okay. umm
1) me and my friends played agaisnt each other legitly until i got an AR and cheated Ev stats and getting pokemon and easyly teaching them moves. by stats i mean doing the EV training with a press of a button. I have brought it to school and now there are poke groups at my high school ranging from the football players to the math club ect. MOST people i know are legitly breeding thier poke but i have started to cheat them in the wild and changing natures to help make things move faster.
2) like i said i use an AR to make things quick. i dont over stat them just to make sure the game is even
3) umm an AR is advised. there are plenty of posts on this site for help with codes and such. u can refer to me for help
* When i make a team i think about it and i write them down. then i go to Serebii.net to look at their moves base stats ect ect. i used to go to smogon but they dont have 5th Gen up yet.
for 4th and so on i use smogon to help me build move sets
for the 5th teams i think up of, i try to think of a pokemon rarely used, (when we battle it is mix of OU UU ect.) then find out how to play them.
for my raindance dual team i lead with accelgor
hydration- toxic- protect- rain dance- rest
i try to make up a team that doesnt revovle around swords dance all the time.
like a secrene grace with air slash kings rock.
i use the AR to make the team quick and test battle them
hope this helped idk haha