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About Hylianzero

  • Birthday 11/18/1988

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  1. There's work on this over on GBATemp. You have to inject the clothing blocks into your save like in SwSh
  2. I'm trying to edit a pokemon to be an Alpha. Nothing I do will make it appear legal. I think I need to edit an entry in Extra Bytes to match the flag, but I don't know which one. I was wondering if there was a list of what these entries do? ex: 0x52 needs to match the value for Height to be shown as legal.
  3. Is there a place where I can download older builds of PKHex?
  4. I swear I could do this before, but I'm not sure. All of the XY added Megas can be forme changed, but the ones from ORAS cannot. I checked a handful of them and the trend was there, but I don't think I checked them all.
  5. I... huh. Well, apparently something was going wrong with me typing names in and then using arrows to select. Thank you, this appears to have resolved my issue.
  6. I'm attempting to edit the wild encounter table for Route 2 in Pokemon X and I'm getting an error from PK3DS everytime I attempt to save my changes. "UNhandled exception has occurred in you application. If you click Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit, the application will close immediately. Value was either too large or too small for a UInt16." I get the same error no matter what I try to edit into the Wild Encounter tables.
  7. Do we have an Encounter Modifier yet? Auto-Run, Double Walking Speed, Computer Anywhere, or rematch trainers for Black?
  8. Could you post a guide to editing Mart Items? This is worth learning HEX editing for. I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. So, how do you find the correct files for these tools?
  10. Can I make a request? If so, I would LOVE to see that Mart tool be the next tool you make. Would you make it compatible with both BW and BW2?
  11. I haven't been able to find anything as of yet, but I'm interested in it.
  12. Awesome, thank you. Do you know of a Mart editing tool, by chance?
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