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  1. Hello guys. This is my first post, and I'm very new to script. So, I want some help from you all. Question: What is a "CommonScript" I think this command should be related to some events/stories tbh. For example, "CommonScript 2036" and "CommonScript 2038" in script#1 of a Script File 842. (First ever event on overworld) It's the actual thing, see below Script 1: MecScript LockAll Movement Player Action#1 Movement Overworld.0 Action#2 WaitMovement CommonScript 2036 WaitTime 30 0x800C Movement Overworld.0 Action#3 WaitMovement TextPlayerName 0 GenderMessage 0 1 SetFlag 283 PlaySound 1418 WaitSound Message 2 SetFlag 284 PlaySound 1418 WaitSound Message 3 SetFlag 285 PlaySound 1418 WaitSound Message 4 SetFlag 286 PlaySound 1418 WaitSound Message 5 CloseMessage WaitTime 15 0x800C Movement Overworld.0 Action#4 WaitMovement CommonScript 2038 SetVar 0x4106 1 ReleaseAll End As you see, after those two movements ended, a script will run "CommonScript 2036" obviously. And at the top of the bottom four line does "CommonScript 2038". Of course, I tried these commands for original event script but...It hasn't been worked. Now I have absolutely no idea how are they working. Anyway, thank you for watching my dodgy english writing and teeching me everything what you know
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