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10 Good

About Pseudonym.

  • Birthday 01/30/1997
  1. I'm not basing these off of power/efficiency in battle, because my favorites consist mostly of Pokemon I think look "cool". Some of them animate if you hover your mouse over them(: **NOTE** Some of the sprites didn't work and this took way too long not to post, so sorry if some of them don't appear. Normal Fire Water Electric Grass Ice Fighting Poison Ground Flying Psychic Bug Rock Ghost Dragon Dark Steel
  2. I definitely prefer Google Chrome for its speed and sleek look, but if I had to use another I'd either choose Firefox or Internet Explorer. I've never tried Opera and I can't stand Safari.
  3. I chose White because I thought Zekrom looked like a boss.
  4. Bidoof, Zubat, Golbat, Budew, Geodude, Sunflora, Pignite, Dunsparce, Luvdisc, Grotle, Budew, TENTACOOL, Burmy, Shellos, Gastrodon, Chingling, Patrat, Watchog, Pansage, Pansear, Panpour, Simipour, Tympole, Stunfisk, and Keldeo. Reason because ew.
  5. My first shiny was a Voltorb on Emerald. This was before I knew anything about shinies and I seriously thought it was a glitch in the game... Noobprobz.
  6. Haha, welcome to PP, Jarinakis!
  7. Charmander all the way. I can't resist Charizard, I mean c'mon...
  8. Raikou and Tyranitar! demz mah bbz. (:
  9. Randomspot555 is probably right, but it almost sounds like they just combined Giratina's Origin and Altered Formes into one, possibly?
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