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Everything posted by J-bad

  1. This is my very first try at using pokesav, so I dunno if this will work or not, nut it's supposed to create a level 1 female Togepi with max Happiness and Holding a shining stone. Meaning by level 2 it could be Togikiss. I also gave if four legit moves and tried to keep the stats looking legit, just in case you wanted it to by. I don't remember Togepi's ability, so I gave it Togikisses ability. When it evolves it'll change anyway. Anyway, open up your game and press L and R and Togepi should appear in the first slot of box 2 in Bill's PC.
  2. I only had lik 140k, lol, not 999999, but I did as you suggested and did get a 5 digit code. Thanks.
  3. the Secret ID code didn't work for me. It's giving me the same 6 digit code every time, but according to pokesav it can only be 5 digits. What could I be doing wrong?
  4. Oh. I was sure it said fateful encounter, but maybe you are right. But I know for a fact my Mew said fateful encounter and that tag is gone. Maybe I just assumed they both had it. But they are legit.
  5. After you get all 16 badges you can select one pokeball with a gen 1 starter. That code lets you pick over and over again but it's best to wait until you have all 16 badges to use it.
  6. yes there was. http://www.serebii.net/games/events-pkmn.shtml The 3rd gen celebi was released with Pokemon Journey Across America. It's more then halfway down the page, but it's there, as is my mew closer to the top.
  7. Docile naature. Mar. 20, 2010 Hoenn Arrived at Level 10 Highly Persistent Dex No. 151 Name: MEW Type Psychic OT MYSTRY ID No. 09630 Naive nature. Mar 20, 2010 Hoenn Arrived at Lv. 70 Scatters things often. Dex No. 251 Name CELEBI Type Psychic Grass OT 10 Aniv ID No 00010 I may not have said it right. Put simply, the fateful encounter tag was lost. The rest of the info is there.
  8. Ah, that is why it didn't work. When I transferred it from 3rd gen to 4th it lost the Fateful encounter flag, and it lost it's Original trainer info. Dang. It was 00010 and 10 Aniv totally legit, and now all that legit status just vanished. No fair! I didn't realize it had done that. Couldn't Nintendo have found a way to have legits transfer and keep their flags? It's not fair. I was so proud of my legit Mew and Celebi. I was just showing them to our regional pokemon guy on Saturday, so I'll see him next Sunday and see if he can replace them, since he saw them and knew they were legit before I transferred them.
  9. By the way, I transferred over my legit Celebi from Leaf Green to Heart Gold, but it didn't trigger the Celebi event. so apparently it requires a special Celebi. You all probably knew that, but just in case you didn't, thought I'd tell you.
  10. Here is my Giratina's IV's. It is an adamant type, so while I do not like the 1 attack IV, I don't want to use the cheat to alter all its stats. HP : 26 Attack : 1 Defense :31 Sp Atk: 31 Sp. Def 25 Speed: 25 That's defaults with no cheats. I want it to look like I got really lucky, not like an obvious cheat, so I only want to alter Attack to 30. 31 is acceptable, but I'd prefer 30 just so I don't have 3 31's, you know?
  11. Riolu, do you know how to make a code to permanently change the IV of the attack stat of an owned pokemon to 30 or 31? My Giritina's stats are great, mostly, but it's attack IV is 1. Yes... One. Not Ten, not eleven, it's one. And it's adamant, so that's just pathetic for an adamant.
  12. These stats are wierd though. My Giratina is ADAMANT,meaning +Atk - Sp Attack. You's think Atk would be the higher, but it's not. Edit : I meant to edit my previous post, sorry. Edit : The only code I see is for all IV's at 31. Anyone know a Atk IV = 31 code for owned pokemon, not wild ones?
  13. I see. it worked. And Holy poopy! HP : 26 Attack : 1 Defense :31 Sp Atk: 31 Sp. Def 25 Speed: 25 That's defaults with no cheats.
  14. I thought someone told me that you could use the vitamins to get EV up to 100 in every stat. That would equal 600. Is that wrong? And, as previously mentioned, I can't get that IV code to work. I went to Summery and tapped L and R and nothing happened with either of them.
  15. I with there was a way to view my IV's so I could decide if I even want to change them. By the way, what do EV's do
  16. Do you know how to make a code to edit a pokemone you've already caughts IV's? Something like this: HP: 16 Atk: 31 Def: 23 Speed: 25 Sp. Atk: 14 Sp. Def: 18 Oh, I found a site that says Capable of taking hits means it defaults at 31 defense. If I alter it's IV's to make it's defense lower, will that statement change? Or should I alter those numbers to keep Def as my 31?
  17. I don't understand it either, accept that higher is better, lol
  18. The following codes give 31 IVs in that stat. HP: 12066C9C 0000201F Att: 12066CB2 0000201F Def: 12066CC8 0000201F Sp.Att: 12066CF4 0000201F Sp.Def: 12066D0A 0000201F Speed: 12066CDE 0000201F I haven't tried these yet and dunno how to activate them, ot even how to tell if they were activated. Naturally I don't want it to affect every pokemon I own. Anyone else know?
  19. Also, since my nature modifier code didn't work, does anyone have another one?
  20. Okay, this code is not glitching my game after all, it was the nature modifier one. But I'm not understanding why this isn't working. I am seeing nothing like EV's and IV's. Where do I view them if not in Summery?
  21. "I'm trying to check my IV's and EV's first, not to change them, yet. I want to see their defaults before I fiddle with them. Edit : Oh, wow, my bad. I equipped the wrong code. So the one that glitched me was the Nature Modifier I got here: http://www.docstoc.com/docs/19253499/Pokemon-Heart-GoldSoul-Silver-Action-Replay-Codes/ Okay, now shall I try the code I meant to try and see if it works? LOL
  22. IV Check (Hold L for IVs, Hold R for EVs): 520899C4 F99CF7E6 120899CC 000021A3 120899D8 000021A4 120899E4 000021A5 120899F0 000021A6 120899FC 000021A8 12089A08 000021A9 12089A14 000021A7 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FDFF0000 120899CC 0000210D 120899D8 0000210D 120899E4 0000210E 120899F0 0000210F 120899FC 00002111 12089A08 00002112 12089A14 00002110 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 120899CC 00002146 120899D8 00002146 120899E4 00002147 120899F0 00002148 120899FC 0000214A 12089A08 0000214B 12089A14 00002149 D2000000 00000000 I tried this code, but it keeps glitching my game
  23. I don't have Giritina on any of my games except Heart Gold. Plus, can't I use it at wifi events? I go to them regularly.
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