Outside the Battle Royal Dome
The Battle Royal is a brand new battling format introduced into Pokémon Sun and Moon. Here, you and 3 other people go head to head in a 4-way battle. The game works in a point system. If a Pokémon is knocked out, the Pokémon who hit the opponent last's trainer's Pokémon gets a point. The game ends when 1 person has all of their Pokémon knocked out and the person with the most amount of points is declared the winner.
The inside of the Battle Royal Dome from a wide camera
Battle Royal Dome
The Battle Royal Dome is the place to have all your Battle Royals. The inside of the arena is shaped like a boxing ring and the entrances for the Trainers are shaped like Pokémon's heads. Each trainer appears from the mouths of these Pokémon.
The Battle Royal Dome
Edited by wrathsoffire76