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Shaymin (Press Select)

94000130 FFFB0000

B2111880 00000000

E0019568 00000088

2F1E0132 48F70000


44104207 A2506EAA

9E22BAB3 59B7624D

48027433 A9B30957

5E5F4B38 12F6EA14

FA8E411B 8ACEE583

1740EE24 7588AC88

C76B797A 5C632A91

D84D7BB8 A9677C81

E45BD3E8 D517A8C6

D20D7DE4 1DAEC767

18F5BC71 492FA120

17664177 CD251E6A

891B9BDB 991F55FB


427615E0 B2723E81

D2000000 00000000

1. Place a pokemon you don't want in your first slot in your party.

2. Exit your party.

3. Press Select.

4. Check your party again and tada you now have a Shaymin.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
Ok I've edit it. Cronus and I are working on the EV Vitamin Modifier and its almost finish. Well I'm almost finished with it, not to sure about Cronus though.

I meant remove your version of the code from the post completely, since the version I posted already works on the US version. It looks like you just removed your sig from that post.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:
No you can't use the pokemon modifier, re battle or the blue orb to catch Kyogre on Soul Silver, because the game won't let you and it won't let you catch Rayquaza. Both Kyogre and Groudon must have been caught at the Embedded Tower, but you can use pokesav to generate a Legit Lv.50 Kyogre that have been caught at the Embedded Tower or use an AR code that lets you obtain a Kyogre that have been caught at the Embedded Tower in your PC Box. This code has been posted several times on a few threads by me.

thats exactly what i'm looking for, in regards to kyogre. i just looked over this thread again and didnt see it, could you let me know where you posted it so i can get it? thanks much!!

  headwing45 said:
Can someone make a code were you can edit the IVs (or hidden power) of your existing pokemon (not wild), like I wanna change the IVs on my gengar to have hidden power fire and all the codes only work for wild pokemon

Also, can someone make a code to edit the nature of a pokemon you currently posses, all they have is wild pokemon (again)

Ive looked weeks for these codes and if someone can find one, id really appreciate it

After having looked through hundreds of pages of code, I myself am too exhausted to see if the IV code has been created or is in development by Riolu or Free Spirit (Two outstanding human beings might I say, and am extremely grateful to.) I saw Riolu's post about the vitamins (the only other code i'm really looking forward too.)

Riolu or Free Spirit, do either of you know about the status on an IV change code to already owned pokemon? (It needs to look like legit IV's like off Smogon, not all max 31's)? Much appreciated! You two are my heroes ^_^


I just want a code that can change my IVs so I don't have to retrain my (insert random pokemon) just to teach it hidden power, the nature code isn't that important but the normal nature codes doesn't work when receiving pokemon like charmander from oak or when trying to breed them for egg moves.

The IV code is more of essential for me

Posted (edited)
  headwing45 said:
I just want a code that can change my IVs so I don't have to retrain my (insert random pokemon) just to teach it hidden power, the nature code isn't that important but the normal nature codes doesn't work when receiving pokemon like charmander from oak or when trying to breed them for egg moves.

The IV code is more of essential for me

headwing - There is already a great Nature code out. It modifies the nature of the pokemon in Box 1 Slot 1. Its a different code per nature, but that only sucks if you have to manually put in the codes.

Assuming you want an Adamant Charmander, use this code.

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Simply Deposit your charmander in Box 1 Slot one, and pick him back up. As soon as you pick him up, he will be Adamant.

Riolu - With that said, I'd like 31/30/30/31/31/31 to unlock HP Ice on my Gengar, and 31/30/31/30/30/31 to unlock HP Fire.

If it wouldn't be too much to ask (gauging on your response), this seems definitely doable, which is awesome. But does that also mean that there is an AR code to give max IV's to already captured pokemon? I'd hate to have to IV breed all my guys after already having spent so much time on them. If you could direct me to this code, i'd be eternally grateful. Thanks Riolu!

EDIT: After a quick look at the known AR Codes for Soul Silver (having thought I saw a max IV Code earlier) I found this. It works just fine. Help on HP Ice and Fire would be great though. TYVM! ^_^

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EDIT 2: So, I found this EV code on another site.

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At first it looked like it worked perfectly. It changed the marked pokemon to have 252 HP and DEF. I saved. However, something I noticed afterwards was that whenever I try to use EV reducing berries, instead of lowering by 10, it lowers by 100! Is there an AR code to revert this change, or just simply to adjust the berries back to 10 (Or even 5, that would be awesome)?

Edited by Felerial
  Twinkel said:
I was just wondering if there was a code that let you re-receive the starter pokemon from either Steve or Professor Oak?

Get Infinite Pokemon From Prof. Oak: [Press Select]

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Get Infinite PKMNs From Steve (Select+Start)

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Thanks for the adamant code, if you have more natures in which that code would work for that would be great (or a link to were the code was found)

All I need now is the IV code :)


I'm sorry if this has been already posted, but a couple weeks ago there wasn't a working code for max EVs for each vitamin you use yet. Is there a working one now? Actually, any EV code will do, BESIDES the all EVs 252, I don't want to be cheap. I just want max EVs in two stats, without all of the hard work.


I have found my EV editor, so no one has to tell me that anymore, but what I REALLY want now is a nature modifier that works on Pokemon that you've already caught. Has anyone made one of those yet for the English games? I've searched HOURS and can not find it. It's so TYPICAL that it would be made first for the Japanese.


EV Codes (252) are as follows. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I tried them yesterday, and while they worked fine, they make all EV reducing berries drop EV's by 100 instead of 10 =( If youre fine with that, here it is.

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All Nature codes are listed below. They all work. Just place the pokemon in Box 1 Slot 1, and when you pick it up, whichever nature code you have enabled at that time, the pokemon will have that nature. simple as that.

  Reveal hidden contents

So I haven't tried ALL the EV codes, only the All EV 252 code and it didn't work. I entered the code correctly, and did what the code said to do; but it didn't work. Any ideas why?


I haven't been able to get the Completed Pokedex codes that I found on this thread to work.

All these codes do is give me completed data of pokemon that I have seen. Has anyone else had

this problem and is there a working code to get a completed (seen & caught) National Pokedex for SoulSilver yet?

BTW, I am using an ARDSi, if that makes any difference.

Thanks anyone for any help they can give.


Hello everyone.

Allow me to say, I am simply entranced by everything I have seen on this thread. I think the sprite codes are phenomenal, and a certain someone deserves a lot of credit.

Speaking of which, I would like to present a request, if that's alright.

It has been seen that battle sprite data for some of the other sprites (including the DPPt protagonists, Riley, Buck, etc) are etched into the game's data.

I would like a code in which Riley's back sprite appears at the beginning of a battle. And if possible, a code for his battle sprite to be seen via Union Room.

Now I'm only one person who made a grand total of one post. But, I felt the strong urge to post this as many of you have done things that I would have assumed to be impossible. Regardless of whether this can or will be done does not matter, I, like many others am quite content with all the other codes that have been posted.



can someone make a 100% complete national dex Action Replay code where all forms are there and languages just an absolute complete national dex and where shaymins land form is the first thing u see when u look him up the same for deoxys normal form this would be much appreciated

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