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Everything posted by HydroSage

  1. Too bad PokeGen won't support this Gen games
  2. And this is the part where hacking and emulating pokemon games come to an end.
  3. I'm using black 2 ROM
  4. I have made it as far as the NARC extraction step, whenever i drag the overworld narc into the editor file i get "Could not open file. Unsupported file format". Also could u make a tutorial on how to use NPCE? thank you sorry for the many questions
  5. I get an error when i try to open the lua scripting "lua51.dll was not found. please get it into your PATH or in the same directory as desmume.exe" any ideas?
  6. Thank you for your time and response kaphotics!
  7. Hello guys, I am looking to insert the gym leaders of all regions into one area (the way you do in HGSS where you challange the gym leaders at the dojo) I know I can battle them at the PWT but I rather challange them all in one area without the tournament gimmicks. If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.
  8. It would be interesting to see luvdisc evolve into alomomola, same as taurus into bouffalant, then again any new pre/evolutions to older ones would be great but I'm more excited for a completely new set of pokemon.
  9. RubenPikachu, do you know the codes for the sprite tab? I would like to change the trainer sprites without having to choose the special trainers.
  10. Is there any way to edit the non downloable tournaments? I'm not sure if anyone is working on creating tournaments; I had an idea about making a tourney which has the rivals/playable characters as the participants (Lucas, Dawn, Hilbert, Hilda, Nate, Rosa, Barry, Hugh) just a random thought.
  11. HydroSage

    Therian Forms

    does anyone have the .pkm or pgf files for the American therian forms?
  12. Since when is paying for someone's hard work a bad thing? If u are sick you would pay a doctor;if you want fast food you would pay the restaurant. People need to relax, what Codr is doing is perfectly acceptable, if you don't want to pay then simply use a different program from someone who doesn't mind being freeloaded from. On another note; Codr I am wondering if your program would support a way to trigger the "unova link" feature/transfer game data from BW? And a way to get the PWT downloads for those of us who play on emulator. Just a couple of questions, not demands. Thanks for your hard work.
  13. I know people have mentioned this before, is there any way for the new version to allow "Unova Link/Memory Link"? I know there are codes out there; but it would be nice to have our own BW data transfer to our B2W2 game
  14. I am wondering if anyone has used the "All PWT" code and if the code unlocks the downloadble tournaments as well. If not, is there any code that could do that? I use ROM to play. Thanks in advance.
  15. I was wondering if there is an updated version of Pokemon Evolution Editor that supports B2W2; the one i have just supports BW and i get an error message when i try to use it with B2W2. Thanks in advance.
  16. Codr, You have my support; I will totally pay for this because its a program worth using and owning. I don't understand why some individuals are freaking out, its the same as paying for a phone app (if you like it, then get the full version). Keep up the good work; I appreciate your hard work. I would like to see an option to input max IV, EV, PP Ups instead of manually entering each one. And did you say it might support FR/LG/RSE? Thanks.
  17. Does anyone have AR codes for pokemon black 2 USA? im looking for 100% catch rate. Thanks!
  18. Oh, I just wanted to be able to complete all of the side stuff on the game, since I have nothing else to do...do you know the m,x,y,z for that area?
  19. ok, thanks for taking the time to reply =)
  20. Im using pokegen on my pokemon black file, when i go to the pokedex option i'm only able to choose "all" for the "languages" option for pokemon from every other region except the unova ones, how come?
  21. Hello, I am wondering if there is any way in which emulator users could activate "Unity Tower" in pokemon BW. Is there any way to pokegen/pokesav pokemon and make them appear to be traded and from different countries that could register in Unity Tower?
  22. I meant for people who play on emulators?
  23. is there any way to get "pokemon world tournament" downloads through pokegen, etc?
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