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PkHaX Not Working With Emerald Kaizo

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I am unsure if PkHaX mode is supported here, if not I apologize. 

I am using the latest PkHeX version in PkHaX mode with Emerald Kaizo to create a few shinies and change a few natures. It worked once but I can't get it to work again. 

There are no errors, I am able to load the save, make the changes and export the save with no issues but the changes don't appear in the game. 

I am 100% certain it is in Hax mode, I get that cute little message to behave on startup and the hacked stats tick box is there. 

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"HaX" only unclamps some editors and allows disabling the recalculation of stats.

If the emulator does not recognize changes, and your changes persist when reopening the save with the editor, then you didn't import your save back to the emulator correctly. Be sure to not be using save states when resuming your emulation session, as the emulator needs to read your saved data rather than continue from a previous snapshot.

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Posted (edited)
On 6/19/2024 at 2:29 PM, Kaphotics said:

"HaX" only unclamps some editors and allows disabling the recalculation of stats.

If the emulator does not recognize changes, and your changes persist when reopening the save with the editor, then you didn't import your save back to the emulator correctly. Be sure to not be using save states when resuming your emulation session, as the emulator needs to read your saved data rather than continue from a previous snapshot.

No, changes do not remain when the file is reopened in PkHaX and while I do use save states I click 'reset' under the 'emulator' menu to load my save data after using PkHaX but the changes do not appear in the game. 

(Sidenote: Hopefully I understood you correctly). 

Edited by A Shadow
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Posted (edited)

Alright, interesting, when I opened the file in PkHaX just now the changes I made still seem to be in place which I swear is new, but still not showing up in the game. 

I assume by "verify" you mean screenshots? 



And here is the folder where I have the game:


In case you can't quite tell, it is the Breloom I am focusing on right now.

This is the best I can offer. Even these shots can't definitively prove that it is not a save state shown so you're just gonna have to trust me. 

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Date modified on your save file is an hour before your original post, yet you have save states with more recent timestamps (today).

Be sure you are exporting your edited save file from PKHeX (date modified changes), and that the emulator is told to look at the edited save file (depends on the emulator).

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On 6/21/2024 at 7:17 PM, Kaphotics said:

Date modified on your save file is an hour before your original post, yet you have save states with more recent timestamps (today).

Be sure you are exporting your edited save file from PKHeX (date modified changes), and that the emulator is told to look at the edited save file (depends on the emulator).

So, it's not exporting even though I am hitting 'export save' in PkHaX and I don't load save states? 
How do I fix this and ensure the emulator is reading the edited save?

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

If reopening the edited save in PKHeX shows your changes, then data doesn't magically revert.

I don't know how every single emulator works. If you're not importing the edited save, then it won't use the updated data.

What? I keep telling you, I am exporting from PkHeX, what do you mean importing? 

Now PkHaX no longer shows my changes when I load the file. I tried to export it to a different folder, delete the original save data and then transfer the exported data to the game folder but while it shows the correct modification date, the changes still aren't being read by the game. 

Edited by A Shadow
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Does an unedited save file (from the emulator) have valid checksums, via the SAV tab?

If PKHeX remembers your changes, and the emulator reversed it, then that's not an issue with PKHeX. The emulator has to import your edited save file, oftentimes it will ignore it / keep it cached internally with a RAM snapshot for faster resuming.

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20 hours ago, Kaphotics said:

Does an unedited save file (from the emulator) have valid checksums, via the SAV tab?

If PKHeX remembers your changes, and the emulator reversed it, then that's not an issue with PKHeX. The emulator has to import your edited save file, oftentimes it will ignore it / keep it cached internally with a RAM snapshot for faster resuming.

PkHaX does not remember my changes. 
Maybe this is a sign to just forget it. 

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This isn't an issue with PKHeX. It's not designed to work with ROM hacks in the first place, and judging by reports from others, it seems that Kaizo is not fully compatible with PKHeX.

1: The changes aren't being saved because the savefile structure is different,
2: Emerald Kaizo may have built-in protections against cheating and is reverting to the last unmodified backup (since it is intended to be a hardmode version of Emerald),
or 3: You're not saving/loading the edited savefile properly.

Arguing with Kurt, (who literally developed PKHeX and is trying to troubleshoot the issue), is not going to help you, so I'll be locking this topic.

That aside, it appears there are other projects with editing Emerald Kaizo specifically in mind (you can either build it yourself from github, or there appears to be a download link in the Youtube video description): 

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