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(Wraith89 v. ClashMan) Shoddy Warstory

Here is an interesting game mode: 150. Name seems easy enough to figure out what it is. You do not know? I will explain in the FAQs then.


150, Evasion Clause, Extended Game, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Sleep Clause

Pokemon: (In order of appearance)






machamp.gif v kabutops.gif

ClashMan sent out Insect (lvl 100 Kabutops ?).

wraith89 sent out Champ (lvl 100 Machamp ?).

Insect used Aqua Jet.

A critical hit!

Champ lost 47% of its health.

Champ used Substitute.

Champ lost 25% of its health.

Champ made a substitute!


Whoops. I should have attacked it outright. And ewww, a critical hit :(

machamp.gif v kabutops.gif

Insect used Waterfall.

The substitute took damage for Champ!

Champ's substitute faded!

Champ used Dynamicpunch.

It's super effective!

Insect lost 118% of its health.

ClashMan's Insect fainted.


Eat my tasty fist, Mister Brown Scyther with a Trilobite Head!

machamp.gif v jolteon.gif

ClashMan switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).

ClashMan: Uh oh

ClashMan: I only have 3 moves

ClashMan: X_X

Jolteon used Thunderbolt.

Champ lost 57% of its health.

wraith89's Champ fainted.

Jolteon lost 10% of its health.


Oh well. That was going to happen anyways. Maybe I could have switched out...

dugtrio.gif v jolteon.gif

wraith89 switched in Mole (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).

Mole used Sucker Punch.

But it failed!

Jolteon used Baton Pass.

ClashMan switched in Greencat (lvl 100 Clefable ?).


Fail. What kind of a trapper are you Dugtrio? You are supposed to destroy Jolteon! :(

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

wraith89 switched in Slurpy (lvl 100 Lickitung ?).

Greencat used Cosmic Power.

Greencat's defence was raised.

Greencat's special defence was raised.


A pink chameleon and a pink fairy. This should be interesting...

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

Greencat used Toxic.

Slurpy was badly poisoned!

Slurpy used Knock Off.

Greencat lost 2% of its health.

Slurpy knocked off foe Greencat's Leftovers!

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 6% of its health.


Ha! Leftovers nullified. And eww... Toxic.

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

Greencat used Cosmic Power.

Greencat's defence was raised.

Greencat's special defence was raised.

Slurpy used Seismic Toss.

Greencat lost 25% of its health.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 12% of its health.


Oh noes! I need a phazer... and fast. Oh well, Seismic Toss ignores those boosts, heh heh.

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

Greencat used Seismic Toss.

Slurpy lost 26% of its health.

Slurpy used Heal Bell.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.


Seismic Toss war? You've got it. But let me get rid of my Toxic first.

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

Greencat used Seismic Toss.

Slurpy lost 26% of its health.

Slurpy used Wish.

Slurpy made a wish!

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.


And let me heal up...

lickitung.gif v clefable.gif

Greencat used Toxic.

Slurpy was badly poisoned!

Slurpy used Seismic Toss.

Greencat lost 25% of its health.

The wish came true!

Slurpy restored 50% of its health.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 6% of its health.


And time to toss that thing...

arcanine.gif v clefable.gif

wraith89 switched in Mary Jane (lvl 100 Arcanine ?).

Mary Jane's intimidate cut Greencat's attack!

Greencat used Seismic Toss.

Mary Jane lost 26% of its health.

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.


Let's go my dear cherished Arcanine. Phaze it away!

arcanine.gif v clefable.gif

ClashMan switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).

Mary Jane used Roar.

ClashMan switched in Greencat (lvl 100 Clefable ?).

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.


... I did NOT expect that. No sir. Not at all.

arcanine.gif v clefable.gif

Mary Jane used Hidden Power.

Greencat lost 14% of its health.

Greencat used Seismic Toss.

Mary Jane lost 26% of its health.

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.


I was hoping for Jolteon switch in... oh well.

arcanine.gif v jolteon.gif

Illithian has entered the room.

Mary Jane used Flamethrower.

Greencat lost 25% of its health.

Greencat used Toxic.

Greencat's attack missed!

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.


And in comes in our beloved moderator of Competitive Battling Illithian. And Toxic misses. :D

arcanine.gif v jolteon.gif

ClashMan switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).

Mary Jane used Flamethrower.

Jolteon lost 42% of its health.

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.


Burn my tasty little Jolteon. BURN! Normally, you would not be so eager to switch Jolteon into Arcanine. Ever. That thing will Extremespeed you to death. But mine happens to be a bulky variant.

lickitung.gif v jolteon.gif

wraith89 switched in Slurpy (lvl 100 Lickitung ?).

Jolteon used Agility.

Jolteon's speed was sharply raised.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 6% of its health.


Here comes Lickitung again. And Jolteon speeds itself up...

lickitung.gif v cloyster.gif

Jolteon used Baton Pass.

ClashMan switched in Cloyster (lvl 100 Cloyster ?).

Slurpy used Wish.

Slurpy made a wish!

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 12% of its health.


This is why we need a priority move user... to stop nuisances like Jolteon @_@

lickitung.gif v cloyster.gif

Cloyster used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Slurpy used Heal Bell.

The wish came true!

Slurpy restored 50% of its health.


And I'm letting that thing set up! @_@

lickitung.gif v cloyster.gif

Cloyster used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Slurpy used Knock Off.

Cloyster lost 2% of its health.

Slurpy knocked off foe Cloyster's Leftovers!


What am I doing???

lickitung.gif v cloyster.gif

Cloyster used Spikes.

Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Slurpy used Seismic Toss.

Cloyster lost 33% of its health.


That's 3 spikes layer already! Am I crazy?

lickitung.gif v cloyster.gif

Cloyster used Toxic Spikes.

Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

Slurpy used Wish.

Slurpy made a wish!


And Toxic Spikes!!!

kingler.gif v cloyster.gif

wraith89 switched in King Crab (lvl 100 Kingler ?).

King Crab was hurt by Spikes!

King Crab lost 25% of its health.

King Crab was poisoned!

King Crab was poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!

Cloyster used Toxic Spikes.

Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team!

The wish came true!

King Crab restored 50% of its health.

King Crab is hurt by poison!

King Crab lost 12% of its health.


And another one! I'm toast :(

kingler.gif v cloyster.gif

Cloyster used Explosion.

King Crab lost 185% of its health.

wraith89's King Crab fainted.

ClashMan's Cloyster fainted.


Take one for the team, King Crab :(

lickitung.gif v jolteon.gif

ClashMan switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).

wraith89 switched in Slurpy (lvl 100 Lickitung ?).

Slurpy was hurt by Spikes!

Slurpy lost 25% of its health.

Slurpy was badly poisoned!

Slurpy was badly poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!

Jolteon used Agility.

Jolteon's speed was sharply raised.

Slurpy used Seismic Toss.

Jolteon lost 37% of its health.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.

Slurpy is hurt by poison!

Slurpy lost 6% of its health.


AGH... still not enough to KO it. Come on :(

lickitung.gif v dugtrio.gif

Jolteon used Baton Pass.

ClashMan switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).

Slurpy used Heal Bell.

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.


Oh man... this is NOT good.

lickitung.gif v dugtrio.gif

Dugtrio used Earthquake.

Slurpy lost 74% of its health.

Slurpy used Wish.

Slurpy made a wish!

Slurpy's leftovers restored its health a little!

Slurpy restored 6% of its health.


No choice but to live it...

lickitung.gif v dugtrio.gif

Dugtrio used Earthquake.

A critical hit!

Slurpy lost 141% of its health.

wraith89's Slurpy fainted.


The consequences of not running Protect with Wish... and a critical. Oh yes, and for using an obscure Pokemon NOBODY has even heard of.

tangela.gif v clefable.gif

wraith89 switched in Medusoid (lvl 100 Tangela ?).

Medusoid was hurt by Spikes!

Medusoid lost 25% of its health.

Medusoid was badly poisoned!

Medusoid was badly poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!

ClashMan switched in Greencat (lvl 100 Clefable ?).

Medusoid used Sunny Day.

The sun began to shine!

The sun continues to shine.

Medusoid is hurt by poison!

Medusoid lost 6% of its health.


Heh heh... I'll bet that Dugtrio was Banded. And it would naturally switch. Time to set up Sunny Day.

tangela.gif v clefable.gif

Medusoid used Solarbeam.

Greencat lost 45% of its health.

ClashMan's Greencat fainted.

The sun continues to shine.

Medusoid is hurt by poison!

Medusoid lost 12% of its health.


Solarbeam spamming time :D

tangela.gif v jolteon.gif

ClashMan switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).

Medusoid used Solarbeam.

Jolteon lost 73% of its health.

ClashMan's Jolteon fainted.

The sun continues to shine.

Medusoid is hurt by poison!

Medusoid lost 19% of its health.


Finally... erm, maybe I would want a Life Orb next time.

tangela.gif v dugtrio.gif

ClashMan switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).

Dugtrio used Sucker Punch.

Medusoid lost 33% of its health.

Medusoid used Solarbeam.

It's super effective!

Dugtrio lost 242% of its health.

ClashMan's Dugtrio fainted.

The sun continues to shine.

Medusoid is hurt by poison!

Medusoid lost 25% of its health.

wraith89's Medusoid fainted.


Awww... it was fun while it lasted. 3 Pokemon down with a Tangela. Who would have known?

dugtrio.gif v gyarados.gif

ClashMan switched in Gyarados (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).

wraith89 switched in Mole (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).

Mole was hurt by Spikes!

Mole lost 25% of its health.

Mole was badly poisoned!

Mole was badly poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!

Gyarados's intimidate cut Mole's attack!

Mole used Stone Edge.

It's super effective!

Gyarados lost 49% of its health.

Gyarados used Waterfall.

It's super effective!

Mole lost 112% of its health.

wraith89's Mole fainted.

The sun continues to shine.

Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gyarados restored 6% of its health.


This is NOT ideal... AT ALL.

arcanine.gif v gyarados.gif

wraith89 switched in Mary Jane (lvl 100 Arcanine ?).

Mary Jane's intimidate cut Gyarados's attack!

Mary Jane was hurt by Spikes!

Mary Jane lost 25% of its health.

Mary Jane was badly poisoned!

Mary Jane was badly poisoned by the Toxic Spikes!

Mary Jane used Will-o-wisp.

Gyarados was burned!

Gyarados used Waterfall.

It's super effective!

Mary Jane lost 13% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.

Mary Jane is hurt by poison!

Mary Jane lost 6% of its health.

Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gyarados restored 6% of its health.

Gyarados was hurt by its burn!

Gyarados lost 12% of its health.


Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Arcanine CAN be EVd to be bulky enough to take a Gyarados's Waterfall. Don't expect to wall a Specsmence with this though.

arcanine.gif v gyarados.gif

Illithian: interesting stall team.

Mary Jane used Flamethrower.

It's not very effective...

Gyarados lost 23% of its health.

Gyarados used Waterfall.

It's super effective!

Mary Jane lost 13% of its health.

The sun continues to shine.

Mary Jane's leftovers restored its health a little!

Mary Jane restored 6% of its health.

Mary Jane is hurt by poison!

Mary Jane lost 12% of its health.

Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!

Gyarados restored 6% of its health.

Gyarados was hurt by its burn!

Gyarados lost 12% of its health.


Burn + Intimidate on a Waterfall... completely nerfs it down to 13% :)

arcanine.gif v gyarados.gif

ClashMan: GG

wraith89: It's RBy

wraith89: gg

ClashMan: Hmm

Illithian: oh.

wraith89: We're playing RBy

Mary Jane used Flamethrower.

It's not very effective...

Gyarados lost 22% of its health.

ClashMan's Gyarados fainted.

wraith89 wins!

Well done my doggy. Have a doggy biscuit!

ClashMan: 3 ous per person..

wraith89: I didn't use 3 OUs

wraith89: X_X

ClashMan: Ahh

Illithian: well you can't really play rby

ClashMan: I used 32

ClashMan: 2*

wraith89: RBY in DPP mode?

wraith89: Why not?

ClashMan: RBY pokes

ClashMan: not mechanics

wraith89: Yeah

ClashMan: X_X

wraith89: Or else... stuff like Kazam will always critical

Illithian: because of the physical / special switch

wraith89: Which would be horribly broen

wraith89: broken*

ClashMan: We said mechanics

wraith89: ClashMan: RBY pokes ClashMan: not mechanics

ClashMan: is not used

Illithian: well, I guess it could work, but then you're playing pseudo-rby

wraith89: All Pokemon 149 and below

ClashMan: X_X

wraith89: Yeah who cares?

ClashMan: Which is what we were saying

wraith89: Don't get technical

Illithian: :P technicalities

wraith89: Main


1) Please explain what this 150 is.

150, as noted in the above discussion, is strictly using Pokemon from 1-150 (aka Kanto Pokemon) for battles. Actually, it is a misnomer. In fact, it should be named 149... because obviously we will ban Mewtwo and Mew from battling (do you really want to see a 6-0 Mewtwo sweep?). It is just a fancy name for using Kanto Pokemon only. Yes, that means you can use your Jolly Dragon Dancing Dragonite without even having to worry about Salamence outclassing it. Nor will you have to be afraid of Charizard being outclassed by every single Fire Pokemon starters aside from that flaming sausage out there. Yes, you can rejoice that there are no Blisseys or Scizors. And no, I don't care if Chansey evolves into Blissey, stick with the 150s... you cannot even use Pichu despite the fact it is weaker than Pikachu. Just stick with the Kanto Pokemon. You do not know who they are? Fine... here is a list:


venusaur.png Venusaur

charizard.png Charizard

blastoise.png Blastoise








raichu.png Raichu

sandslash.png Sandslash

nidoqueen.png Nidoqueen

nidoking.png Nidoking

clefable.png Clefable

ninetales.png Ninetales

wigglytuff.png Wigglytuff


vileplume.png Vileplume

parasect.png Parasect

venomoth.png Venomoth

dugtrio.png Dugtrio

persian.png Persian

golduck.png Golduck

primeape.png Primeape

arcanine.png Arcanine

poliwrath.png Poliwrath

alakazam.png Alakazam

machamp.png Machamp

victreebel.png Victreebel

tentacruel.png Tentacruel

golem.png Golem

rapidash.png Rapidash

slowbro.png Slowbro

magneton.png Magneton


dodrio.png Dodrio

dewgong.png Dewgong

muk.png Muk

cloyster.png Cloyster

gengar.png Gengar


hypno.png Hypno

kingler.png Kingler

electrode.png Electrode

exeggutor.png Exeggutor

marowak.png Marowak

hitmonlee.png Hitmonlee

hitmonchan.png Hitmonchan


weezing.png Weezing

rhydon.png Rhydon

chansey.png Chansey

tangela.png Tangela

kangaskhan.png Kangaskhan

seadra.png Seadra


starmie.png Starmie

mr._mime.png Mr. Mime

scyther.png Scyther

jynx.png Jynx

electabuzz.png Electabuzz

magmar.png Magmar

pinsir.png Pinsir

tauros.png Tauros

gyarados.png Gyarados

lapras.png Lapras

ditto.png Ditto

vaporeon.png Vaporeon

jolteon.png Jolteon

flareon.png Flareon

porygon.png Porygon

omastar.png Omastar

kabutops.png Kabutops

aerodactyl.png Aerodactyl

snorlax.png Snorlax

articuno.png Articuno

zapdos.png Zapdos

moltres.png Moltres

dragonite.png Dragonite

The ones in red are ones you should probably use if you are an expert.

Anyhow, try 150 if you wish. Some other restrictions can also be used, such as not using any moves except for RBY moves (pseudo RBY really, since there is a physical/special move switch now), or a certain amount of OUs, etc. We agreed on using 3 OUs max (as you can see I only used 2 OUs, Machamp and Dugtrio). It can be your excuse to get away from all those Scizors (#1 overused Pokemon in 150 seems to be Gengar, who reigns in peace as long as the Crimson Flash is out of the scenes). You can also try 250... which is Johto + Kanto - Lugia/Ho-oh/Mewtwo/Mew... because ALL of you just MISS your Pokemon 212 and 242... right?

2) Lickitung? What the heck is a Lickitung?


I've never seen a shiny Lickitung

I never hope to see one

But I can tell you anyhow

I would rather see one than be one

Are you serious? I suppose no one really plays their RBY games anymore. Sigh. Anyhow, the gatehouse right before Route 16 (Cycling Road) has a guy upstairs where you can trade a Slowbro for a Lickitung in Red/Blue. In Yellow version you will find them in Unknown Dungeon. You will see wild Lickitungs in GSC at the grass patch in the route between Mahogany Town and Ice Path (you need Surf to access that little Grass patch). It used to be a bad Snorlax who couldn't blow up... but now with its evolution Lickilicky, it has the STRONGEST Explosion in game (thanks to STAB, it becomes 750 BP!!) Use on Ghosts for maximum effect. Still don't know what it is? Yeah, it is a rather obscure Pokemon... and I know, NO ONE uses one. In Platinum you can find it in that rainy route to the left of Veilstone. Just search for one... they are around level 20.

3) How did Arcanine wall Gyarados?

I use a bulky set... which actually works against Gyarados and company.


Mary Jane the Arcanine (F) @ Leftovers

Bold Nature

248 HP/180 Def//80 Speed

- Will-o-Wisp

- Roar

- Flamethrower

- HP Ground/Grass/Fighting

80 speed is there to outpace stuff like 36 Speed EV Celebi and Zapdos... in other words, stuff that sit at 245. It beats max speed Tyranitar (243) as well.

4) Why is Arcanine named Mary Jane?

Personal story of a dog I had in Korea when I was a baby... around when I was 1. She died by choking on a bone. My other dog was a black puppy named Toto... and we had to give him away... and when we did give him away to someone, he followed us all the way home when we were taking a bus. Dogs are truly loyal to their owners... and that story makes me sad :(

Thanks to:

Arcanine: For walling Gyarados in the end

Tangela: For sweeping three Pokemon

Lickitung: For being a decent support Pokemon

You: For reading

Fail to:

Me: For letting a Cloyster set up 5 entry hazards.


well when considering willowisp, sunny day and intimidate thrown at gyarados, it only makes sense that arcanine would wall it. still it's funny how gyarados does 13% on arcanine haha

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