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Posted (edited)

I've been playing "perfect" legal games starting with a few aids like trades and "broken" punches, but they get back to normal. I recently finished Pokémon White and I dedicated myself to completing the pokedex, having all the legendary events, through the change of DNS and also by pkhex.

The icing on the cake has always been that I left the tariner card at its highest level and here I wanted to do it. I completed the pokedex legally, took all 100 battles between the subway super battle levels, I admit I used cheats for musical props and a little help with the tree nexus. however my card is still gold when it should be white in this version case.

The truth is that I would appreciate help and I promise to do the DSV. publishes.

PS: sorry for my English, I don't speak this language.

Tarjeta de entrenador.JPG

Pokémon - Edicion Blanca (E) .dsv

Edited by Velikam-Castle
  • Velikam-Castle changed the title to [Black / White] SAVE PERFECT?

I have already done all that the game is already finished after the post-game even so my card is still in gold color if you like, check the save and you will see that the game is complete except for that.

I have seen that many people use HxD as a hex editor or use other programs to view and edit the game code but I have no experience with it.


I found the post of someone that the same thing happened to him and there is the answer but I have no knowledge of how to use the game code, someone who has experience knows how to fix it.

ps: my version of the pkhex is the last one.


a) English speaking forum, no need to make another post (which is in a different language)
b) You already have a post to this issue, no need to make another one.

Additionally, I could not replicate your issue regarding downgrading of trainer card via randomizing the forest. What else did you do?


The game is 95% legal, the only thing I used tricks was to finish uploading the Entree link and the musical accessories. EVERYTHING else was played without any cheating pkhex I just used it to do things like pass gen 4 pokemon and have legendaries handed out as a mystery gift.

I support myself that it was the decision to randomize the areas of the nexus forest because it was the only thing that I retouched with the pkhex nothing else everything was played.


no, I do not have it.

If you like, check the save and if you find another error beforehand, I apologize. I think he is the only one I can find him since he is supposed to have complied with everything else.


There's a reason why I asked for a "before save". Also given I don't know where the flag controlling the trainer card is stored, seeing a save like this doesn't really help me.

Anyhow, I could not replicate the error you supposedly experienced.

Supposedly, if the error works the way you described it to be, with the forest randomization being the culprit,
if I used your save (gold trainer card), and re-randomized the forest, it stands to reason that it'll no longer be gold right?

Well guess what: it's still gold.
(Your randomized area, VS me re-randomizing your area) [this is to show that I indeed re-randomized the forest]

I also tried to randomize the forest on a save of mine, and my trainer card is fine.

Can you find a way to replicate the issue, cause I can't.

edit: Given I can't downgrade the card via Forest Randomization, I think it's likely that it's some other edit that triggers it, or it only works on Black/White level trainer cards.


ok you are right now my question is what can be the cause of that if: complete the league, the pokedex, the subway, the entratree is at its maximum level and supposedly I have all the accessories?


I made the edition after passing the league the first two levels after that there was no problem, then I happened to make gold and when the subway passed the battle I was left in gold I could not upload it more.

  On 3/3/2021 at 10:50 PM, Velikam-Castle said:

I made the edition after passing the league the first two levels after that there was no problem, then I happened to make gold and when the subway passed the battle I was left in gold I could not upload it more.


Okay, here's my theory: (timeline will be using abcs etc)
a) Before edit: Your card is gold.
b) After edit: Trainer card still gold
c) Proceeded to clear the forest: Trainer card still gold.

If the story is something like that, it means that forest randomization did not downgrade your trainer card. If anything, it means using PKHeX to unlock the forest does not qualify as unlocking the forest areas for the next trainer card.


My card was one star before editing but if you are right by logic it is ruled out that it was the randomization of the forest areas I apologize for that in particular to you Slayer and the entire pkhex team.

is there a way to tweak in the game code to level up that card?

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