Greencat Posted April 18, 2009 Posted April 18, 2009 (edited) EV Training Guide - Guide Created From: Silent Storm Hello and welcome to the Pokémon EV Training Guide! We hope you find the guide helpful and informative. Please fallow the rules when posting and enjoy. Tiers (Ranking System) Competitive environment has it set of tiers (sometimes, in this case Pokemon) tiers are merely there to promote diversity in the world of Pokemon, without tiers, stuff like Groudon, Mewtwo, Kyogre and Darkrai would be on every team (same with Arceus when he comes out). To find out what Pokemon belong which tiers follow this link, ot that the Uber tier and Borderline Tier mearly exist as a banlist fo the Overused and Underused tier. Competitive Roles Guide The great thing about competitive battling is that every Pokemon has a specific role on teams, to find out these roles, follow the below. Standard Rules. We have tiers and roles, now all we need are rules right? To find out the rules of competitive battling, then follow the link below. Effort Values EV stand for Effort Value, Pokemon can gain these when battling other Pokemon in game. Each Pokemon that you battle gives out a certain amount of Effort Values. Effort Values are hidden from viewing in game though, so it is up to you to keep track of them, though another way is to use PokeSAV if you have a flashcart or ARDS codes. Each Pokemon gain up to a total of 510 EVs. Every 4 EVs equals one stat point gained when you level up (if you gained 4 EVs of that stat while training). Out of those 510, 508 of them are usable. However, each stat can only have a maximum of 252 Effort Values. That means you can max out 2 different stats. 252 EVs translates into 63 stat points. (63 times 4 is 252). Also, this can be supplemented by a nature. (A beneficial nature adds 10% more stat points overall, while a hindering nature takes away 10% overall. So a Pokemon with an Adamant nature gets 10% MORE stat points in Attack but 10% LESS stat points in Special Attack). Why should we EV train? Simple really, EV training helps greatly in the field of competitive battling, for instances, people that EV train have a MAJOR advantage over those that don't (EV trained Pokemon can take hits deal more damage or are just plain faster). Do you know any good EV training spots? Well yes, these or great spots to make EV training faster. Reveal hidden contents HP Attack. Defence. (Not available at the moment). Special Attack. Special Defense. (Not available at the moment). Speed. Or you could follow this. Reveal hidden contents HP: ~Shellos at Valley Windworks north of ignore the Buizel (+1 each) ~Gastrodons at Fuego Ironworks or Route 213 ignore Floatzel (+2 each) ~Gastrodons outside of Pal Park (+2 each) Attack: ~Kricketune and Bidarel at route 212 (rainy route) (+2 each) ~Bibarels and Machop (2 EVs and 1 EV respectively) Route 208 ~Machokes and Snovers at Acuity Lakefront (2 Evs and 1 EV respectively) Defense: ~Cave with Geodudes and Hippopotas off route 214 (+1 each) (Ruin Maniac's Cave) ~Onix and Gravelers on Iron Island in the second room ignore Golbats (+1 Onix) (+2 Gravelers) ~Geodudes and Onix in the first room (Oreburgh Mines) (+1 each) Special Attack: ~Gastly at the Old Chateau in Eterna Forest (+1 each) (Haunters +2) (Gengars +3) *Need GBA Game in GBA slot and National Pokedex for Haunters and Gengars* ~Golducks surfing in the water at the Resort Area (+2 each) Special Defense: ~Surfing any ocean/sea area for Tentacools (+1each) *North of 8th gym town has been good ignore Pellipers* (Mantykes +1) Speed: ~Raticates and Fearows Northwest of the Fight Area (+2 each) *name?* ~Zubats in a cave (+1 each) ~Golbats in Victory Road (in water, you only find Golbats) (+2 each) Power Items: These items boost the number of EVs gained per battle with a pokemon in their respective stat. Power Ankle: Boosts Speed EVs Power Band: Boosts Special Defense Evs Power Belt: Boosts Defense EVs Power Bracer: Boosts Attack EVs Power Lens: Boosts Special Attack EVs Power Weight: Boosts HP EVs Equation goes like this: x + y = t x = EV's from pokemon y = EVs boosted from Power Items (+4) t = Total EVs Now with Pokerus we multiply the whole left side of the equation by 2 so... 2(x + y) = t Now assume we have a pokemon that grants 2 points per battle... 2(2 + 4) = 12 Speeding up EV Training Here are some factors to take into consideration before beginning your training: Reveal hidden contents Macho Brace - Lowers the speed of the holder, but doubles the amount of EVs you get from one battle. (example: If you fight a Starly for Speed EVs, you get 2 EVs instead of the normal 1 EV. Pokerus - Doubles the amount of EVs you get from a battle. Vitamins - Adds 10 EVs to a stat, but stops working if that stat already has 100 more EVs in it. EXP. Share - Not only does the wearer gain half the experience from a battle, but it ALSO gains EVs. So, for example, if someone battles a Pidgey for one EV of Speed, the both the Pokemon that battled and the wearer of EXP. Share gain 1 EV in Speed EACH. (If, say, a Pidgeotto battles and a Gastly is wearing the EXP. Share, then both Pidgeotto and Gastly each get 1 EV; the amount of EVs gained is not split in half.) Reducing EVs In Pokemon Emerald version, there are 6 berries that can reduce EVs. Each one reduces 10 EVs from their respective stat. - Pomeg Berry - HP - Kelpsy Berry - Attack - Qualot Berry - Defense - Hondew Berry - Special Attack - Grepa Berry - Special Defense - Tamato Berry - Speed Credits Dark_Azelf, JUDGEMENT0, Serebii and Silent Storm. Edited April 29, 2009 by Greencat Removing "Contents"
damio Posted April 18, 2009 Posted April 18, 2009 I believe you forgot to mention "pokesav". That always helps when i EV train
Stu-Stu22 Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 The only thing I found difficult about EV training was starting at a lower level. Training a stat like Sp. Def can be tough if you're training from a level under 20, since you face foes from levels 20-50. And if you level up your pokemon before getting the training done, it'll have lower stats than it could have had. I suppose you could just use an Exp Share, but that takes an eternity. I usually use the modifier code to bring all the wild pokemon down to level 1 to make it quick.
Greencat Posted April 19, 2009 Author Posted April 19, 2009 Stu-Stu22 said: The only thing I found difficult about EV training was starting at a lower level.Training a stat like Sp. Def can be tough if you're training from a level under 20, since you face foes from levels 20-50. And if you level up your pokemon before getting the training done, it'll have lower stats than it could have had. I suppose you could just use an Exp Share, but that takes an eternity. I usually use the modifier code to bring all the wild pokemon down to level 1 to make it quick. Well, you won't gain as much as you could've if that's what you mean, but it eventually even outs.
wraith89 Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 Wouldn't those abundant Geodudes found in almost every caves make a good thing to train against for Defense? There are Gravelers in later caves which give 2 Defense. As for Special Defense, I am thinking of Tentacools which are ridiculously common in water. Those occasional Tentacruels (which are hard to fight against sometimes, I know) can give 2 SpD EVs instead.
wraith89 Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 (edited) Greencat said: Yes, and both are posted above. Oh woops. I was only looking at the video links, not the other spoiler tag. My mistake. - Greencat @ 9:06 PM No problem. ^-^ Edited April 19, 2009 by Greencat
Jayc Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 Or you could, for both physical and special attackers, chain Roselia/Kricketune and Staravia in the Trophy Garden.
4evil Posted April 19, 2009 Posted April 19, 2009 for speed you can always go kill some starlys, their 1 speed point each
NarutoEH Posted May 3, 2009 Posted May 3, 2009 HP - West of Pastoria city in the water, on Route 212, you will run into Woopers. Give one base HP EV each. Rarely you will see Quagsires, that give 2 EVs each. Combined both of these monsters have a 100% encounter rate. Attack - Route 229 fishing with a Super Rod. Fishing here will net you a Gyarados every time. Gives 2 base attack EVs. Defense - Ruin Maniac Cave. Walking around you will encounter Geodudes and Hippotas. Both give 1 base EV in defense each. Special Attack – In the resort area there is a small pool you may surf in to encounter Golduck 100% of the time. Gives 2 base EV points each. Special Defense – Off the water in Sunyshore city. You will see Tentacruel 60% of the time that give 2 Special Defense EVs each. Rarely you will see Mantykes, that give 1 EV each. Speed – Up on the ledges near the Survival Area. (Head east of Survival area and use rock climb to access.) You will encounter Fearows and Raticates, both of which give 2 speed EVs each. Rarely you will see Rattatas and Spearows, both of which give 1 base EV each. ^ Those are also some good spots Sorry if some of those are already listed I'm too lazy to check.
qwerty75 Posted May 9, 2009 Posted May 9, 2009 EV training can be really tough, but thats why they call it EFFORT training!
FLOOTENKERP Posted May 11, 2009 Posted May 11, 2009 Yeah, this seems to complicated. I'll stick to making legal shiny Pokémon.
pokemonfan Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 EV training does take effort and a lot of spare time. It sort of seems like this... Common pokemon-1 point Rare pokemon-2 points Legendaries-3 points Using pokesav avoids the whole lot of training. However, where is the fun in that? Where is the bonding with your pokemon? "I want to get super strong as fast as possible" -barry "What about spending time with your pokemon and bonding with them...growing stronger together" or something like that -ash barry would use pokesav, ash wouldn't I'm with ash, I'd EV train the correct way. serebii has a nice list of what pokemon give what based on the stat. I use this link often. Click here for the list.
wraith89 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 pokemonfan said: EV training does take effort and a lot of spare time. It sort of seems like this...Common pokemon-1 point Rare pokemon-2 points Legendaries-3 points That's not completely true. It's usually determined by evolutionary stage. 1st stage gives you 1 point, 2nd stage gives you 2 points in total, and 3rd stage Pokemon gives 3 points in total. Of course, those legendaries will give you 3 points in total. In Gen III, Chansey gave 1 HP EV and Blissey gave 2 HP EV. Now Chansey gives 2 HP EV and Blissey gives 3 HP EV... because of the addition of Happiny.
pokemonfan Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Yeah I know that part too...its just seems like being that the first evolutionary stage is most common (usually) I though that I'd say that instead...I dont know what I was thinking though.
alock Posted August 10, 2009 Posted August 10, 2009 OK, so i have this small doubt... lets say i got 255 EVs in the two stats that i wanted, and my poke is not yet lvl 100. Will the EVs i get while lvling up affect my EV training? I mean will those be withdrawn from the stats I've maxed up?
wraith89 Posted August 10, 2009 Posted August 10, 2009 Nope... you'll have 255 EVs in both places in-tact so after you get all 510, you are free to train with whatever you want.
Neo Posted August 10, 2009 Posted August 10, 2009 Not to be rude or anything Greencat but isn't there already an EV Guide? Because i remember contributing to one. But this one is Nicer and a better layout.
Exotahu Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 If I use the EV lowering berries, do the stats I use them on become lower than they would be if I hadn't? (If I had EV'd them correctly from level 1, as opposed to reducing their EVs and redoing them at say, level 50?) I hope that made sense. Also, do their stats become higher if I EV them from a lower level?
RenegadeShroom Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 No, stats do not get higher if you EV train at a lower level. It doesn't matter what level you start EV training at, as long as it's not level 100. As long as you get the EV's back before level 100, it doesn't matter. (I hope that I answered right )
Exotahu Posted September 23, 2009 Posted September 23, 2009 Just about... So if I lower a stat with a berry, it isn't permanently lowered in some way?
RenegadeShroom Posted September 24, 2009 Posted September 24, 2009 No, there is no way to make a Pokemon weaker in stats permanently. Except to give it EV reducing berries right before it hits level 100.
chaos_scrap Posted October 17, 2009 Posted October 17, 2009 kris12k4 said: what does ev stand for? effort value ---------- Post added at 08:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ---------- alock said: OK, so i have this small doubt... lets say i got 255 EVs in the two stats that i wanted, and my poke is not yet lvl 100. Will the EVs i get while lvling up affect my EV training?I mean will those be withdrawn from the stats I've maxed up? once u max out all the evs u can earn the stat at level 100 is set... the stat at level 100 depends on ivs and evs and don't just use 255 in just 2 stats.. because each stat point u earn is from every 4 evs (even though it doesn't look like they add up) the true max with extra evs leftover is 252, which then if u use two 252s u have 6 left and use those last 6(more like 4) in one last stat ---------- Post added at 08:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:47 PM ---------- Stu-Stu22 said: The only thing I found difficult about EV training was starting at a lower level.Training a stat like Sp. Def can be tough if you're training from a level under 20, since you face foes from levels 20-50. And if you level up your pokemon before getting the training done, it'll have lower stats than it could have had. I suppose you could just use an Exp Share, but that takes an eternity. I usually use the modifier code to bring all the wild pokemon down to level 1 to make it quick. can't u just put the pokemon in front then when u encounter a pokemon switch out (that earns all the evs u earned and levels up quicker)? and when u use exp share all u get it the ORIGINAL evs that pokemon u faced has (i forget if pokerus plays a role, i don't think it does) so if go against a geodude bother the pokemon battling and the one with the experience share will get 1 def ev ---------- Post added at 08:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:51 PM ---------- pokemonfan said: EV training does take effort and a lot of spare time. It sort of seems like this...Common pokemon-1 point Rare pokemon-2 points Legendaries-3 points Using pokesav avoids the whole lot of training. However, where is the fun in that? Where is the bonding with your pokemon? "I want to get super strong as fast as possible" -barry "What about spending time with your pokemon and bonding with them...growing stronger together" or something like that -ash barry would use pokesav, ash wouldn't I'm with ash, I'd EV train the correct way. serebii has a nice list of what pokemon give what based on the stat. I use this link often. Click here for the list. lol i only pokesav to sav breeding pokemon =/
randomspot555 Posted January 26, 2010 Posted January 26, 2010 I really don't see why this can't be done in the questions/help thread. Eventually I want to get guides posted in the Competitive Battling section.
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