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  1. 1. Is this help full? Was it easy to understand?

    • Yes it was helpfull and easy
    • No I can find better and easier information elsewhere
    • I dont really get it now I should post the part I dont get
    • I get it but can you elaborate on .... (post what to elaborate on)

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I'm not sure if I posted this thread in the correct place but anyway this is where I am going to inform about egg moves and other things about breeding. It is one of the things in Pokemon that I know a good amount about. Plus, I feel that the community may have been deprived exactly of how egg moves work. Although I think bulbapedia has some good information on this stuff sometimes their site doesn't work plus they aren't exactly always accurate and I've gathered a plethora of information throughout my web research and my own personal field testing.

I will elaborate in another post, because isnt this just the info on the actual thread. Sorry I'm kind of knew to this.

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I hope I have helped so far, make sure to post your comments and questions please!


Yeah, you can get that with breeding. When I was hatching drifloons to get the right one I forgot to take my pokemon out of the day care and they just kept making eggs. I'm not sure if that is what your talking about but you have to be careful with breeding


This is an excellent guide. I feel like I need to contribute something as well, but I'm not much for expository writing... and the only thing I know about in-depth is EV-training.

Would anyone be interested in a guide for that?

  Turtlekid2 said:
This is an excellent guide. I feel like I need to contribute something as well, but I'm not much for expository writing... and the only thing I know about in-depth is EV-training.

Would anyone be interested in a guide for that?

OMG! Yes that would be awesome. I know that I looked forever on EV training and what EVs were. Serrebi net was my answer but the more information this sight has the better!

Posted (edited)


*By the way to readers if you have any questions on a certain pokemon and their egg moves or where to find a pokemon's move pool just shoot me a message or post it here*


Edited by pokemonfan
I to save from adding another post
  NeoDraven said:
Sorry turtlekid i made one :)

I was thinking a guide that deals more with the math involved, understanding what EVs do, how to distribute EVs, that sort of thing.


Well then why dont you make one Turtlekid2. If you do can you tell me where it is because really EVs and the math around it isnt really my pokemon strong point. So if you do make a guide tell me so that I can use it and reference it in some of my guides.

So if you think the current one isn't at its best maybe add to it in the same thread and if you do tell me. Please!



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There's 25 different natures:


Adamant: (+Attack, -Sp.Atk)

Bashful: No effect

Bold: (+Defense, Attack)

Brave: (+Attack, -Speed)

Calm: (+Sp.Def, -Attack)

Careful: (+Sp.Def, -Sp.Atk)

Docile: No effect

Gentle: (+Sp.Def, -Defense)

Hardy: No effect

Hasty: (+Speed, -Defense)

Impish: (+Defense, -Sp.Atk)

Jolly: (+Speed, -Sp.Atk)

Lax: (+Defense, -Sp.Def)

Lonely: (+Attack, -Defense)

Mild: (+Sp.Atk, -Defense)

Modest: (+Sp.Atk, -Attack)

Naive: (+Speed, -Sp.Def)

Naughty: (+Attack, -Sp.Def)

Quiet: (+Sp.Atk, -Speed)

Quirky: No effect

Rash: (+Sp.Atk, -Sp.Def)

Relaxed: (+Defense, -Speed)

Sassy: (+Sp.Def, -Speed)

Serious: No effect

Timid: (+Speed, -Attack)

i think its more easier to see what is what...in my opinion


I am making a new breeding guide in the Main Series Discussion that will be more in depth then this one. Additionally, I will be trying to add IV breeding and IV information possibly hidden power info into this guide. I hope that the guide there will get feedback like I have gotten here or even better.

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