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  1. So a disclaimer: That Decoration present in mint condition with the certificate was purchased on eBay for a small fortune. My second 'played' condition decoration present came in a lot on buyee for a few hundred (was a very good deal). You will want to look on wikipedia for the japanese names of Pokemon Battle-e/e-Reader/Pokemon Colosseum/Decoration Present/etc and then search in japanese. Save several of these searches. Another disclaimer: I found out about Buyee and got most of what I wanted BEFORE it was cool...the cat's out of the bag now, so competition is more fierce.
    1 point
  2. I'm a newbie to ROM Hacking, save editing, Pokémon modding and stuff so this is my very first project on the topic. I got fascinated on the old Mew/Celebi special distribution machines and I didn't find much about them during my internet search, just some information about past events that used these machines and how the distributed Mews were. Then I found the Pokemon GEN1 YOSHIRA Mew Red Distribution Cart Save File from Digiex community and decided to go on a trip to learn more about these editing stuff: Making my own Mew Machine script. The idea was simple, generate a valid Mew on an empty party slot of a save file. I used a YOSHIRA Mew from the previously mentioned save file as a base to build a YOSHIRA Mew generator function, that would return the same Mew each single time, but just with a random Trainer ID from 0 to 65535. During this process I learned a lot about how Pokémon R/B read and write to SRAM and it was cool to see the project leaving my imagination. I wish I had a Gameboy and a Gen I cartridge so I could invest on making this project better by creating even a full homebrew reproduction of the hardware with the whole interface and gameboy cartridge slot thing. Keep in mind that if you are planning to use this tool, please keep a backup of your progress. I do not want to be responsible for damages to your save file or even your cartridge. So, the link to my code is here: guilherssousa/mew-machine: A Python recreation of the Mew Machine software. (github.com)
    1 point
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