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About Teddiursa

  • Birthday 01/04/1992
  1. Yay, thank you guys so much for all of the hard work put into this
  2. Press X to bring up the Menu.
  3. I don't think I've ever had a level 100. I had my entire team level 100 in my original Red, but I abused MissingNo and the glitches that came with it to get thousands of rare candies to power up my all-fire-Pokemon team, but I don't really count that, lol. Hey, I was 6.
  4. So is this "Official v1" I keep hearing about an update from Beta v3?
  5. Some Flashcards don't need it. (Rather, a flashcard: SCDS2)
  6. You need to get a clean, unpatched ROM and then put the EXP Patch on it. Backup your current ROM, do not apply the patch to it.
  7. Curious - is it possible to change the main characters gender, name, and all of that jazz via PokeSav or some other Pokemon save editor? And if so, is it safe to do? (Ie, would any strange things happen in-game because of it? Would it somehow mess with the Friend Code and other WiFi capabilities?) I'm fed up with trying to dump my SoulSilver save and I'm looking to possibly just download a completed Sav like this one and then trade all my stuff to it.
  8. Just tossing in a request for the next update, would love to see the C-Gear menu translated and the untranslated parts of the opening menu finished. Thanks again for all the hard work, this is awesome so far.
  9. It shouldn't be very difficult to compile a patch for White, should it? I mean, if you have all of the files, it'll just be slightly different to compile a patch right? The ones of us playing White would greatly appreciate this!
  10. So, I don't want to sound rude or impatient, I and everyone else really appreciate the work you guys are doing, but I've heard for the past two days that a first version of the patch is imminent, but haven't seen anything yet. I'm just wondering if Kaz or Kaarosu or someone else in the know can gve an actual estimate for when the first version might be released? Thanks!
  11. Heard you guys might have a release tonight, haha I'm real tempted to stay up but I'll probably just get it in the morning. Awesome work guys!
  12. Translating the story requires a huge amount of work, and is generally not worth the effort, especially with games like Pokemon where it's pretty obvious what to do and they're going to be coming out in english anyways. However, translating things like moves, items, and names are extremely helpful and much appreciated!
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