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Everything posted by Twig

  1. Twig

    Wii U

    I think they are valid points. Developers would have to include support for the touchpad that would be exclusive for the Wii U, adding to this developers would have to port their games to a system that will initially not have nearly as large customer base as the PS3 and 360 do. I hope the Wii U will do well so I can replace my 360 with it, but I have my doubts this works out.
  2. Twig

    Wii U

    This is a post from another forum, and he brings up some good points.
  3. Twig

    Wii U

    With the 3DS being priced at $250, I can't see the Wii U being less than $350. That would be a $150 price difference to the base model Xbox 360, which seems unreasonable considering they have similar specs except for the controller. The Wii sold well because it targeted casual gamers and kids and was quite a bit cheaper than the PS3 and Xbox 360 at the time. I just can't see the Wii U selling well in the states with the price differential.
  4. Twig

    Wii U

    What are your thoughts about Nintendo's new console? I feel it has potential, but the Wii to me felt very gimmicky. I'm hoping the Wii U will have more online gaming support. I'm wondering about the price, the XBOX 360 and PS3 have both dropped in price this past year, and I'm wondering how Nintendo will compete with the $199 XBOX 360 price point. You can find more info here. Link
  5. Version History v1.0 Guide published. v1.1 Updated Gen II section, changed image host. Tour Pamphlet BW Mall Tour Pamphlet
  6. This is great work! Do you mind if I use these images in my Gen I & II event guide?
  7. An android pkmn file manager with a legal checker would be a great idea, being able to email and check pkmn files from my phone would be great. Even a port of pokegen would be great for android. Or better yet a port of the gts severs.
  8. I'm confused about one of the Pokemon you're offering. Did you mean the GBA Mystry Mew?
  9. My family and I went the the mall tour in Arcadia. It was really crowded, but because the tour was split into several different stations, it wasn't too bad. The prices at the Pokemon Center were pretty insane. $10 for a small plushie, $20 for a youth t-shirt. All in all we had fun, I picked up an adult XL Reshiram t-shirt, and Pikachu and Zorua plushies.
  10. I would say so, Nintendo created the event with the intent to distribute it. The reason it was leaked was because Nintendo already shipped the distrubtion cards to Gamestop.
  11. Yes, each mew is unique. The game save has the same OT/ID for each cart, but unique Mews in the PC boxes. This would mean that the game save was cloned, but that a program was used to generate unique Mews in each cart.
  12. Good work guys. If you need a third row, send me a pm.
  13. My family and I will be attending the event in Arcadia next weekend.
  14. I'm using Opera right now. I have used Firefox and Chrome in the past, but I'm happy using Opera.
  15. Bond697 asked me to look into this as well. I should have screenshots up either tonight or tomorrow night depening on when I get home.
  16. Welcome back old friend, it's been a long time.
  17. Great job! If anyone would upload a BW save file with the pokemon-gl skins, it would be a big help.
  18. Pokémon Generation II Event Guide **Not Completed** Written by Twig USA Nintendo Power Celebi Giveaway July, 2001 Six Flags Pokemon Fun Fest Summer, 2001 Source: Pokemon.com Source Source: Pokemon.com Pokemon.com Celebi Giveaway June, 2001 Source: Pokemon.com Gotta catch 'em all! Station (PCNY) September 17th, 2002 - January 2nd, 2003 Source: Pokemon.com Belgium Celebi Giveaway Date Unknown Source: Requiem Japan Source: Bulbapedia
  19. Pokémon Generation I Event Guide Written by Twig This is a guide for Pokémon Generation I events. Generation I consists of the Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow Game Boy Pokémon games. Generation I and II Pokémon are not able to be traded or imported to Generation III, IV, and V Pokémon games. I personally attended two of the Toysrus Mew giveaways as well the 2000 Pokémon Stadium Tour Mew giveaway. If you are going to cite any information in this guide, I ask that you give credit to me as the author of the guide. Special thanks to the following members for helping to contribute sections: Poryhack, Gold Ursaring, Requiem, Nirron, SnorlaxMonster, and Lady Ariel. CoroCoro Mew Giveaway 1996-1997 The Japanese magazine CoroCoro announced a contest for a Mew. CoroCoro gave away only 20 Mews, and received more than 78,000 contest entries. Nintendo Power Surfng Pikachu Giveaway October, 1999 In October of 1999, Nintendo Power annouced a giveaway for a surfing Pikachu. The Pikachu knew surf and could learn other water type moves. Only 1,000 Pikachus were distributed nationwide. The surfing Pikachu could be used to play the Pikachu surfing minigame in Pokémon yellow. Spaceworld Mew Giveaway November, 1999 Mew was distributed at the Spaceworld convention center in Tokyo to contest winners. Contestents who sent in entry cards were mailed confirmation letters to be taken to one of twenty Mew distribution stations at the convention. The contest winners handed their game paks to a Nintendo employee who plugged the cartridge into the Mew distribution machine. "Onscreen, a visual would appear of Mew heading through a cable into its new home" (Nintendo Power, 1999). The machine includes a Super Nintendo controller, and what looks to be a Super Nintendo with a modified Super Game Boy 2 adapter. Source: Pokemon.co.jp Nintendo Power Mew Giveaway November, 1999 In November of 1999, Nintendo Power announced a Mew giveaway. Only 1,000 Mews were distributed nationwide. Toysrus Mew Contest September 26, 1999 Source: IGN.com This is the Toysrus Mew Contest 'Peel & Win' sticker card. Below are pictures of the gameboy distribution cart sent to Toysrus for the event. 2000 Pokémon Stadium Tour Mew Giveaway July 10 - September 12, 1999 Source: Pokemon.com Source: Bulbapedia Nintendo employees handed out certificates of authenticity with the downloaded Mews. Each Mew's unique ID number was written onto the certificate of authenticity. Source: 1UP.com Blog If anyone has any information or corrections for the guide, please post below.
  20. Your welcome, happy to contribute to the community. If anyone has a specific request for a certain nature or moveset let me know.
  21. UPDATED I have attached 6 MYSTRY Mews that were Pal Parked in Pearl. MYSTRY Mew Move Tutor was taught Gen III move tutor attacks before being Pal Parked.
  22. This event has been released for a while, but each mew on the distribution cart is unique. The mews I will be releasing will have not been released before.
  23. I'm not distrubting the save files at this time. I will be releasing some of the mews imported through pal park to the community later on this week.
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