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I'm as persistant as Team Rocket!


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*In a slightly maniacal voice*It doesn't matter how many times you change sites Pokesav! I, megafan20, will track you down and follow you! Any way, enough drama. Hello all, I am a lag of the pokesav forums and it is a pleasure to be here.:D I hope to find(and give) lots of support in the never ending struggle to get every special event pokemon.

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Uh...wow! This is different. An "introduction" of my creation getting such a big-and generally positive about my on screen persona. Normally if I go into my "The-most-obsessive-person-about-role playing-EVER" mode(like I'm doing now) people just go O_o and say "please don't do that".

BTW In case you hadn't guessed by now, I am an actor, playwright, and artistic adviser to my old high school's drama department as well as a storyteller for my local library. (my next role is the Catterpillar and The Mad Hatter in a production of "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by the community theater league I'm apart of...) *a sudden realization hits* And now I'm rambling.:o

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