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This post is directed at M@T, first great work on the codes; secondly can you please work on getting the EV code translated to vitamins like in platnium and make the nature code affect eggs, and recievable pokemon like fossils.

Thank you

FIXED! Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier:

* Modified by FreeSpirit *

Note: Press R to get 493 Masterballs and 100 Ultra Balls. Discard to Pokemon Number for Masterballs and Level for Ultra Balls. Then hold L to encounter them.


94000130 FEFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

00000D14 01ED0001

00000D18 00640002

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D16

C0000000 00000027

D7000000 00025A68

D2000000 00000000

94000130 FDFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

DA000000 00000D1A

C0000000 0000000B

D7000000 00025A5C

D2000000 00000000

No matter how much ultra balls I keep, the wild PKMN is always lvl 1. Did I imputed the code incorrectly or is it something else? o_O

  king91115 said:
No matter how much ultra balls I keep, the wild PKMN is always lvl 1. Did I imputed the code incorrectly or is it something else? o_O

The same thing happens to me quite frequently :P

though, it does work for me sometimes, but rarely ever.

& other times it will make either a krabby or voltorb appear for some reason :S

almost as if it mixes up and uses the Ultra Ball quantity as the pokedex number.

soo I'm just going to keep a look out for a new code.

for now I'm just going to use the plain wild pokemon modifier & forget about the level part :P


Ok, under "Changes PKMN Data While Marking Them", what is the "All Conditions Max" code supposed to do? I tried the code, but didn't really notice any effect.

  DezMoines said:
The same thing happens to me quite frequently :P

though, it does work for me sometimes, but rarely ever.

& other times it will make either a krabby or voltorb appear for some reason :S

almost as if it mixes up and uses the Ultra Ball quantity as the pokedex number.

soo I'm just going to keep a look out for a new code.

for now I'm just going to use the plain wild pokemon modifier & forget about the level part :P

Hey guys I have a different code I hope it works for you.

Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier v2.??? :

Note: Press R to get 493 Masterballs and 100 Ultra Balls. Discard to Pokemon Number for Masterballs and Level for Ultra Balls. Then hold L to encounter them.

94000130 fcff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

00000d14 01ed0001

00000d18 00640002

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fdff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

da000000 00000d16

c0000000 00000027

d7000000 00025a68

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fdff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

db000000 00000d1a

c0000000 0000000b

d8000000 00025a5c

d2000000 00000000


King: I have the same problems, but it usually resolves itself. Just keep on going through the grass. For me, if I knock the level one out, the next is usually the level i had implanted. or you could just press l + r and do it over.

  usamazaka said:
this code is for japan

here is the one for US

wild pokemon and level modifier

52246C94 28038800

12247d8a 00004801

02247d8c E0021C39

12247BEC 000020yy

02247d90 00000xxx

D2000000 00000000

replace yy for level with hex values

replace xxx for pokemon with hex values

I think this Pokemon Modifier is better. There's no inconsistency in the levels like the previous modifier and the pokemon you desire always appear without pressing any activation buttons. The only inconvenience is that you have to reset the code for different Pokemon but I think that's better than messing with the pokeball stash.


does anyone know what this and can you explain it to me please and hopefully thanks

max IV


1206E012 0000201F

1206E028 0000201F

1206E03E 0000201F

1206E054 0000201F

1206E06A 0000201F

1206E080 0000201F

doesn't seem to do anythin on my game


hi all i am new to this site but not new to using an action replay i dont know how i did it but i got a male spiky ear pichu and restarted my game and have been unable to get a male one again and to top it off it was shiny can soem one help me but making/giving me a code that makes all pokemon male or some how make it male and not have it change it from shiny to normal thanks xD

btw i am playing the AUST game (pal)

  homiko88 said:
does anyone know what this and can you explain it to me please and hopefully thanks

max IV


1206E012 0000201F

1206E028 0000201F

1206E03E 0000201F

1206E054 0000201F

1206E06A 0000201F

1206E080 0000201F

doesn't seem to do anythin on my game

IV stands for Individual Values, which range from 0-31 that determine how high or low a particular stat may become. For example, let say I have an Empoleon with a Modest Nature (High Special Attack, Low Attack). With an IV of 31 towards its Speical Attack, if I were to invest 252 EVs (effort values) into Empoleon's special attack, Empoleon would have a Special Attack maximum of 353 at level 100. Now let's say Empoleon has an IV of 0 within it's special attack, then if I were to keep the nature the same and the amount of EVs the same, Empoleon's Special Attack would reach a maximum of 319 at level 100. And for an IV of 15, it would be 335. Do you get the picture? With that code, the IV's for each stat is set to 31 so that you can reach the highest maximum when investing how many EV's you desire. If you catch two of the same pokemon with the same nature, with that Max IV code on, you'll notice that they have the same exact stats. Without it, the stats would differ.

  Pokemon_master_2211 said:
has any made an trainer id changer yet??

Do you mean to change the Trainer ID on Pokemon, or to change your own Trainer ID?


Here's an oddball.. I missed the running shoes early on, used the move anywhere code to take a shortcut around Cherrygrove, and came back to find I couldn't get the running shoes. Is there a code to get running shoes?

  Pokemon_master_2211 said:
change my trainer ID

That's a quick Pokesav code. What do you want it to be? And what about your Secret ID? Would you like that to change as well? I think I could find an ID pair that will raise the likelihood of shinies, though I'm not 100% on that.

  DarkSeele05 said:
Hey guys I have a different code I hope it works for you.

Wild Pokemon + Level Modifier v2.??? :

Note: Press R to get 493 Masterballs and 100 Ultra Balls. Discard to Pokemon Number for Masterballs and Level for Ultra Balls. Then hold L to encounter them.

94000130 fcff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

00000d14 01ed0001

00000d18 00640002

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fdff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

da000000 00000d16

c0000000 00000027

d7000000 00025a68

d2000000 00000000

94000130 fdff0000

62111880 00000000

b2111880 00000000

db000000 00000d1a

c0000000 0000000b

d8000000 00025a5c

d2000000 00000000


I'll try it out soon :)

thanks for the code ^^

  PKMN Trainer RED said:
I think this Pokemon Modifier is better. There's no inconsistency in the levels like the previous modifier and the pokemon you desire always appear without pressing any activation buttons. The only inconvenience is that you have to reset the code for different Pokemon but I think that's better than messing with the pokeball stash.

I'll try this one out too.

Thanks both of you ^^

  Mewchu said:
That's a quick Pokesav code. What do you want it to be? And what about your Secret ID? Would you like that to change as well? I think I could find an ID pair that will raise the likelihood of shinies, though I'm not 100% on that.

yeah if you could make is 00001 for both

  Cetra Ragnarok said:
Hi. I've been using the WTW code, but I've run into a problem. I was using the code, and I entered the Union room. Instead of talking to the lady that prompts you to enter it from across the desk, I talked to her from behind, something that ordinarily isn't possible. But she had me save and everything normal anyway. After I was done in the Union room, I exited, and the game froze.

And now, everytime I try to load my file, a black screen is the only thing that is displayed. I'm pretty sure this is because the game has my standing location saved as an area off of the map. Due to the way saving before entering the Union room works, and talking to the lady from behind (rather than across the desk), I walked further ahead than I should have. Because of this, my game is freezing everytime it tries to load my data, and finds that I'm on a space slightly north of the Pokemon Center I'm in (Cerulean I think), a space which doesn't exist.

That's my theory anyway, and I think it makes sense. I was hoping that Pokesav's Location altering feature would fix this, but unfortunately, the HGSS Pokesav currently does not support creating an ARDS code which alters Locations, but apparently can only do it for editing my save date itself, and I don't use an AR or whatever that does that.

So.. could someone please make/point out a code that can warp me to a location that exists? Literally any place will do. I'd really appreciate it. Thanx.

I'll take the case, just need to figure out your approximate coordinates first.


@Cetra Ragnarok: I've got your code ready! Try it out and let me know how it goes.

  Reveal hidden contents


Consider yourself renumbered. Press L+R to activate. Let me know how it goes.

94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 10000084 00000001 10000086 00000001 D2000000 00000000

  Mewchu said:
Consider yourself renumbered. Press L+R to activate. Let me know how it goes.

94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 10000084 00000001 10000086 00000001 D2000000 00000000


  Airion said:
Just wanted to point out that the shiny and nature codes don't work with eggs and the starters. It also locks up when you try to battle a legendary or intractable pokemonn.

well the shiny code does work on eggs and starters i got typlosion and togepi from the game with the code also the legendaries

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