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Posted (edited)
  urgood1 said:
Dear Poryhack,

Thank you for going through all the troubles with my SAV file. I think my R4i's autodetection was just being dumb to make the SAV files 1 MB, including both Platinum and Heart Gold SAV.

Now my questions are, "How did you chop down the other 512 KB end and make the file work just fine? Would you please teach me how to do that because I want to learn some new skills? And Would you do me another favor to chop down the other 512 KB from my newer Heart Gold SAV file because later on today, I had beaten 2 more gyms?"

If you could help me chop down the file and teach me how to do it, I'll be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much for your kindness and your consideration.

Best Regards,


I hope you fixed the problem with Poryhack's help ;) If not, please report it again.

About that converting to 512 KB, please keep in mind that this is 524.288 bytes, which is 0x80000 in hexadecimal. Please use a hex editor to remove the last 0x80000 bytes.

  Scarface said:
Here is a bug i am reporting:

when i load a Sav file any changes made writes to Slot 2 instead of the Slot 1 Sav and it is using 2nd block when it loads the sav so i am unable to use this program all together unless i can write slot 2 to slot 1 or make my slot 1 corrupted!

i will also upload my sav file if you wish to take a look at it

If I understand you correctly (and with some testing myself), the second PCD doesn't save at all? I've done some further research, and it happens in some of my saves too. I'll take a look at it.

EDIT: I think I've found the problem... just some stupid mistake in my code, it checks if there's already a backup, if so, it creates a backup with a different name, but when this part in my code is called, it returns without saving the changes to the save file. So this only happens when there's already a backup. I'll release a revision asap ;)

For now, please change the name of the backup file and try it again.

EDIT 2: Version 1.2a is downloadable now!


Edited by Grovyle91
Problem found & version 1.2a is up!

How are you importing it? This program is only designed for Mystery Gift editing, not Pokémon editing, although it's possible to receive a Pokémon through Mystery Gift. Then you need to create a Gift and Wonder Card. If you're just creating a Wonder Card or Gift only, it's not working.



Gift and Wonder Card... I'd converted them from previous .pkm files and when i import them and save them, I go into the game and the guy does not appear in the pokemart

Posted (edited)
  urgood1 said:
Dear Poryhack,

Thank you for going through all the troubles with my SAV file. I think my R4i's autodetection was just being dumb to make the SAV files 1 MB, including both Platinum and Heart Gold SAV.

Now my questions are, "How did you chop down the other 512 KB end and make the file work just fine? Would you please teach me how to do that because I want to learn some new skills? And Would you do me another favor to chop down the other 512 KB from my newer Heart Gold SAV file because later on today, I had beaten 2 more gyms?"

If you could help me chop down the file and teach me how to do it, I'll be greatly appreciated! Thank you very much for your kindness and your consideration.

Best Regards,


Download a hex editor (I use HxD, it's free) and just select everything past 0x80000 like Grovyle91 said, and delete key.

Edited by Poryhack
Forgot quote.
Posted (edited)

I realize now that I haven't coded the pkm part right... *sigh*

I guess your Pokémon are also not correctly recognized in the program?

Try bin instead for now... I'm trying to fix it.

EDIT: Version 1.2b fixes some block shuffling problems, you can download this version in the first post. My apologies for these bugs! ;)


Edited by Grovyle91
Version 1.2b is up!

Well I've tested out the new version, still doesn't work so I must be thinking that it's something I'm not doing right... if it's possible can you check out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's the sav file(s) i'm using and I'm trying to get the other starters in so for my gold game I'm using Chikorita and for Silver I'm using Totodile









hge.SAVFetching info...

totodile.pkmFetching info...

chikorita.pkmFetching info...

cyndaquil.pgtFetching info...

sse.SAVFetching info...

totodile.pgtFetching info...

cyndaquil.pkmFetching info...

chikorita.pgtFetching info...


Grovyle I'm going to be specific for the problem that i have so u know exactly. when i load my sav file all the crap i save to it only saves to the backup slot for example if i get my data corrupted and then use the program and then load the sav file it will say data is corrupted which is normal and will load the previous sav file and in that sav file i can see all my WC's that i had imported so my guess is the program is reading and writing the backup slot only

Edit: it turns out after converting a .duc sav file to .sav your program only reads the backup block i downloaded a sav file from online and it works perfectly so i am unsure if you are able to help me with this but i would appreciate any help that anyone can give as this sav file is from my original cartridge which was really screwed up which is why im using the sav file on my flash cart

  heavybassX said:
Well I've tested out the new version, still doesn't work so I must be thinking that it's something I'm not doing right... if it's possible can you check out what I'm doing wrong.

Here's the sav file(s) i'm using and I'm trying to get the other starters in so for my gold game I'm using Chikorita and for Silver I'm using Totodile

I'll test it when I got home again from school ;)

  Scarface said:
Grovyle I'm going to be specific for the problem that i have so u know exactly. when i load my sav file all the crap i save to it only saves to the backup slot for example if i get my data corrupted and then use the program and then load the sav file it will say data is corrupted which is normal and will load the previous sav file and in that sav file i can see all my WC's that i had imported so my guess is the program is reading and writing the backup slot only

Edit: it turns out after converting a .duc sav file to .sav your program only reads the backup block i downloaded a sav file from online and it works perfectly so i am unsure if you are able to help me with this but i would appreciate any help that anyone can give as this sav file is from my original cartridge which was really screwed up which is why im using the sav file on my flash cart

I'm not familliar with a .duc save file, so I don't know the difference. I suppose it needs to be the same, but I'll take a look again at your Platinum save file this afternoon.


  Grovyle91 said:
I'll test it when I got home again from school ;)

I'm not familliar with a .duc save file, so I don't know the difference. I suppose it needs to be the same, but I'll take a look again at your Platinum save file this afternoon.


Thanks Grovyle


Scarface, you were right. The Pt/HG/SS save files were also checked with DP save file structure to determine the active block, which definitely shouldn't be happening. I've fixed it in version 1.2c which you can download now.

heavybassX, I suppose you have the same kind of problem as Scarface, the active block was determined on 2 in your save file, which should have been 1.

In other words, you two were editing the backup block instead of the active block. My bad, sorry!



I can happily say that this is now working for me... I have all three starters for both games... which is going to make the US release much easier to use in a couple of months


Thank you Poryhack and Grovyle91 for helping me with my SAV problems. Now I know how to use the HxD to chop down everything and make good use of your editer. I'm glad that you two took your time helping me with my problems. Thank you very much!! =D


Hello, whenever I try to open this save, this mistake goes out for me


and I cannot edit anything. Here I leave the save for if you need to look at something:


The second problem that has is that it does not leave me to open saves of 256k, only of 512k

My Englishman excuses, is that I am Spanish and this this one translated by a translator

  javisoto99 said:
Hello, whenever I try to open this save, this mistake goes out for me


and I cannot edit anything. Here I leave the save for if you need to look at something:


The second problem that has is that it does not leave me to open saves of 256k, only of 512k

My Englishman excuses, is that I am Spanish and this this one translated by a translator

Thanks for your report ;) it probably has to do something with the numeric values in the GUI. Although I'm not certain why this would pop up while saving...

I'll take a look at it when I found some time after my examinations or whatever you call it (some tests after a school period...) which ends this Wednesday.

About your second problem, I've never seen a 256 KB save file. I know Pokesav can edit 512 KB files as well as 256 KB files, but since I haven't seen these kind of files before I couldn't build in support for it in my program. So it only supports 512 KB files. If you have a 256 KB save file, I'm willing to take a look at it too to see if I can support it as well.

Yes, I've figured that out since the error is in Spanish as well :P

Some parts of it are a bit funny to read :) looks a bit French which I've dropped years ago in my chosen set of courses, I was definately not good in French :(



EDIT: Actually, I've solved the bug within 5 minutes... it was just a missing check on the unlimited distribution amount (255 = unlimited). In v1.3 this will be solved.


Hey Grovyle91... 256 KB save files are, I'm fairly certain, comprised of only one general block, one storage block, one Hall of Fame block, and probably two Battle Video blocks (not 100% sure on that last one). I don't think editing them would be all that different from editing a normal save file after determining the more current portions of the file.


Thanks codemonkey ;)

I'm going to try to add support for 256 KB files as well.

Btw... which values of a Pokémon is affected with the PID? I know the IVs have something to do with it, but is there also something else? I'm trying to complete the Pokémon editor, but as long as I don't know the relations it'll simply be read-only :P



Right. Here is some reference:

Here and here, X-Act explains the processes behind the creation of Pokémon... as well as how to extract information from the raw numbers (PID included) that are used in said processes.

And here is an article from Bulbapedia that also explains some of what the PID does.

To make a long story short, the PID can determine the IVs, Nature, Gender, Ability, shininess, Wurmple's evolution, and Spinda's spots. Also, in the Gen III games, it determined Unown's shape (not so in Gen IV though).


Hello again everyone!

Another version came out! Version 1.3 contains a Symbol Inserter and a Wonder Card Previewer. Only the Japanese font in previewer doesn't correspond the game's font, and the Korean language isn't implemented at the moment.

This version has also some more Mystery Gift and PKM editing available, 256 KB save file support and a bug fix that will prevent the program from loading a Wonder Card when its distribution amount is unlimited.

The program will now have a stack trace when an error occours. Please CTRL+C this window (or screenshot it) and report it here if you think that this error doesn't belong to the program ;)

About the PKM editing functions, all the PID related values are disabled for now until I've figured out how to generate a new PID with the given values.

I've also some more requests now, please take a look at my requests at the first post :)

Codemonkey, thanks again for the information! I'll slowly try to add the features :P




Actually I found a program which allows me to create fonts, it took me a half day to get that application working :P

I've completed the alphanumeric symbols (foreground), but the Japanese will take some time. Not to forget the Korean...

After that I need to add the background of each char in a seperate font. I saw that just shifting the text 1 px right en 1px px down won't create the same texts as ingame.

By the way, has somebody noticed that the En/Fr/Ge/It/Jp/Sp save files won't work on the Korean games? I tried to get the texts from the Wonder Card, but since it didn't work I don't have any strings to add. I'm not trying to play the game all the way in Korean because I don't exactly know when the Mystery Gift is activated.

What did you mean about Sabresite? Has he only done some research to it or has he created the font itself? If the latter, it would spare me much time :)

Either way, I'll ask him what he knows.

Oh, a bit off topic, but why does doubleclicking the icon of this thread closes it? I just figured that out a couple of minutes ago xD

I've already opened it again just by doubleclicking it again, but if someone won't notice this doubleclicking it will leave his thread closed. Well, for me it probably only works on my own thread, but it's still weird :S


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