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Everything posted by Nigoli

  1. Probably one way to get two different distributions out if there's any besides Version Distribution, for some reason they like having multiple versions of the same Events.Or maybe they're just copying what they've done for Festa Electabuzz and Festa Magmar for the previous Generation's Wonder Cards with those being Version Exclusives.
  2. ^ The Black Version should be Distributed April 29th from what I've seen. It might or might not be much different than the White Version's Kibago.
  3. Card Title: キバゴ プレゼント Card Comment: ポケモンの イベントに 来てくれて ありがとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンターにいる 配達員から 受け取ってね!! Icon: Pokémon #610 Date Card Received: 2011/03/19 & 2011/04/29 034a Kibago Present (W).zip 034b Kibago Present (B).zip
  4. ^ I have more than enough Coupons on the save it seems. Someone can contribute a GBA Save for a Silver Trainer Card. I'm not doing that.
  5. ^ Is that from the Coupon Exchange? I'll have to check it out. I also don't own any Colosseum Discs at all, just this Bonus Disc.
  6. Here's 111 Ageto Celebis from the Japanese Colosseum Bonus Disc, Version 1. All transferred to an Emerald Save if anyone wanted to Pal Park this Event. This should also work with English Emerald, as the saves are compatible with each Region. This many were transferred strictly for variety of stats, different Natures, and helping out with the legality checker. Update #1: Pal Park files added from Heart Gold. Update #2: PokeShifter files added from Black.
  7. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?13955-%5BEmerald%5D-Ageto-Celebi-%28-121%29-Save
  8. If a seed is found for Ageto Celebi, I'll definitely be able to test. I own a Japanese Emerald, and own PCKJ (V1 of the Japanese Bonus Disc). I also have access to PCSJ (V2).
  9. I think the real question is why they would do this? My Opinions: 1) GameStop Employees probably would think the Celebi wasn't on the last Distribution. ~Probably not likely though. 2) Someone botched up with OT. TCPi? wants more consistency to go along with English Gold & Silver 10th Anniversary Mew and it's FAL2010 or whatever that was. It might have also seemed lazy of them to just put GAMESTP on all the Distributions. If it's coming from them, it has to be legit. If their response about the other one was confirmed legit, Twice now. It should be legit. I think that just settles it then. If it's the one you want to go for, then get the WIN2011 one IRL. If you're deciding which one to get, it's really about preference at this point.
  10. Yup. At least from what I've seen and heard.I haven't actually looked at it though. Probably no reason to at this point.
  11. This is just another reason why people would prefer the original Japanese Events. I'm happy I've made that choice long ago before this train wreck. :bidoof:
  12. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?6524-Pokmon-Mystery-Gift-Editor-%28v1-4-3%29-%28now-with-B-W-support%21%29&p=62854&viewfull=1#post62854
  13. Those sources are both wrong.http://nobutaboo.blog26.fc2.com/blog-entry-674.html http://ninapokediary.blog34.fc2.com/blog-entry-857.html http://park3.wakwak.com/~pokepale/get/get2_4.htm きまぐれ = Quirky
  14. Card Title: サトシのズルッグ プレゼント Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて おりかとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Icon: Pokémon #559 Date Card Received: 2011/01/28 031 Satoshi's Zuruggu Present.zip
  15. Card Title: ゾロアーク プレゼント Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて おりかとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Icon: Pokémon #571 Date Card Received: 2011/01/16 | 2011/02/15 030 Zoroark Present.zip
  16. It's how they're generated for the Location Met once you acquire them through Card Data / Gift.Fullmoon Island makes them Pokémon Event once you acquire them from the Poke Mart.
  17. These are from the Distribution Cart that has just recently been leaked. And has all 3 Johto Beasts, and with Celebi that also might be and probably is a GameStop distribution for Feburary 27th to March 7th 2011. Update: Recorrected file with proper filename and date for Celebi's Distribution. Movie 13 USA Wonder Cards.zip
  18. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?5164-Event-Contribution-Collection&p=109508&viewfull=1#post109508
  19. Card Title: ダークライ プレゼント Card Comment: ポケモンを あそんでくわて おりかとう! おくりものは ポケモンセンタ-にいる はいたついんから うけとってね! Icon: 491 Date Card Received: 2010/12/27 028 Darkrai Present.zip 491 Darkrai (ANA&Winter Break) [Brave&Quirky] 12-27-10.zip
  20. They're set.Yanappu is Male / Brave. Mamepato is Female / Hardy. Kibago is Male / Naive. Genders are based on the TV Anime, Best Wishes.
  21. I was able to get Kibago, and the other two a couple of other times restoring my save file that had not acquired the Wonder Card. And my Black save is set to Male.The Card should be random out of the possible three when you acquire it. Once it's obtained from Wi-Fi Connection or DS Download Station, I'm pretty sure it's locked to one of them.
  22. You'll have to find a way to get another save without it getting the Wonder Card, or find a way to modify your save to remove the Card ID. It works as a random Wonder Card (with all 3 being the same Card ID) rather than a Pokemon. Once acquired, it'll be locked to one Pokemon.
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