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Everything posted by mew512

  1. downlaod pokesav platinum if you cant under stand it and read the options from there then do it on pokesav HG/SS worked for me now have all starters ---------- Post added at 02:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:47 PM ---------- and you can edit pokemon on the platinum version then save it then load it on to HG/SS version so much easyier than trying to find the pokemon you eant with all the jumbled letters btw im using HG/SS version 0.02
  2. is there a english one some where ??
  3. is there a gudie on how to script edit in platinum i want to learn to hel[p with this hack http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=173788 if you are a good scripter though please help with this hack it looks really good thanks
  4. the shaymin WILL TURN INTO SKY SHAYMIN with the GRAIDEA FLOWER i know this i have tryed it so many times btw i didnt read the other posts so... if people have already said this then oh well it wrked for me so good luck
  5. what you have to do is put a crap pokemon there in the pc where the wired one is then select release this happened to me last year then i figured it out hope i helped
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