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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. The program automatically retrieves the proper IP address you need to insert in your DS. Make sure the DNS in your DS corresponds with the one in the box. If you're behind a router, make sure you have Port 80 and...I think it's 53 open to your PC's IP address. Also make sure all firewalls are disabled.
  2. You need to start the GTS server, not the GDS server to distribute Pokemon. The GDS is an additional program to allow reservations to be distributed out via the GTS. EDIT: 1) You do not need to pay for this, although I wouldn't mind a donation 2) It can stay on as long as you want it to. I ran the program for nearly three days straight without issues. To successfully distribute a Pokemon, you need to have the DNS and GTS servers running. The GDS is optional.
  3. Granted but because we can live forever, overpopulation destroys the Earth and we all die of starvation. I wish for world peace.
  4. Hey all, I'm formlesstree4 (aka Shiny Jirachi), programmer of the Global Distribution System. Not much else to say actually... :rolleyes: I'll probably remember what else to say later on. Anyway, hello.
  5. SVN and the likes setup so I don't need to keep updating this topic so much >.> http://code.google.com/p/shinygts/ File all bug reports on the Issues tracker there; thanks.
  6. The research thread has some new data that is helpful.
  7. If the game sends an ID out, it can be used to do a switch inside the program to send the proper data.....but I dunno. We'll see.
  8. Try running it as Administrator or adding an exception to the Windows Firewall for Port 80.
  9. Thank you shiny quagsire. I plan on updating this system again soon, bug fixing the client (it's a mess sometimes still if it doesn't get what it wants) as well as a possible net code library to allow linking of multiple servers together which would involve the rewriting of a few parts to allow for searching and requesting to link across multiple servers. I'll need some testers for that to happen but would anyone be interested?
  10. Is there any log activity on either the DNS or GTS portions of the GDS GUI? I would also like to ask if you are using WiFi or a USB adapter.
  11. Drag the .pkm file onto the EXE itself.
  12. Uploaded new versions, compiled binaries and source code alike.
  13. That's good, glad to hear it.
  14. Now I can't help you with that. I'm sorry that that happened. Did you get it deposited right into your party or the PC box?
  15. Yay for Windows Firewall screwing things up. Glad you got it working though
  16. Anyway, there you go.
  17. Never once said it was flawless. It was a minor bug that resulted in the GDS not sending pokemon when individual mode was enabled. I fixed it in a local build of my own now.
  18. FC: ---- ---- ---- EDIT: removed FC..
  19. I'll post it in a second.
  20. If it makes you feel better, I found a bug in the GTS software unrelated to this...
  21. Well..I'm sorry Phantom. If you give me your friend code I'll trade you the Shaymin.
  22. See that IP in the IP Address text box? Put that in instead and tell me what happens.
  23. Hang on a second. For the Primary DNS....what IP are you putting in?
  24. Can you show another picture?
  25. It doesn't even show that you downloaded the file O_O
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