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About Cloud

  • Birthday 09/05/1988
  1. I'm using the R4 with Wood R4 firmware on it. Also, I just tested the Black 2 Rom I have that's patched, and it works, but the White 2 Rom doesn't for some reason.
  2. Hello, Okay, so I've been trying to give my Pokemon White 2 sav file the wondercards for Meloetta, Keldeo and Genesect. I put the wondercards on perfectly fine, but when I loaded the rom up, they didn't show. I figured I might have done something wrong, so I decided to start the game up and save as soon as I could. I did this, and tried again. When the game loaded up this time, it gave me the "Save file will be deleted because of an error" message thing. I figured that perhaps something was wrong with it, and that I'd need to make a save file as soon as possible before I put the wondercards on (Though that wasn't needed ever before), so I did that, but before putting the wondercards on again, I decided to try and load the game to make sure it wasn't something with the rom that was corrupting the sav file. This time, when I loaded the game, it also gave the error message and deleted the save file once again. After trying this one more time, it still gave me the error and deleted the save file, meaning there's something wrong with my Rom. My question for you all is, is there any way to fix this so I can get the wondercards on the save file and keep the game from deleting them?
  3. Yes, but every time that I try to download it, I get a "Network Error" or "Error Downloading" and then the mediafire page will get an error saying that the IP is too busy or that there was a communication error when I try to click download again. It'll last for maybe 2-3 hours, unless I try from a different browser (Which I did and it still wouldn't download), or clear my cache, which will only result in getting a network error or error downloading and the page not working again... I was able to download it, but now I have a new problem. It won't flipping run! It says that it's not a compatible version for my computer, and to run/install the appropriate version. I'm on Windows 7, 64 Bit. The last one that I had that kept freezing was at least opening, but the V0.02.002 copy that I got from the above link is not working at all. Some help would be great here...
  4. No, because I didn't know it was updated for one, and second, I have tried to download the newest version like 10 times, but every time I try, I get a network error or download error, and then the site will have a connection error for like an hour. Is there any way that someone could upload to another site please?
  5. Okay, I thought that I had fixed it when I was able to get it to run and complete a single run, but now it's a new day and it flat out will not run. I can't even find a single Pokemon with it anymore because it looks for one, and instantly stops responding. Anyone know how to fix this?
  6. Er, so I can't seem to get it to work fully or right or something. I couldn't get it to work at all with Firefox, but then I was able to get it to work for a little bit on Chrome by getting the cookies for the site and such. However, after a minute or two it froze and wouldn't continue looking for anything. I assumed that meant it was done, but then I did it again to be sure and it found more before freezing again. One more try and it froze almost right away. I checked the Dream World, and I still have Pokemon and Items to be found on there... What's going on?
  7. @.:Thomas:. Thanks, I'll try it, if that works, then I'm only going to have to say that that is more help than just about anyone else that I've asked ><
  8. Does anyone know why the Member's Card and Oak's Letter codes only give you the items, but don't activate the event for them? Edit: I tested the Oak's Letter one a few minutes ago, and it turns out, that one does work, it was just the Member's Card one that's not working. I've loaded the code like 5 times, and every time the door in Canalave is still locked and shut tightly.
  9. Okay, so I realized that I could get probably get the key items for the up coming events that have no real release date. Such as the Enigma Crystal, but when I went into the newest pokesav for HG and SS, I couldn't find it. Does anyone know what they may have translated it as, or if there will be an update on the pokesav anytime soon?
  10. I need a tested and working code to for Diamond to get teleport you to Resort Area ASAP please. I've tired making it with Pokesav already, so don't tell me to just go do it myself. I've looked at the instructions on the site, and it still won't work. Please, I need some help with this please!
  11. I'd like to bring this to anyone and everyone's attention, that anything to do with Shaymin in the mass download on the first page, is missing the .PGT file, for at least the English version of it.
  12. I still didn't get the pkm file working, but that might just be because I'm doing it wrong... Nevertheless, I saw that you posted the WC info, which is much better and easier to use for me, so thank you very much!
  13. I hate to be a bother, but I can't seem to load the PKM file for the Riolu, does anyone have the PCD and PGT files for it?
  14. Can anyone upload the Riolu from the second Ranger game? I've been dying for the legit thing, and I can't get it anymore because of the limited time wifi thing.
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