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Everything posted by formlesstree4

  1. Excuse the double post, I released the source code in the main topic.
  2. Double check the IP address to make sure it's right? That's the best I can say. Make sure no firewalls are running and that programs that utilize port 80 [such as Skype and Teamviewer] are disabled as they are known to cause problems with Shiny(D/G)TS because they both want to use the same ports. You can configure both of them to not use Port 80 [skype and Teamviewer] but for simplicity's sake, just disable them if you have them running.
  3. That sounds like an issue with your router not forwarding the ports properly.
  4. I don't know; perhaps your DS and the DNS/GTS server are not communicating properly? The only ports used are 80 [TCP] & 53 [uDP]. Try making sure those are forwarded as well, but the system is not really designed to try and do internal spoofing like that. Try connecting via your external IP [unless you are, then that's just weird what you're getting in the logs].
  5. I just downloaded it and it worked. Try again. I have no idea why it would be throwing that error. Something is up with either your Windows install or the .NET Framework. It doesn't really make any sense as the path you are showing me seems to be valid. Try reinstalling the .NET Framework?
  6. The program is saying the path selected is NOT valid. Show me the contents of the folder and/or the name(s) of the Pokemon (in the folder) as well as the name of the folder you've tried to send.
  7. The most I'm looking into is possibly UPnP which might help out some way. I don't know though; what is your ISP?
  8. Updated the main post in regards to the DTS, which allows Generation IV and V to be distributed at the same time.
  9. I can't figure out Black and White. The code for Generation IV is there, technically, but something is wrong with it. EDIT: You can use the old version of HyperGTS, which should work, OR IR-GTS for Gen V.
  10. Which version of HyperGTS are you using?
  11. Formlesstree4/Shiny Jirachi Presents... ShinyDTS & ShinyGTS What are these programs? ShinyGTS [and DTS] are simple Global Trade Emulators for Generation IV [Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver] and Generation V [black & White] games. These programs allow you [yes you] to send and receive Pokemon to and from your game from your computer! The interfaces are simple to follow and make transferring Pokemon extremely simple! How can I use them? Step 1) Make sure no programs are currently running that can block Port 80 [TCP] AND Port 53 [uDP] Step 2) Now, make sure your Router has the two ports listed in Step 1 forwarded to your local IP. This is crucial if you want to do public distributions. [if you don't want to do public distributions, you can skip this step]. Step 3) Make sure any active firewalls have an exception for either ShinyDTS and/or ShinyGTS on both ports listed in Step 1. Step 4) Run either program and follow the interface instructions. Step 5) On your DS [in either game], be sure to change your first connection properties [which is your active one] ONLY! Do not create a new connection for this. You need to change "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", and change the "Primary DNS" slot to the IP address that ShinyDTS and/or ShinyGTS display in the textbox on the program. [if you skipped Step 2, then you must use your local IP address assigned to your computer by your router, no exceptions]. Step 6) You can now send or receive Pokemon! Where are the download links? They are on the second line of this post, however, you can download them below! Click here to download ShinyDTS! Click here to download ShinyGTS! If anyone has any questions, please feel free to post in the support thread!
  12. I'm no longer supporting the system. It was wired to go to my computer's IP address and I no longer run it. The source code for both the client & server is out for those that want to setup their own system.
  13. Port 80 blocked explanations: 1) Firewall (unlikely) 2) Another application uses it. (Teamviewer, Skype, Apache...the list is kind of long) Fixes: Disable applications/firewalls.
  14. Sorry this is so late...I'm probably done developing anything new for the GDS. If someone wants to take the source and modify it for working for B&W when possible they are free to. I do not have time as of now to keep supporting the project. Any questions or comments may be sent via PM; sorry to anyone who was hoping for any new updates. There are a few bugs that are annoying at best but are fixable.
  15. If the DNS Server works, the GDS one should as well as it's literally the exact same code. The GTS shouldn't do the start/stop business unless there's another application interfering with it. The only reasons I can think that it would fail is the Sockets fail to bind on Port 80 and/or 53.
  16. It happens; I don't know what to tell you athiri. I don't know if someone has found a way to fix that blue screen or not but unfortunately it's there.
  17. Since IR-GTS works just fine, I'm not sure what exactly the issue is. Try using the GDS system instead with the built in DNS & GTS server rather than an older version of HyperGTS that I modified.
  18. I'd help, but it depends on the language it's written in.
  19. I'd just keep track of the IP that connects.
  20. Do you have Port 80 opened as well as Port 53? Things like Skype and Teamviewer cannot run simultaneously without messing with program settings. Also, if you have a firewall, make sure to add an exception for the GDS.
  21. "error: wrong connection, probably not a DS" is a generic error message for an invalid request to the server, usually one that doesn't come from a DS. As Bond697 said, it has to do with the PC being hosted on and your Internet Service Provider. If your ISP uses a transparent proxy, or you have a shared connection with several other people on one line, you will probably have some issues.
  22. Thanks for telling me. I was actually aware of that bug already and I know exactly what the issue is. I need to release an update that way you don't need to restart the program.
  23. Off hand, I can't actually give you a hand there cause I don't know what kind of router you have or if your ISP blocks any ports. You can try looking at port checkers on the Internet to see if Port 80 is blocked though.
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