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  1. Is there a way to edit BDSP hall of fame records with PkHex? Mainly asking because I was wondering if it's possible to be able to battle Lucas/Dawn and Barry's older teams (before entering the Hall of Fame 10 and 20 times respectively) by deleting some entries until it's below the number where their teams are changed.
  2. By the way (and I should have said something earlier, sorry for not doing so), I actually resolved the issue just by accessing the recycle bin via my laptop and recovering the original BCAT file.
  3. About the wonder record tool plugin, is there a way to edit the timestamps of wonder cards/records for BDSP? I can edit the timestamps of SwSh (haven't tried for other games) but I cannot do so for BDSP because they are greyed out. If this cannot be done with the plugin, are there other ways to edit the timestamps? I noticed that the timestamps seem to be embedded within the wr file. Also, is there a click-and-drag option for the plugin or no? In cases where I may want to reorder my wonder cards/records.
  4. Mainly asking for the switch games but can be extended to all games as well. Are there any methods or tools that can be used to edit (or just check) whether an NPC has been battled, or if a non-respawning overworld item has been collected? Also could be a way to quickly check and see what NPC's and items have been skipped without having to manually backtrack.
  5. Bump, I had the same question. When I try to use the wonder records tool for BDSP, the slots that show the timestamps are greyed out and cannot be edited.
  6. When doing this, I made a mistake and deleted the original BCAT backup. Now, when I check the list of available mystery gifts under "Get via Internet", there's always an option. How do I get it so that it can be blank again? When I transfer my save file to my non-hacked switch, this resolves the issue on that switch, but when I transfer back to my hacked switch, it reverts back to the issue. Does the daily BCAT synch resolve this?
  7. Anyone know why it’s doing this and how to resolve it? It doesn’t do this for Scarlet/Violet or BDSP. Edit: Figured it out, I had to go online
  8. The Clefairy and Eevee outbreak events, for example, aren't being injected when I try to do so in pkhex (the error message says "Ensure that all necessary files are in *path name*). But the Delibird and Voltorb/Foungus outbreaks do work properly. Can I get some help for this, please?
  9. I've tried downloading different Platinum roms but none of them appear to be compatible with pkhex. It keeps saying the input file is too large. I've tried looking this up and I've seen from other threads that changing the file extension to .sav or .dsv may help but it didn't work for me. Any help would be appreciated! (Note that I do know previous threads for Platinum not working with pkhex exist but I again, I haven't had any luck following the suggestions on those threads)
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