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Everything posted by red707

  1. riolu can you give me the link to the pokemon generator for hg you use?
  2. thanks sorry if the event part caused you any trouble just to tell you i used to make codes like this but i took about a year off of making codes and now i am no good at these kind and i had trouble with event ones
  3. fine but just to tell you don't get annoyed by me asking all the time it is because i am impatient
  4. riolu are you done with the code and if you can you don't have to though can you make a code that ever time a pokemon grows a lv. they always get +20 attack?
  5. i have 2 requests and try to make them from the events and short because i want the things different
  6. i did but he is bussy on another code and other people won't replay i will just wait
  7. can someone make the code for every lv. the pokemon's attack goes up +20 for every lv.?
  8. first of all this page is to request codes i might find one but maybe i can't and sometimes i might request codes so the code i want is a code for every lv. up the attack goes up +20 or 10 anyone have it for the us ar
  9. i need a code for attack always +20 every lv. can you make it
  10. so are you getting the black card code for hg
  11. the one for all pokemon caught but just make the code for the black trainer card
  12. no because my parents don't want me downloading anything
  13. i lost the cd DX
  14. can someone make a code for hg for the black trainer card i have 4 stars but the last one is too hard
  15. i never make mistakes o manual i have done manual codes for over 5 years and made only a couple mistakes but for about 3 years i did long codes that took hours and no mistake so i think it was just hacked up
  16. so i will just have to do it but the pc one gives a bad egg rasn where did you get the lugia and the zorark i can't find one:(
  17. oh ok but the party one if i lv. it up they will get lower
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