. Not a competition though, haha. At the end of the day my goal is to have a "living PokeDex" with RoC as the OT. Most important thing is we have fun doing this :P

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I've got 5 living dexes and not a single one has me as the OT. (I have Yellow on the 3DS but it's only the 130 available Pokemon) It really is something to be proud of though. So worth the extra effort.

  17. Please, for the love of arceus, if you do this do not spread them around. so far in 8 years i haven't seen any other floating around and i'm pretty sure if there is it would be faked. Only 2/5 of the kids were willing to trade the goruchans and even then it took a lot of convincing and a lot of time finding translators to convince the kids.

    Oh, believe me! I have no intention of sharing. I have a Teeter Dance Pichu but I have no way of confirming if it's legit or not. Even if I upload it with a warning, somebody with malicious intent could download it and ignore the warning and use it as trade fodder. Other people could also download it and pass it around without the warning as well. If the Pichu is real, it's too rare to release but I can never know so it will just stay in my personal collection. Earlier I saw a thread where somebody tried to contribute a Wish Chansey and somebody else came along and said that it was a fake and that they'd received it in the past as well.

    Don't get me wrong. I'll settle for replica's when and where I can't get the real stuff but I'm just as much of a legit Pokemon collector as everybody else.

  18. When I went to WOLRDS09 i saw Gorugo of pokemon sunday (guy wih the hitler/chaplin mustache) going around and trading people from different countries. I managed to get 2 of the pokemon he traded while i was in line for autographs. they arent real events like the others in the collection but at the time they were valued equal if not more than the fan club gts. I'm not sure how many he gave out but I know on that day he gave out at least 5 because he was only looking for people from specific countries. like how the piplup was from a kid who traveled from france and the magnezone was given to a kid from spain.

    though if you plan on looking for more just give up searching already haha. he didn't seem like he wanted to trade anyone who was over 13 haha

    I've been working on personal-replica Pokemon of all the events I can't download.

    If I can find files of them, I'll download them but otherwise I'll make my own. (Assuming there's any info on them.) I'll be doing the same for the GTS events. Of course they'll never be real. But most of the events I've downloaded from this site are cloned thousands of times. I just like having the awesome trophy collection regardless.

  19. This is nice, but what's up with the random hacked shiny Charizard in the Japanese events box? :P


    Why include it if you weren't even sure it was an event, but yet you say, to the best of your knowledge, all Pokémon in this save are legit.

    Japanese or not, if it's legit it has to be an event.

    It is an event, however. Pre-order movie ticket for Jirachi: Wish Maker. And afaik it was also distributed at Pokémon Festa and World Hobby Fair, and through Corocoro.

    Not to diss on the amount of work that went into this save or anything, but if you do want everything in the save file to all be legit events, then Pokémon which you aren't sure of probably shouldn't be added until you're certain they are fine.

    The Japanese Jirachi in the HaxAras box turned out to be a movie Jirachi. The info just never got updated. For example, the third Jirachi in the box HaxAras is also a Channel Jirachi. Here are the Pokemon I contributed and how I obtained them.

    Ageto Celebi - Obtained from my friend Mike and myself using my Japanese Colosseum Save and bonus disks.

    Mattle Ho-oh (JPN) - Obtained myself from beating Mt.Battle on the Japanese Colosseum

    Colosseum Pikachu - Obtained myself using my Japanese Colosseum bonus disk.

    Japanese Berry Fix Zigzagoon - Given to me by my friend Mike.

    Mitsuruni/Jungle Tour Celebi - Obtained by my friend Mike and sent to me.

    Wishmaker Jirachi (Shiny & Non) - I contributed the shiny Wishmaker Jirachi. Mike downloaded the shiny Wishmaker Jirachi save from this site and used it to obtain the Jirachi for himself before sending it to me. I contributed the leveled Wishmaker Jirachi in the HaxAras box. (I may have sent others, I don't remember.)

    Mattle Ho-oh - Obtained myself, from clearing the English Colosseum.

    Rocks Metang - Found on a GameFAQ's save.

    JEREMY - All 3 were found on the same save.

    English Agate Celebi and Colos Pikachu. - Obtained myself using a GameCube Action replay and English Colosseum disk. The Pokemon are on the disk and translated (Not entirely) but you can get them with the right code. I have a video of the process.

    Elemental Hyper Beam Johto Starters - Beat Mt.Battle in PKMN xD: 3 times to get them.

    Surfing Pichu - Filled Pokemon Box to get it.

    Contest Pokemon - Used a GameFaq's page to find templats for the Pokemon before catching/breeding them.

    Battle Tower Team - Bred myself, Suicune was caught myself in Colosseum. (Needed a legit, below LV.50 Suicune that was bold for the Emerald Battle Frontier.) Thanks to a friend Cody"TheMachine" for the templates.

    3 Jirachi in the HaxAras Box - Stated above but I'll say it again. Channel Jirachi (GameFaq's save), JPN Jirachi (Given to my by my friend Mike. Is a Japanese movie Jirachi), Wishmaker Jirachi (Obtained myself back in 2008)

    Southern Island - Obtained myself using my E-reader and Eon Ticket. Japanese one may have been mine or Mikes, I can't remember.

    Navel Rock - Obtained by Mike, sent to me.

    Pokemon Box Eggs - Obtained myself by repeated use and filling Pokemon Box. (Legal/legit copy of the game.)

    Box of Berry Fix Zigzagoon - Tediously generated using my Interactive Multi Game Demo Disk. (V.16) (Different from the entire save I uploaded elsewhere on this site.)


    The Japanese Pokemon I obtained from my friend Mike and the shiny Wishmaker Jirachi.

    - Before I had a 3DS R4, we used to trade Pokemon to my Pokemon Colosseum save and back it up and send it to eachother. He lives half the country away from me and that's how we used to send eachother Pokemon.

    Edit: I forgot to add. Mike bought a Japanese Fire Red on Ebay. It had all the Japanese event Pokemon he sent to me as well as an un-used ticket. Which he used to go catch 1 of each of the Navel Rock Pokemon.

    Action Replay Codes to get the un-released Pokemon found here.


    Video of me getting the Agate Celebi and Colos Pikachu here.

    A copy of my Pokemon Colosseum save can be found here.


    (I'm only posting these to show as much proof as I can that these were obtained legit by me and where I got them, where info can be found. If you want a 3 hour video of me beating Mt.Battle for the 9th time, I can add that too.)

  20. First off, I'm a BIG FAN of what you're doing here. I got so excited reading about your work last night that I couldn't sleep. I have few questions: Can this be done without ROMs, or simply put, no Computer usage except for the Hex Editor? Also, what hardware/software did you end up using at each step, which were ROMs and which were physical copies? Finally, have you done any work with the Ageto Celebi, or is that matter already solved and done by another?

    As far as Ageto Celebi, are you talking about a complete Colosseum/GBA save? I've contributed both of those online already and I've used a GCN AR to get an English one.

  21. Going through the list of files to sort it looks like I lost a lot of 4th Gen events, no idea where the files went. Oh well.

    Also found the Pokémon Secure website (no harm in talking about it, inactive for 2+ years), unfortunately my access to their file sections got revoked lol. Anyone still remember them though? #throwbackthursday :P

    You don't seem that broken up. Isn't that a huge loss?

    yes i do......

    assholes took my goruchans spread them all around and banned after i was the one who drove 2 hours to san diego to get weavile and the goruchans for them.

    by the way i still have all my gen 4 event files that were legit checked by my old trading partner DannyBo1 (not sure if you know that name) if you want them. i think i have around like 3000 though, used to do some wonder card farming.

    What is a goruchan?

    @ReignOfComputer it's all good. I attached it so everyone else can enjoy. I have a feeling you may not want to add all of them especially with 300 just from korea hahaha.

    Well, I gotta say. I appreciate it more than you know. As an event hoarder and Pokemon collector. I collect foreign Pokemon and I find Korean and Italian to be the hardest to get my grubby hands on. Cloned or not.

  22. trigger_death said:
    Thanks I try. ^_^ This is officially my favorite project I've ever worked on. I keep adding features because I don't ever want it to end. (That and xD support is still a must).

    It's great when a project you're working on is a labor of love. It makes it so much more enjoyable. xD: support will also be very much appreciated from my end. I'm trying to get all of the Colosseum/XD Pokemon completely UT.

  23. trigger_death said:
    Yup. The EasyChat system used for mail apparently has the exact same codes basically translated no matter what language. I'll probably add a setting for mail stored on Trigger's PC to read it in Japanese. As for actually writing the messages in Japanese. I could attempt doing the same method for the English EasyChat messages which was a text dump of a certain region of the file. But I'd need to know the translation for the first word in the location where EasyChat is stored so I can find it. The other setback is I don't have any way to read all the Pokemon and Move names without excessive data entry. I'll try seeing if their stored consistantly in the file as well.

    You're always going above and beyond hahahahah. I just personally would like a way to move mail between games without trading. I tried saving my Pokemon using A-save but when I load them up, the mail is a Zigzagoon print and is completely corrupt. I remembered trouble even connecting to Pokemon Box before I deleted one and it was really difficult to delete.

  24. Black and White to me were kinda ok when they first came out. But since B2/W2, which improved -so much- on the original B/W... I can't stand the original B/W anymore. They definitely rank at the very bottom of my list.

    Can't wait for Diamond/Pearl remakes :3 probably skip Gen. V remakes if it ever comes to that though tbh. Will have to see how they turn out.

    I didn't even notice all these replies at first. I loved the music and PC system in DPP. Hoenn will always be my favorite but I couldn't agree more about Platinum being so good, that it made Diamond and Pearl harder to go back to at first. They're also really slow. I was playing Platinum a few months ago and Pearl on the side and it wasn't too bad after a while. But back in 2007-2009, I'd put over 400 hours into my Pearl save and then another 400 into Platinum so the changes were very noticeable. I used to use the VS seeker to re-battle the trainers north of Orbergh and train in the resort in Platinum. The biggest thing that annoyed me about HG/SS was the lack of a VS seeker or decent way to re-battle trainers.

    Gen 6 has a lot of problems for me as well. The insufferable rivals, the characters gigantic heads, the camera angles always changing. I don't like what they did with the trainer cards or the hall of fame either. The removal of the Pokeballs pocket, just making the items pocket more cluttered and the berries pocket not showing you berry count until you hover over them.

    I'm definitely going to try my best to enjoy all of the games as I play through them all again myself. I want to get my own collection of static Pokemon, living dexes and in-game trades at the lowest legal level. I'll contribute anything I can as well.

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