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Posted (edited)


Hello everyone! Here is the presentation of my rom hack: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven. I've always loved Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but I was always frustrated by the lack of difficulty, and the fact that the game was finishable without using all the QoL offered by the game, like IQ, linked moves and other mechanics. After discovering SkyTemple, I tried to create my own rom hack, and finally get the game I always wanted to play.

With Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven, you can expect : 

- Choose your difficulty
- New starters and new Pokemon from generations 5 to 8.
- New dungeons, boss battles and items. 
- The fairy type added.
- Mega Evolution 
- Shiny Hunting
- And other features.

A secondary version "Explorers of Hell" also exists, and is available by joining the discord. This one has all the dialogues modified with dark humor, so if you are sensitive, I don't recommend you to play it.

In this thread, I will present you some new features, you will also have some screenshots of the game, and you will have some data related to the game, like the list of legendary Pokémon that can be found with the mystery part/secret slab or the list of new attacks. First of all, I want to thank the whole SkyTemple team, this would not have been possible without their engine and hard work. I also want to thank the spriters without whom the new Pokémon could not have appeared in my game. Finally, I would like to thank Mond who generally helped me a lot in the creation of my rom hack. He also created his rom hack: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Alpha, I invite you all to go and see his project. Remember to talk to the Porygon2 in the game crossroad for a detailed list of spécial thanks.


Random features :

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New gameplay mechanics :

  Reveal hidden contents

New Pokémon :

  Reveal hidden contents

New moves :

  Reveal hidden contents


  Reveal hidden contents


Pokemon shiny location :

  Reveal hidden contents

Location of Pokemon found with the Mystery Part / Secret Slab

  Reveal hidden contents

All IQ Groups in Heaven and Hell (Thanks to Picalex


Pokemon Locations (Thanks to Migo


Général Guide (Thanks to Smash



New title screen

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New starters / partners 

  Reveal hidden contents


Examples of new boss battles :

  Reveal hidden contents

New shiny Pokémon

  Reveal hidden contents

Master Player & Difficulties :

  Reveal hidden contents

Old PMD Games ref :

  Reveal hidden contents

Other Screens









Thanks to the spriters for making the portraits of the old and new Pokémon, as well as for the sprites of the Pokémon from generation 5 to 8 :

  Reveal hidden contents

Thanks to all the SkyTemple team and its community for their help, especially : 

  Reveal hidden contents
Thanks to the beta testers for spotting the problems of the game, as well as for helping me with the dialogues : 
  Reveal hidden contents
Thanks to Fke for designing the text box and the teams stats. Thanks also to all those I didn't mention. Thanks also to all those who followed the progress of the game and who supported the project since the beginning. It's thanks to your messages and your support that I had the motivation to work for several months on this game, so a huge thank you to you, and I hope you will like the result.

You will need to patch a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Explorer US rom. Avoid using savestates to apply future patches. In the file, you will have a tutorial to patch your rom. 

Joining the discord will be essential for your adventure. Indeed, you will find there the rom for Explorers of Hell, an active community, guides, information, news about the next updates, and especially: You can try the Master Player challenge! So think about joining us if you want to try the adventure! Here is the link : https://discord.gg/6QbPHYZDtg



Edited by babou
New version
  • babou changed the title to Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Heaven
  • 2 weeks later...

One more suggestion Babou ,that I also following your Discord account of this game.., Why not develop another version of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Heaven and Hell, but this time a randomizer one, with shinies, and with difficult level we could chose?

a randomizer version could be more defiant..

Only one user on Project Pokemon had made it before:


Posted (edited)

V2.2. -- At the end of Dragonspiral Tower, Zekrom and Reshiram cause the game to freeze (I checked the ROM with Skemple, it could be a file size issue with Reshiram)... you also made this a quicksave dungeon so unwary players will lose their items after the crash when reloading their save file.

Edit: Also, I can't get Mystery Part/Secret Slab mons to spawn, even with turning off "required item" in Skemple.

Edited by amicablesailboat
  • 5 months later...

Been playing this game on the expert mode and it took me to level 13 just to beat koffing and zubat at the start because I took Vulpix! Looking forward to this challenge a lot!

  • 6 months later...
Posted (edited)

I've played pmd Explorers of Heaven on V2.2 and for some reason, it kept on saying "Save failed." This wasn't a problem for the most part because I could just use .state files. However, after I beat the main story line I realized I couldn't get to the post-game. This is only a problem with 2.2 as I tried it with previous versions and I could save in those.

Edited by Fire_Bird
  • 1 month later...

Soooo I'm stuck on groudon at and I'm at level 50 on vanilla wtf am I doing wrong lol adding 2 volcaronas was nice but still very difficult... Is it because it's hell version?? Is there any cheats? Infinite hp would be enough

  On 4/2/2023 at 9:53 AM, oblviionmatt said:

Been playing this game on the expert mode and it took me to level 13 just to beat koffing and zubat at the start because I took Vulpix! Looking forward to this challenge a lot!


Took me level 12 on vanilla I'm stuck in groudon at level 50 dude

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Why is the Vanilla mode still so freakishly difficult? Do you want us to actually enjoy the game or what 😅 it’s nearly unplayable. At least add some cheats in or something 

Edited by inkdistressed
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  On 7/27/2021 at 11:12 PM, babou said:


Hello everyone! Here is the presentation of my rom hack: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven. I've always loved Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, but I was always frustrated by the lack of difficulty, and the fact that the game was finishable without using all the QoL offered by the game, like IQ, linked moves and other mechanics. After discovering SkyTemple, I tried to create my own rom hack, and finally get the game I always wanted to play.

With Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven, you can expect : 

- Choose your difficulty
- New starters and new Pokemon from generations 5 to 8.
- New dungeons, boss battles and items. 
- The fairy type added.
- Mega Evolution 
- Shiny Hunting
- And other features.

A secondary version "Explorers of Hell" also exists, and is available by joining the discord. This one has all the dialogues modified with dark humor, so if you are sensitive, I don't recommend you to play it.

In this thread, I will present you some new features, you will also have some screenshots of the game, and you will have some data related to the game, like the list of legendary Pokémon that can be found with the mystery part/secret slab or the list of new attacks. First of all, I want to thank the whole SkyTemple team, this would not have been possible without their engine and hard work. I also want to thank the spriters without whom the new Pokémon could not have appeared in my game. Finally, I would like to thank Mond who generally helped me a lot in the creation of my rom hack. He also created his rom hack: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon : Explorers of Alpha, I invite you all to go and see his project. Remember to talk to the Porygon2 in the game crossroad for a detailed list of spécial thanks.


Random features :

  Reveal hidden contents

New gameplay mechanics :

  Reveal hidden contents

New Pokémon :

  Reveal hidden contents

New moves :

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  Reveal hidden contents


Pokemon shiny location :

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Location of Pokemon found with the Mystery Part / Secret Slab

  Reveal hidden contents

All IQ Groups in Heaven and Hell (Thanks to Picalex

Pokemon Locations (Thanks to Migo

Général Guide (Thanks to Smash


New title screen

  Reveal hidden contents

New starters / partners 

  Reveal hidden contents


Examples of new boss battles :

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New shiny Pokémon

  Reveal hidden contents

Master Player & Difficulties :

  Reveal hidden contents

Old PMD Games ref :

  Reveal hidden contents

Other Screens


Thanks to the spriters for making the portraits of the old and new Pokémon, as well as for the sprites of the Pokémon from generation 5 to 8 :

  Reveal hidden contents

Thanks to all the SkyTemple team and its community for their help, especially : 

  Reveal hidden contents
Thanks to the beta testers for spotting the problems of the game, as well as for helping me with the dialogues : 
  Reveal hidden contents
Thanks to Fke for designing the text box and the teams stats. Thanks also to all those I didn't mention. Thanks also to all those who followed the progress of the game and who supported the project since the beginning. It's thanks to your messages and your support that I had the motivation to work for several months on this game, so a huge thank you to you, and I hope you will like the result.

You will need to patch a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Sky Explorer US rom. Avoid using savestates to apply future patches. In the file, you will have a tutorial to patch your rom. 

Joining the discord will be essential for your adventure. Indeed, you will find there the rom for Explorers of Hell, an active community, guides, information, news about the next updates, and especially: You can try the Master Player challenge! So think about joining us if you want to try the adventure! Here is the link : https://discord.gg/6QbPHYZDtg




Can you please add cheat codes because this IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT. I have two zorua’s on my team and Primal Dialga’s Roar of Time never runs out of PP even with me having to use 20 reviver seeds. I just want infinite health and damage so I can beat this cut scene. For the love of all things good please consider this 😩🙏🙏🙏



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