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Everything posted by Kirixa

  1. bump because it still bugs my mind D:
  2. Have you still not found him? If not: you should find him when you try to walk into his gym, then at prime pier (with bianca and iris), then to the far left of the semicircle-road and then in the rocket headquarters across the street from his gym.. I'm player voltwhite v2.0(?) and a friend played the older version (I guess 1.2?) and neither of us have had any problem with the matter.. Cheers
  3. Unbelievable.. I never get lucky.. Then again, it's kind of unlucky that my only luck has chosen to appear in a game rather than making me richer, but it's a start D: Thanks for answering so quickly (: Oh also: I found that the first rotation battle (gym 1) did not have the option to switch around the pokemon you've sent out.. I don't know whether that's true for all the rotation battles but it might be something to look into.. Cheers!
  4. I'm not sure whether this is the place this should go but I reckon the mods would be so friendly as to replace this to wherever it should :'D The old gengar sprite reminds me of something.. or someone.. a cartoon character perhaps.. I can't really put my finger on it and it annoys me so, so much I've already thought of mutley and the cheshire cat but neither really do it for me.. Does anyone else see it or have a suggestion who or what this old sprite might resemble? D: Cheers!
  5. Arbok is just anaconda spelt backwards.
  6. I love the gb player SO MUCH but getting it that late in the game was a shame. If they would've just ran with the gb player from the very first moment (like a mysterious package appearing at the door when you leave the house) I would've sent letters of praise to gamefreak that very instance and would have loved heartgold so so much more than I did now
  7. Wouldn't it be possible to reteach surf/fly to the pikachu through the move relearn guy? Or is that not how it works? I've never actually researched much into him.. D:
  8. Sorry bro, I didn't see your post there and accidentally stole your topic title Other than that, welcome I guess - not that I've been around long enough to be able to welcome someone I think.. It's the thought that matters though, isn't it :'D Cheers!
  9. Heya, I'd like to have a shot (: It's a nice signature to look at and I like what you've done with the border! There are just one or two things, which aren't disturbing at all but since you asked for CnC I'll be glad to share. 1. There's the lighting, you've done a nice job on the background but the character is a bit bland. There are some possibilities with the render you've chosen since its lighting isn't too over apparent. Remember though that lighting isnt just burning/dodging - it's best to take the color of your lighting and brush over your image on a new layer a bit and then set the layer mode (overlay, soft light, etc) and opacity. Also darker spots are more saturated but obviously less bright. The opposite is true for brighter areas. 2. The blending, this is something which is always difficult and sucks alltogether. I for one am not that great at blending but it's essential to make a sig look like a whole instead of a background with a render slapped on. Things you could try to blend includes putting up a dust cloud and having parts of the render disapear behind the dust cloud which makes it more included in the picture or something the like.. It's hard to explain exactly how it works but if you can get it done it'll make any sig look a hundred times better. Again, you've done a good job on this one (especially for someone who's been out for a long time, I know what that's like) but these are just some pointers which might increase the quality of your work. Either way, keep it up! They do say practice makes perfect (: Cheers!
  10. Hey there! I'm new to the forums, eventhough I've been about, reading topics for interesting things I finally decided that this forum was one I'd sign up to. You yourself might subscribe to every one out there but there are SO many interesting forums nowadays and it's such a hassle to sign up since I always get those code thingies wrong. As I did here, I also messed up the knowledge question answering it as a word instead of a number That aside, I'm 19 years old, I live in the Netherlands, I have a lame supermarket job and I have just finished my finals which means university next year (: Gameswise I'm interested in the Final Fantasy series (especially 10), Kingdom Hearts series (especially 1 and BBS), Uncharted series, pokemon series obviously (especially gold) and anything I deem funny at the time (layton, ghosttrick, disgaea, mmos). Musicwise I love Avenged Sevenfold, Iron Maiden, Metallica, Megadeth, Stone Sour, SlipKnot, Taking Dawn, Hail the Villain, Kanye West () and well the list goes on and on.. check out my last.fm for more info on that topic. Anyway, ask me questions - I usually feel like helping out, or putting my thinking cap on, discussing subjects and fantasizing about possibilities and what I think /should/ happen (coughcoughsquareshouldkickenixcoughcoughgamefreakshouldmakemmos/consolegamescoughcough). So yeah, that's it! Cheers (:
  11. Do you mean the Game ID? The one that you have to enter with the name of the game? If so, it's included in the "Action Replay Codes.rtf" file, included in the download but I guess I can help you out here For Blazeblack it's: IRBO E91C9E43 For Voltwhite it's: IRAO F522025B In case you meant a cheat which you have to turn on so the other ones work (like with the action replay for the ps1 I used to have), I don't believe there is any D: I hope I was able to help. Cheers!
  12. @nscian12 Use r4cce its a program which allows you to edit the cheats in the usrcheat file you already have. It's pretty easy to use: open the program from the zip -> go file>import and select your usrcheat.dat file then click the new game button on top and enter the name and gamecode (included in the AR cheats doc). Then start adding the cheats you want to be using (I suggest at least the rematch trainer, increase battle message speed and perhaps the IV/EV check). Then just go file>save and overwrite the old one, this takes a little while (10ish seconds I guess) and you can start playing with cheats (: Pointer: be sure to add the cheats for your game, those for the other game don't work (experience with that ) On to my question: has the critical capture multiplier been changed? I had three crit captures in a row just now D: Cheers!
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