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About joelogs

  • Birthday 05/30/1988
  1. when i load a save file nothing happens... the main windows displays "invalid file" at the bottom. help please.
  2. so that's the reason i can't get it work. it's intended to be in the box. i was using in for the party. thanks again so much.
  3. cool thanks :kikkoman:
  4. how to i use these files with pokesav?
  5. haven't tried one being in an egg but i can manage that. however i would really awesome for me that there caught at pal park. p.s. is it totally impossible to have those being caught in the pal park?
  6. if i set them to be level 100, will they hatch from the egg at that level or just 1? i haven't tried hacking one being in an egg so i have no idea by the time they will hatch.
  7. if i add them right in the box they won't be registered in the pokedex.
  8. yeah i was using pokesav to direct add pokemons in my save file for the pal park. when i played and entered the pal park, i was able to catch all. however the pokes just vanish like bubbles. they were caught the nowhere to be seen. they're not on my boxes even in my team. they were registered however in the dex as seen. where the hell did those pokes go? can someone help me pls. note: it's my first time adding pokes in the park and i'm using no$gba emulator.
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