Formlesstree4/Shiny Jirachi Presents...
ShinyDTS & ShinyGTS
What are these programs?
ShinyGTS [and DTS] are simple Global Trade Emulators for Generation IV [Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold, & SoulSilver] and Generation V [black & White] games. These programs allow you [yes you] to send and receive Pokemon to and from your game from your computer! The interfaces are simple to follow and make transferring Pokemon extremely simple!
How can I use them?
Step 1) Make sure no programs are currently running that can block Port 80 [TCP] AND Port 53 [uDP]
Step 2) Now, make sure your Router has the two ports listed in Step 1 forwarded to your local IP. This is crucial if you want to do public distributions. [if you don't want to do public distributions, you can skip this step].
Step 3) Make sure any active firewalls have an exception for either ShinyDTS and/or ShinyGTS on both ports listed in Step 1.
Step 4) Run either program and follow the interface instructions.
Step 5) On your DS [in either game], be sure to change your first connection properties [which is your active one] ONLY! Do not create a new connection for this. You need to change "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", and change the "Primary DNS" slot to the IP address that ShinyDTS and/or ShinyGTS display in the textbox on the program. [if you skipped Step 2, then you must use your local IP address assigned to your computer by your router, no exceptions].
Step 6) You can now send or receive Pokemon!
Where are the download links?
They are on the second line of this post, however, you can download them below!
Click here to download ShinyDTS!
Click here to download ShinyGTS!
If anyone has any questions, please feel free to post in the support thread!