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Everything posted by Cryptyx

  1. Cryptyx

    Hi All ~

    Hahaha Reading these forums makes me feel old. And like a loser for still loving Pokemon. Lmao T_T
  2. I used to use Froslass but I was having issues covering weaknesses so I switched to a rest talk Rotom-F. I lost the extra Spikes dmg I had on Froslass but I was able to survive more of the ground/fighting/steel problems I was having without over stretching the use of Tenta or my poor lil pert pert.
  3. Preston's Hex guide helped me out a bunch. http://www.projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?218-~Guide-to-44h-45h-46h-47h-and-85h-Values~ There's a link to a hex converter there as well. Another thing that would help make pokes more legal looking would be a legal guide. Mostly for people just getting into pokesav but also as a reference in case someone forgets something. General info as far as what's possible with things like "Ball caught with", "Met at level", "Met in Place", "Date Met", "Egg hatched at", "Date egg received", "Region" (I forget to put that one A LOT). I guess it would be possible to throw together a slot by slot reference for newbies but it would be time consuming and I'm pretty sure I've already seen one or something like it floating around. I don't want to reinvent the wheel, so to speak, so if there isn't one I could do one but I'd probably just reference Preston's Hex guide in the hex section as it covers everything well. PS - I know I have a low post count, but it's because I'm mostly a lurker. Hahaha.
  4. I'm so glad I found this program. I've been looking for alternatives to IV breeding FOREVER. I could never get what I wanted but this proggy is like god of the poke world Hahaha. Been playing Pokemon since I was a kid and never grew out of it. I love these silly little pocket monsters. XP
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