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Everything posted by red707

  1. well if the party one is shorter i kinda want the other one with high attack the others can be lowered all you need so the attack will stay high but the party one will be ok just try not to make the attack go down
  2. here is the shiny code the modifier will come soon
  3. um sorry but my ds wi-fi got messed up so how about i give you a shiny code where you mark pokemon in the pc then they turn shiny (if they are in your team dont make them shiny take them out of your team to make them shiny or they will get crazy stats and crazy levels)
  4. i can get you the shiny evees but only shiny i cant get any other thing
  5. i put the pc code and it gave me a bad egg can you fix it
  6. so if i lv. it up the stats will go way lower?
  7. i have another request
  8. maybe i can try to copy it but he said he will do it himself
  9. hey the max stats does not work its shoes 999 and i used a pokemon with 999 against a lv.50 and i only did 1 damadge and when they attacked i almost died so make it better please
  10. but try to keep the attack high
  11. ok and another one my friend wanted was the code for the battle frontier brains to always be there in the places where you get to battle them
  12. thanks it worked but took long and how do i make spoilers but can you make it a bit shorter for my friend because he is a n00b at codes
  13. Name:altaria Nature: Adamant Ev's: 252 of all stats Moves: draco meteor/dragon pulse/ ice beam/sky attack Hold item:leftovers Description:he is shiny no pokerus (used to have) and is awesome the best no one can beat it
  14. hey who has the code for max stats like 510 attack or something
  15. Pokemon:scizor Held Item:leftovers Level:100 Ability:sturdy Nickname (If wanted): Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):master trainer Trainer Gender (If specific): male Trainer ID (If specific):54862 Secret ID (If specific):95432 Pokemon Gender (If specific): male Shiny (Yes or No):yes Egg (Yes or No):no Nature:adamant Attacks:xsizer bullet punch iron head draco meteor PP (max or normal):max Pokérus Status: Infected/Cured/No Status infected Pokéball Captured In:poke ball Battle Stats: hp 307 attack 510 defense 480 sp. attack 445 sp. defense495 speed 510 IV Stats:legit max EV Stats:legit max Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:lake of rage/july 1 2010 Level Met At:100 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):no egg Happiness:maxed out happiness Contest Stats:maxed Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code):storage box 15 slot 1 For what game (required for AR code): D/P,HG/SS or Platinum for my heart gold Friend Code (required for Trading):can you make it a short code so i can type it in my ds because my ds wi-fi is messed up or am i out of luck
  16. i agree with riolu there might be 600 pokemon i vote 200+
  17. anyone knows the code to get the black trainer card
  18. i have a request for the code: 5 stars on the trainer card thing
  19. i kinda knew that but just not sure and you know a little help won't hurt
  20. um i tried using the code but it froze my game does it have to be the only code or is it because i have the max happiness code on also and that code is the same way to use
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