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  1. I edited the item and pokemon with PKSM and PKhex. Then saved the edited file but in the game it is still the same. It is the hacked rom version Pokemon Team Rocket Edition v2024-03-24
  2. i tried in pkhex edit normal move skill replace with z move skill but it has no effect in game
  3. How do I create my own hack rom ? Is there a specific tutorial?
  4. so what is your solution? where to edit with pkhex?
  5. I found Chip Editor MBNW but it only edits GBA roms
  6. Can I ask if there is a Megaman Battle Network 5 NDS chip editing tool like the PKHEX tool? I found Chip Editor MBNW but it only edits GBA roms
  7. so is there any solution for pikachu cosplay from ORAS to USun ? (Similar problem) This conversion only solves the legal binding problem, but does not solve the pokemon species that are not in the game being played or Remake a Hack ROM ?
  8. Where to edit pkhex option tag?
  9. xin lỗi tôi mới chơi pokemon nên tôi chưa cập nhật bất kỳ thông tin ứng dụng mới nào Bạn có thể chỉ cho tôi cách chuyển đổi pk8 sang pk7 không? now i have installed latest pkhex
  10. When will pk8 => pk7 conversion be supported ?
  11. Yeah I don't understand why I'm missing the Import Cue Block to add fashion from the file I downloaded
  12. Kaphotics Kaphotic why my PKHeX 24.07.27 doesn't have that function?
  13. Why pokemon sword and shield not create 3ds hack rom?
  14. thank you for creating the tool hope you respawn it like pkhex and maybe illegal edits for pokemon if not online trading
  15. pkmds của bạn không thể chọn shiny?
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