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Marks and Ribbon Help


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Good Afternoon,


I have been trying to research and study some guides on how to do certain things on PKHeX. I am fairly new! Regarding ribbons and marks, I am having trouble with trading Pokémon that are marked or have a ribbon. I have tried using the encounter database but I guess im still a little confused. I tried to use a previous forum post for reference but I still had no luck. Can anyone help me understand a bit more about this? Here is a sample file a edited from the encounter database.

057 ★ - Primeape - 34A16CB8E232.pk9

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This Primeape appears legal in the latest version of PKHeX. Please don't report issues with outdated versions of PKHeX.

Edit: I misread. I'm not sure whether this is an issue with PKHeX flagging it as legal when it's actually illegal, or if GameFreak has an issue with their whitelist.

Edited by Atrius97
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I'm not able to test trading it online, but maybe fixing small errors on your file can make it tradeable. Wild shiny Pokemon in SV can only have PIDs with XOR = 0 or XOR = 1, so you might want to change your PID and find a value that fits. Also try using 1 ribbon/mark at a time to see which of those trade and which won't.

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