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Files posted by theSLAYER

  1. Ash's Pikachu (Kalos Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Kalos Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   011814   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 17 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 17                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Electro Ball   WC ID 627: 「Ashs Pikachu (Kalos-Kappe)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ashs Pikachu (Kalos-Kappe) Ash und Pikachu kommen in Kalos an und stoßen
    dort auf die Geheimnisse der Mega-Entwicklung,
    einer nie dagewesenen Form der Entwicklung.
    Doch Ashs wahres Ziel ist es, Champ der
    Pokémon-Liga in Kalos zu werden! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171017_1302




  2. Ash's Pikachu (Kalos Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Kalos Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Sacha   TID   011814   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 17 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 17                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Electro Ball   WC ID 627: 「Pikachu Casquette de Kalos」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pikachu Casquette de Kalos Alors que Sacha et Pikachu débarquent à Kalos,
    ils découvrent les mystères de la Méga-Évolution,
    un phénomène au-delà de toutes les évolutions.
    Malgré tout, Sacha redouble d'efforts pour devenir
    le Maître de la Ligue de cette région ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171017_1300




  3. Ash's Pikachu (Alola Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.

    This Pokemon was accidentally uploaded early, for players playing Pokemon Moon in Spanish, on EU 3DS.
    The incorrect early distribution was only fixed after 11 hours.
    (Though due to server caching problems, users could continue to receive it up to October 12)
     Species   Pikachu (Alola Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   120516   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 12, 2017 
    & Oct 24 to Oct 30, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: M    Lv. 19                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Electro Ball   WC ID 627: 「El Pikachu (Gorra Alola) de Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. El Pikachu (Gorra Alola) de Ash Ash y Pikachu se encontrarán con
    Pokémon increíbles y feroces combates
    en la región de Alola.
    ¡Comienza una nueva y apasionante
    aventura con este famoso dúo! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_1543




  4. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Unova Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   021211   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 16, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU & TW 3DS: SM    Lv. 13                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap) When they arrive in Unova, the shadow
    of a Legendary Pokémon descends over
    Ash and Pikachu. Despite the ominous
    introduction, their hearts are filled
    with excitement as their
    adventure unfolds. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_1913




  5. Target Charizard

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code at Target Stores across North America, to promote the release of CHARIZARD GX box.
     Species   Charizard   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Bullseye   TID   100117   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01, 2017 
    to Feb 04, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Blaze (1)   Item   Red Card   Bundled Item   None 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Dragon Dance   Flare Blitz   Fly   Earthquake   WC ID 614: 「¡Un Charizard al rojo rivo!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ¡Un Charizard al rojo rivo! ¡El clásico Charizard vuelve a estar listo
    para el fragor de la batalla! Fortalécelo
    con Danza Dragón y sube aún más la
    temperatura con Envite Ígneo. ¡Cundirá
    el pánico en tus rivales cuando vean
    rugir al majestuoso Charizard! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1514




  6. Target Charizard

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code at Target Stores across North America, to promote the release of CHARIZARD GX box.
     Species   Charizard   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Bullseye   TID   100117   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01, 2017 
    to Feb 04, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US 3DS: SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Blaze (1)   Item   Red Card   Bundled Item   None 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Dragon Dance   Flare Blitz   Fly   Earthquake   WC ID 614: 「Un Dracaufeu chaud comme la braise !」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Un Dracaufeu chaud comme la braise ! Dracaufeu est toujours prêt à plonger
    dans la chaleur du combat ! Renforcez
    Dracaufeu avec Danse Draco, puis
    consumez vos ennemis avec Boutefeu.
    Vos adversaires trembleront quand
    Dracaufeu rugira ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1513




  7. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Unova Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   021211   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 16, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 13                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「El Pikachu (Gorra Teselia) de Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. El Pikachu (Gorra Teselia) de Ash Al llegar a Teselia, la sombra de un
    Pokémon legendario desciende sobre
    Ash y Pikachu. Pese al inquietante
    encuentro, sus corazones rebosan de
    emoción cuando su aventura da comienzo. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_2254




  8. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Unova Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   021211   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 16, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 13                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Il Pikachu Berretto Unima di Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Il Pikachu Berretto Unima di Ash Giunti a Unima, Ash e Pikachu scorgono
    l'inquietante ombra di un Pokémon
    leggendario... Ma il nostro duo
    non si lascia intimorire e si lancia
    con entusiasmo verso nuove avventure! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_2253




  9. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Unova Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   021211   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 16, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 13                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Ashs Pikachu (Einall-Kappe)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ashs Pikachu (Einall-Kappe) Als Ash und Pikachu in Einall ankommen, fällt der
    Schatten eines Legendären Pokémon auf sie.
    Trotz dieses bedrohlichen Anfangs begeben sich
    die beiden voller Vorfreude auf ihr Abenteuer. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_2252




  10. Ash's Pikachu (Unova Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Unova Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Sacha   TID   021211   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 10 to Oct 16, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 13                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Pikachu Casquette d'Unys」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pikachu Casquette d'Unys Dès leur arrivée à Unys, Sacha et Pikachu
    sont accueillis par l'ombre du Pokémon
    légendaire. Malgré cette sombre entrée
    en matière, leurs cœurs battent la chamade
    à l'idée de partir pour de nouvelles aventures ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171010_2250




  11. Movie20: Marshadow

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code by various distributors, to commemorate its appearance the 20th Movie.
    Some distributors may require players to pre-order Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
    While US distribution is slated for October 9, and EU distribution is slated for October 1,
    Marshadow could be redeemed as early as September 29, if you already have the codes.
     Species   Marshadow   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   M. del Passo   TID   100917   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Technician (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Marshadium Z 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Spectral Thief   Close Combat   Force Palm   Shadow Ball   WC ID 626: 「L'enigmatico Marshadow!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. L'enigmatico Marshadow! L'elusivo Marshadow attacca furtivamente
    con la sua mossa esclusiva Ombrafurto
    e fa vedere le stelle all'avversario con
    la sua formidabile mossa Z! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1502




  12. Movie20: Marshadow

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code by various distributors (including Nintendo Zone app viewer at specific Nintendo Zones), to commemorate its appearance the 20th Movie.
    Some distributors may require players to pre-order Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
    While US distribution is slated for October 9, and EU distribution is slated for October 1,
    Marshadow could be redeemed as early as September 29, if you already have the codes.
     Species   Marshadow   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Mt. Tensei   TID   100917   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Technician (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Marshadium Z 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Spectral Thief   Close Combat   Force Palm   Shadow Ball   WC ID 626: 「Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Marshadow」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Das Mysteriöse Pokémon Marshadow Das geheimnisvolle Marshadow schleicht sich
    mit seiner einzigartigen Attacke Diebesschatten
    in den Kampf und lässt Gegner mit seiner
    überwältigenden Z-Attacke Sterne sehen! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1500




  13. Movie20: Marshadow

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code by various distributors, to commemorate its appearance the 20th Movie.
    Some distributors may require players to pre-order Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
    While US distribution is slated for October 9, and EU distribution is slated for October 1,
    Marshadow could be redeemed as early as September 29, if you already have the codes.
     Species   Marshadow   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Mt Tensei   TID   100917   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Technician (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Marshadium Z 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Spectral Thief   Close Combat   Force Palm   Shadow Ball   WC ID 626: 「Marshadow, le Pokémon fabuleux」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Marshadow, le Pokémon fabuleux Le mystérieux Marshadow sort de l'ombre !
    Transformez son attaque signature Clepto-Mânes
    en capacité Z pour faucher votre adversaire ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1459




  14. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   060407   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU & TW 3DS: SM    Lv. 9                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap) Ash and Pikachu encounter
    a harsh rival upon arriving in Sinnoh.
    While they get off to a rocky start,
    they break through with
    steadfast determination. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1121




  15. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   060407   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 9                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「El Pikachu (Gorra Sinnoh) de Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. El Pikachu (Gorra Sinnoh) de Ash Ash y Pikachu se topan con un duro
    rival nada más llegar a Sinnoh.
    Si bien pintan bastos al principio,
    al final acaban sorteando las dificultades
    gracias a su férrea determinación. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1136




  16. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   060407   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 9                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Il Pikachu Berretto Sinnoh di Ash」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Il Pikachu Berretto Sinnoh di Ash Arrivati a Sinnoh, Ash e Pikachu si trovano
    ad affrontare un avversario temibile.
    Non è certo un inizio facile,
    ma i nostri eroi superano ogni ostacolo
    con incrollabile determinazione! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1134




  17. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   060407   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 9                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Ashs Pikachu (Sinnoh-Kappe)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ashs Pikachu (Sinnoh-Kappe) Ash und Pikachu begegnen bei ihrer Ankunft
    in Sinnoh einem unfreundlichen Rivalen.
    Nach einem holprigen Start setzen sie sich jedoch
    mit unerschütterlicher Entschlossenheit durch und
    verdienen sich seinen Respekt. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1126




  18. Ash's Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Sinnoh Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Sacha   TID   060407   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 03 to Oct 09, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 9                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Iron Tail   Volt Tackle   WC ID 627: 「Pikachu Casquette de Sinnoh」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Pikachu Casquette de Sinnoh À leur arrivée à Sinnoh, Sacha et Pikachu
    tombent sur un rival on ne peut plus coriace !
    Malgré un départ difficile, nos deux amis
    parviennent à surmonter les obstacles
    grâce à leur détermination sans bornes. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20171003_1123




  19. Movie20: Marshadow

    This Pokemon was distributed via serial code by various distributors, to commemorate its appearance the 20th Movie.
    Some distributors may require players to pre-order Pokemon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon.
    While US distribution is slated for October 9, and EU distribution is slated for October 1,
    Marshadow could be redeemed as early as September 29, if you already have the codes.
     Species   Marshadow   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Mt. Tensei   TID   100917   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Oct 01 to Oct 23, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU 3DS: SM    Lv. 50                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Technician (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Marshadium Z 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Spectral Thief   Close Combat   Force Palm   Shadow Ball   WC ID 626: 「¡El Pokémon singular Marshadow!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. ¡El Pokémon singular Marshadow! El misterioso Marshadow ataca furtivamente
    con su movimiento característico Robasombra.
    ¡Y luego le hace ver las estrellas a su rival
    con su formidable movimiento Z! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1503




  20. Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap)

    This event was distributed to players with a 3DS of US, EU or TW regions, via common serial code.
    The code was accurately guessed to be PIKACHU20, hours before its reveal on official sites.

    The same code can be used to redeem other variations of this Pikachu, provided your save file hasn't received one via wonder card.
    The variations receivable follows a schedule.
     Species   Pikachu (Hoenn Cap)   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ash   TID   091303   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   a lovely place   Dates   Sep 26 to Oct 02, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US & EU & TW 3DS: SM    Lv. 6                                                                  Nature   Hardy   Ability   Static (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   Pikashunium Z 

    Wishing   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Thunderbolt   Quick Attack   Thunder   Iron Tail   WC ID 627: 「Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap)」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Ash's Pikachu (Hoenn Cap) Ash and Pikachu travel across
    the ocean to the amazing Hoenn region.
    Together with their faithful
    companions, they embark on
    a high-spirited adventure. Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170926_1242




  21. Ilex's Celebi (US)

    This event was distributed by serial code, to commemorate the release of the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the 3DS.
    The serial code was obtainable by those who purchased either game, and it was redeemed from their Nintendo e-Shop receipt.
    After September 21, 2018, the code will no longer be given out.
     Species   Celebi   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ilex   TID   101500   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the Johto region   Dates   Sep 21, 2017 
    to Oct 31, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   US 3DS: SM USUM    Lv. 30                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Natural Cure (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None 

    Souvenir   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Heal Bell   Safeguard   Ancient Power   Future Sight   WC ID 630: 「Celebi, le Pokémon Temporel !」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Celebi, le Pokémon Temporel ! Merci infiniment d'avoir téléchargé
    Pokémon Or / Pokémon Argent.
    Celebi a fait tout ce chemin depuis
    le Bois aux Chênes pour vous rejoindre ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170922_1415




  22. Ilex's Celebi (EU)

    This event was distributed by serial code, to commemorate the release of the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the 3DS.
    The serial code was obtainable by those who purchased either game, and it was redeemed from their Nintendo e-Shop receipt.
    After September 21, 2018, the code will no longer be given out.
     Species   Celebi   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ilex   TID   040601   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the Johto region   Dates   Sep 21, 2017 
    to Oct 31, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM USUM    Lv. 30                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Natural Cure (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None 

    Souvenir   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Heal Bell   Safeguard   Ancient Power   Future Sight   WC ID 630: 「Celebi, le Pokémon Temporel !」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Celebi, le Pokémon Temporel ! Merci infiniment d'avoir téléchargé
    Pokémon Or / Pokémon Argent.
    Celebi a fait tout ce chemin depuis
    le Bois aux Chênes pour vous rejoindre ! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170922_0143




  23. Ilex's Celebi (EU)

    This event was distributed by serial code, to commemorate the release of the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the 3DS.
    The serial code was obtainable by those who purchased either game, and it was redeemed from their Nintendo e-Shop receipt.
    After September 21, 2018, the code will no longer be given out.
     Species   Celebi   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ilex   TID   040601   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the Johto region   Dates   Sep 21, 2017 
    to Oct 31, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM USUM    Lv. 30                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Natural Cure (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None 

    Souvenir   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Heal Bell   Safeguard   Ancient Power   Future Sight   WC ID 630: 「Celebi, il Pokémon Tempovia!」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Celebi, il Pokémon Tempovia! Grazie per aver scaricato
    Pokémon Versione Oro
    o Pokémon Versione Argento.
    Dal suo santuario nel Bosco di Lecci,
    Celebi ha viaggiato attraverso il tempo
    per unirsi alla tua squadra! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170922_0151




  24. Ilex's Celebi (EU)

    This event was distributed by serial code, to commemorate the release of the Virtual Console versions of Pokemon Gold and Silver for the 3DS.
    The serial code was obtainable by those who purchased either game, and it was redeemed from their Nintendo e-Shop receipt.
    After September 21, 2018, the code will no longer be given out.
     Species   Celebi   Nickname   (default, save lang)   OT   Ilex   TID   040601   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the Johto region   Dates   Sep 21, 2017 to Oct 31, 2018   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   EU 3DS: SM USUM    Lv. 30                                                                  Nature   Random   Ability   Natural Cure (1)   Item   None   Bundled Item   None 

    Souvenir   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Heal Bell   Safeguard   Ancient Power   Future Sight   WC ID 630: 「Das Zeitreise-Pokémon Celebi」's receiving text 0x2C Thank you for playing Pokémon! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. Das Zeitreise-Pokémon Celebi Danke, dass du Pokémon Gold oder
    Pokémon Silber heruntergeladen hast.
    Celebi, das sich normalerweise in einem
    Schrein im Steineichenwald aufhält,
    ist durch die Zeit gereist, um sich dir
    anzuschließen! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170922_0148




  25. Pocket Monster Sun Moon Anime: Lillie's "Hayang-i" Alolan Vulpix

    This event was distributed to players with a Korean 3DS via a common password (serial code),
    to commemorate the hatching of Lillie's Vulpix, in the aired episode of Pocket Monster Sun & Moon (Anime) on their Tooniverse! channel.

    The common code was originally scheduled to be shown during the broadcast, on August 22nd 2017, 18:00 KST,
    but was rescheduled for August 24th 2017, 15:00 KST.
    The common code is JAMES.
     Species   Vulpix (Alola)   Nickname   하양이 (save lang)   OT   릴리에   TID   170822   Distribution   Serial Code   Location   the Pokémon animated show   Dates   Aug 22 to Oct 31, 2017   PID   Cannot Be Shiny   Games   KO 3DS: SM    Lv. 10     Met Lv. 1                                                                  Nature   Modest   Ability   Snow Cloak (1)   Item   Silk Scarf   Bundled Item   None 

    Classic   Moves   (ITALIC means Relearnable)   Powder Snow   (None)   (None)   (None)   WC ID 1116: 「릴리에의 하양이 선물」's receiving text 0x35 Thank you for watching the Pokémon animation! Please pick up your gift from the deliveryman in any Pokémon Center. 릴리에의 하양이 선물 릴리에가 정성껏 돌본
    알에서 부화한 알로라식스테일
    하양이를 선물합니다!
    애니메이션에서의 활약을
    앞으로도 기대해주세요! Format Ver.1.0.5-3, Post Updated Date:20170929_1538




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