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Everything posted by QOPDOB

  1. for just be legal i thnink he means random battle elligible. what works is i have done with my ar is caught a lvl 50 and i can use it what is banned is EV's over 510 moves that cant be learned like the move modifer. even if it can learn it thru breeding and its not breed but u teach it the move it wont let u in.
  2. okay. umm 1) me and my friends played agaisnt each other legitly until i got an AR and cheated Ev stats and getting pokemon and easyly teaching them moves. by stats i mean doing the EV training with a press of a button. I have brought it to school and now there are poke groups at my high school ranging from the football players to the math club ect. MOST people i know are legitly breeding thier poke but i have started to cheat them in the wild and changing natures to help make things move faster. 2) like i said i use an AR to make things quick. i dont over stat them just to make sure the game is even 3) umm an AR is advised. there are plenty of posts on this site for help with codes and such. u can refer to me for help * When i make a team i think about it and i write them down. then i go to Serebii.net to look at their moves base stats ect ect. i used to go to smogon but they dont have 5th Gen up yet. for 4th and so on i use smogon to help me build move sets for the 5th teams i think up of, i try to think of a pokemon rarely used, (when we battle it is mix of OU UU ect.) then find out how to play them. for my raindance dual team i lead with accelgor hydration- toxic- protect- rain dance- rest i try to make up a team that doesnt revovle around swords dance all the time. like a secrene grace with air slash kings rock. i use the AR to make the team quick and test battle them hope this helped idk haha
  3. has someone said its border line yet?
  4. in my personal opinion i am happy cuz i need him for my rain dance team. in 5th gen tail glow is a plus 3 stage increase with 1 calm mind then a tail glow he cant be 1 hit KO and now he can sweep almost anyone. im very happy
  5. i belive it does work imdeaitly. sorry for grammer haha. but i am doing a 2v2 with my pal against some people at school and we made a rain dance team. accelgor lead with his bulked up seismitoad. rain dance then swift swim should let him attack. i will let u know how it goes
  6. thats what u got ice beam there for tho. replace flash for tri atttack.
  7. when building a swampert i advise to make him an all out lead scout sweeper. my friends team starts out scout swam with ice beam EQ surf and stone edge. his brother starts out with a Froslass- it has speed ev and like SPat but he throws out 3 layers of spikes then destiney bonds out. its such a bitch. and a lot of people forget he's a ghost also. PS u have a lot of rain dancers
  8. a ninjask sub baton swords and some sort of attack. just a sugestion. but for ur porygon2 im thinking tri attack for STAB for chance to cuz some sort of status effect. or since he can take a hit maybe hyperbeam for bulky guys. hits 225. on my porygonz i think it has dark pulse hyperbeam tri attack and like recover i dont remmeber.
  9. swampert lead? and for a baton passer try ninjask with Swords baton sub and some attack incase of taunt
  10. my partner -Seismitoad _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) Swift Swim {LEAD Scout} [ Earth power- Surf* - Poison Jab* - Earthquake ] - unknown -Ferrothorn _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) iron barbs {TANK} [ Gyro Ball - Grass Knot - Stealth Rocks* - Power Whip* ] - unknown -Zebstrika _ lvl 50 _ (Modest) Lightning Rod {SWEEPER} [ Lighting Bolt - Flame Charge - Volt Switch* - Pursuit* ] - unknown My Team -Accelgor _ lvl 50 _ (Calm) Hydration {LEAD Rain Dancer Stall} [ Toxic - Protect/Substitute - Rain Dance - Rest ] - Damp Rock -Alomomola _ lvl 50 _ (Calm) Hydration {HEALER} [ Soak - Heal Pulse - Rest - Waterfall* ] - Leftovers -Jellicent _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) Water Absorb {TANK} [ Water Spout* - Shadow Ball - Scald - Ice Beam ] – unknown Seismitoad lead Accelgor lead this is a 2v2 between me and my bud (Team rocket) agaisnt two football players (poke crew) we play at highschool but i dont know what they have and they dont know what i got also dont rage or advise about the natures and EVs its taken care of. I set up rain dance with the fastest base speed in the 5th Gen metagame [damp rock 8 turns] this allows hydration to work and activates swift swim. allowing the slow Seismitoad to attack 2nd. seismitoad opens with eq unless a grass is out. this hurts me but i just rest it off. we have surf STAB Rd to move out fire pokemon and a poison move to kill off unsuspecting grass. anything else well we will have to think on our feet. Seismitoad stays out as a scout making the team switch out. i keep Accelgor out with the constant rest sub toxic combo once i get KO i switch to Jellicent if Seismitoad is still healthy if not then i heal with MoMo Jellicant gets hit by surf for heals while hitting the whole other team. Electric Poke are scared to switch out because they dont hit Seismitoad and he has STAB EQ My partner has the zebra to switch into for STAB 100% Thunder flame charge for those pesky grass guys. and lighting rod to take all the elec hits while i have my 2 waters out He also has FerroTank max bulky defense/Sp D to talk heavy hits. if they throw out a fire poke to hit ferro i have 2 rain dance Stabbers ready to come in. MoMo with Ferro both hard to take down. high hp with a big d tank. both have 2 KO moves atleast and MoMo can heal allies and Rest off damage. MoMo with Zebra. Soak to thunder. 1 KO This Co-Team consists of Poke built to make the game last long with SR and toxic wearing down on them while there is constant heals with heavy water stabs.
  11. my partner -Seismitoad _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) Swift Swim {LEAD Scout} [ Earth power- Surf* - Poison Jab* - Earthquake ] - unknown -Ferrothorn _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) iron barbs {TANK} [ Gyro Ball - Grass Knot - Stealth Rocks* - Power Whip* ] - unknown -Zebstrika _ lvl 50 _ (Modest) Lightning Rod {SWEEPER} [ Thunder - Flame Charge - Volt Switch* - Pursuit* ] - unknown My Team -Accelgor _ lvl 50 _ (Calm) Hydration {LEAD Rain Dancer Stall} [ Toxic - Protect/Substitute - Rain Dance - Rest ] - Damp Rock -Alomomola _ lvl 50 _ (Calm) Hydration {HEALER} [ Soak - Heal Pulse - Rest - Waterfall* ] - Leftovers -Jellicent _ lvl 50 _ (unknown) Water Absorb {TANK} [ Water Spout* - Shadow Ball - Scald - Ice Beam ] - unknown * - subject for change or unknown or unconfirmed Okay now for the explanation! We (Team Rocket) are battling another poke group at my high school its me and my bud against two other football players who also have their own group (poke crew) its a 5th Gen 2v2 going down on Monday most likely. im borrowing the Jellicent from my partners brother. didn't feel like catching and training it. All Ev's are built with the Natures so dont Rage about it. I do not know what my Foes have. Okay! Seismitoad lead Accelgor lead I set up rain dance with the fastest base speed in the 5th Gen metagame [damp rock 8 turns] this allows hydration to work and activates swift swim. allowing the slow Seismitoad to attack 2nd. seismitoad opens with eq unless a grass is out. this hurts me but i just rest it off. we have surf STAB Rd to move out fire pokemon and a poison move to kill off unsuspecting grass. anything else well we will have to think on our feet. Seismitoad stays out as a scout making the team switch out. i keep Accelgor out with the constant rest sub toxic combo once i get KO i switch to Jellicent if Seismitoad is still healthy if not then i heal with MoMo Jellicant gets hit by surf for heals while hitting the whole other team. Electric Poke are scared to switch out because they dont hit Seismitoad and he has STAB EQ My partner has the zebra to switch into for STAB 100% Thunder flame charge for those pesky grass guys. and lighting rod to take all the elec hits while i have my 2 waters out He also has FerroTank max bulky defense/Sp D to talk heavy hits. if they throw out a fire poke to hit ferro i have 2 rain dance Stabbers ready to come in. MoMo with Ferro both hard to take down. high hp with a big d tank. both have 2 KO moves atleast and MoMo can heal allies and Rest off damage. MoMo with Zebra. Soak to thunder. 1 KO This Co-Team consists of Poke built to make the game last long with SR and toxic wearing down on them while there is constant heals with heavy water stabs. PLEASE COMMENT telling what i should/might fix and what u think would take out this team so i can work around it. Thank you!
  12. is there a code out there to boost stats like the max EV and IV but not to 999 like to say i want my azumarill to be faster with my ar.
  13. i figured it out lol u have to press x on the code to edit it
  14. okay i got that but related question. i can only have have code to one ability? i would have to have multiple codes for differnt abilties? is there a way to go into it and edit the code instead of putting in new ones?
  15. on the code for pokebox abilty change it says to change the "XX" part of the code where do i edit the code on my AR without having to type in a brand new code
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