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Everything posted by Phrixus

  1. 'Falcon in the Dive' - Terry Mann - The Scarlet Pimpernel Soundtrack
  2. Uggh... It's hard to make a list since so many are my favorites. Let's see... 1. Persian 2. Seviper 3. Scizor 4. Ampharos 5. Crobat / Skarmory Yeah, something like that. Most of my faves are 1st, 2nd, 3rd gen 'mons. I didn't care too much about the ones introduced in Sinnoh... except Mesprit and Yanmega, I really liked them. (Yeah, despite my User Name/Avatar/Sig combo, Ampharos isn't that high on my list... I'm just wierd.)
  3. My one and only complaint for Hoenn would be the removal of the day/night system. I really liked that feature from Generation 2 so I had a hard time letting that go. But other than that, I loved Hoenn. Especially loved the new species additions (Seviper, ftw!) and the Diving! The weather was great, too. Falling ash? Yes! I don't know how many times I ran around collecting ash for that glass furniture! Which brings me to my next gush - Secret Bases! I didn't care too much about them at first, but once I started to play around with the concept and started exchanging records with people, I really became hooked. I can't say that I had as much enthusiasm for Sinnoh... even with the return of my precious day/night system. Sinnoh just didn't really pique my interest as much. I just didn't feel as motivated to explore and discover as I did with Hoenn. And as someone mentioned earlier, the music wasn't all that inspiring either. The only theme I can think of when I think Sinnoh is Route 209's theme... and I only remember it through Super Smash Bros. Brawl! Meanwhile, I can distinctly remember several times in Hoenn in which I just stood around listening to music. Especially in the Oceanic Museum and Sootopolis. To summarize: "Heck Yeah Hoenn!" (I guess we'll be seeing a R/S/E remake soon at the rate things are going, eh?)
  4. Except for the Scyther and the egg 'names' ... everything seems ok. Either my AR or my DS is acting up cause I can't check the IVs or EVs but I trust you on that end. As for the Scyther, once it hatched its description didn't change to that of a hatched 'mon the way the others did. It just said"Met at level 0" yadda yadda. Since I can't evolve it at the moment, I don't know if the Ability is passed on or not. These are for a friend so if you can make sure the Eggs say "Egg" instead of the species name (not sure how that behaves in trade so better safe than sorry, eh?) that'll be fine. Other than that everything else looks fine from what I'm able to check. So just a fix on the Scyther and egg names, please. Thanks Again!
  5. Hello! Putting in a request for 4 eggs and 1 Poke. I'd like them as a Platinum AR code, please. Feel free to take your time with these. Thanks in advance!
  6. Yeah, I read that it's one level per outing. Probably should have rephrased that question. I was just wondering about the specifics of what caused the leveling: whether steps equal experience points or if it was just a certain amount of watts equal a level gain. I was just curious as to how careful I'd have to be with the pokemon I send to the walker. (Don't want to accidently overwrite a move or lose an evolution related move or something like that.) Also, I read (either in this thread or the other one) that if you choose a course but don't send a pokemon to the walker, a random pokemon may "join" you on your outing? Could you tell us the details of that? Specifically, does this pokemon actually become yours or is it just a stand-in for the day/outing until you transfer one of your own? Thanks for this thread, by the way. Most sites don't go into this much detail on the Walker.
  7. Haha! Thanks! I'll probably still lurk... Now, I'm just more likely to actually say something once and a while!
  8. I'll get Soul Silver since I got Silver back in the day and play as a boy for added nostalgia. (And also because I dislike PINK.)
  9. I don't particularly like her character design. I prefer Kris/Crystal. I suppose it's because I'm pretty much a tomboy. She just comes off as too girly. Also I dislike the fact that choosing female in the games now comes with the added 'bonus' of PINK accessories. Ugh. No thanks. I'll probably be gender switching for these games.
  10. I've been wondering about level gaining through the Walker... Are the levels gained by your pokemon in the Walker the equivalent of, say, levels gained by rare candy and such? (aka. No EV gain.) Do steps actually equal experience or does the experience your pokemon already earned in-game stay the same despite gaining a level through the Walker? Also, am I correct in assuming that any evolutions or move learning take place after you transfer your pokemon back to the game cart?
  11. Salutations and all that jazz. I think I've been lurking here on and off for about 2 years. Now I've finally gotten off my lazy butt and joined. Tadah? Can't say I'll be particularly useful... but if anyone ever wants a quick Pokemon related doodle they can feel free to ask me. Cheers!
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