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Everything posted by red707

  1. hello riolu i'm red707 and i'm a fan of pokemon too lol like we've never met well late welcome i guess?
  2. vibrava
  3. hey riolu did you ever finish my black trainer card?
  4. hey is riolu aura sphere here did he quit?
  5. nidoking
  6. lanturn
  7. hey long time no see everyone is aarux back?
  8. kekoleon thing or kekeleon what was it kekleon?
  9. shad i think there is but i don't remember where i saw the code hang on i am on it
  10. well hi everyone i need help making a team i always make one but it turns out as a failure there is only two pokemon i want in it i want a scizor and a lucario in it so i need help making the other 4 so thanks if you are going to help
  11. will it ever come out for the us version
  12. golduck
  13. riolu i can help too i have some codes but you have most of them lol but any other codes i found this one code for virius infected edit: i found it another edit: and if you want it to stay with pokerus (the virus) then don't use the pokemon center with it just use potions and elixiers
  14. um bassman you forgot my request
  15. actually to make it for the us version you change line B2110DC0 00000000 with B2111880 00000000
  16. it seems like psychic only to me
  17. elekid
  18. corphish
  19. i want this pokemon wi-fi traded please and i lost my action replay >.< edit: i heard aarux is gone well if anyone notice i was gone too i had to go to the nearest starbucks to go in this but i can help make these codes so if you need help bassman i can help but the scizor i am requesting i have trouble making these but i can make other ones also my action replay broke too so i can only make the codes not trade for people
  20. is there and arceus event code around 21 lines
  21. thanks guys and riolu almost done with the black trainer card code
  22. um i meant the code to delete the hms like hm 02
  23. can someone get the code to delete hms because i have an all tms/hms code and i used it before the 6th badge
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