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I have a question about the events with pichu and arceus, I copy the code exactly into my AR for my DSL, I have the english version of SS and after pressing L+R, ill even hold it when that doesn't work but when I go into the poke'mart, there is no green dude to collect it from like the codes did in pearl. Any suggestions :)?

  KyoMcFizzle said:
I'm far from a coder, you know. I honestly justy mess around and stumble in to things myself. However, I'll see what I can do, ja?

That would be awesome. Thanks.

  PokeFreak64 said:
Gyradoes code is in my big codelist at my other site in my signature.

I added the red scale itself and tested it and it activated Lance.

I'm gonna sex you.

(Thanks for the code)

Eddddit: Lance still won't show up o3o

The rain stops and everything but no Lance

Want me to give you my save or something?


Tried both codes for the WPM and I have a normal AR DS and they're not working for me. I'm not sure if it's my game, DS, AR or the codes or something else. help? (didn't have time to look though all the posts to see if someone else is having this problem fyi)

  HelloTango said:

Tried both codes for the WPM and I have a normal AR DS and they're not working for me. I'm not sure if it's my game, DS, AR or the codes or something else. help? (didn't have time to look though all the posts to see if someone else is having this problem fyi)

Have you tried the code by itself and not with any other codes? And are you pressing the activation buttons hard enough because sometimes the L or R button fails to work?

If all fails, change either the line with "FEFF (R Button)" or the line(s) "FDFF (L Button)" with FFFB which is Select and then try the code. I tried all the codes I've listed on the 2nd post on the thead on my DSi and it works fine.


Hello, I have been having some trouble using the following two codes on HeartGold through the DSI Action Replay system

The 2 codes are:

::Virus Infected

1206F04A 00002001

1206F04E 00007688

::Virus Infection Complete

1206F04A 00002002

1206F04E 00007688

I have not tried using the No virus infection although isnt what I am really looking for. Listed below the conditions which I am attempting to use the virus code in but when I go to click confirm after using the Markings the game freeze's.

Information related to specifications:

Game version: Heartgold

Cheat device: Action Replay DSI

Location ingame: Battle Frontier using PC located in Battle Arcade

Box: Using Box 2 row 1 slot 3.

Pokemon: Mantine.

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions on getting Virus infection working.


Oh yeah, are there codes for HG and SS Groudon Kyogre and Rayquaza?

Not for orbs, just to get them from mart guy or in PC.

P.S. Fixed my Gyarados Problem, ended just walking through the stairs into Team Rocket hideout.

  FreeSpirit said:
Have you tried the code by itself and not with any other codes? And are you pressing the activation buttons hard enough because sometimes the L or R button fails to work?

If all fails, change either the line with "FEFF (R Button)" or the line(s) "FDFF (L Button)" with FFFB which is Select and then try the code. I tried all the codes I've listed on the 2nd post on the thead on my DSi and it works fine.

yes, I've just tired those codes by themselves. and when press the R or L button each they work just fine.

I'll try changing the codes and then I'll post my results. thank you for your help so far tho.

EDIT: it worked when I replaced FEFF with FFFB. =]


Not to be rude, but I'd really like to know if anyone has made or can make a Move Modifier code for AR DS (not AR DSi). If not it's fine, but can I please get an answer? Thank you.

  Riolu Aura Sphere Now said:

I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I'm almost finish with the Move Modifier Code for HG/SS. The bad news is that its not completely finish yet. I have the code down, but I'm still fixing it so it wont make your game freeze.

The Move Modifier Code for HG/SS is the one with the Heart Scales like the ones from Pokemon D/P.

So I'm still working on it, but when I'm finished with it I'll post it ASAP.

maybe if you checked the other threads you might not be out of the loop http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?4595-Action-Replay-Codes-For-Pokemon-Heart-Gold-and-Soul-Silver&p=69832&viewfull=1#post69832


I could use some serious help right away. I spent half an hour entering a code for event arceus. The code works, but I get a bad egg. The info seems legit for the egg, though the egg somehow holding a fruit. And isnt bad egg suppose to be bad? I dont want to risk hatching it, and I have been looking everywhere for help. So if someone has advice, or maybe a better code, help would be ver appreciated.

  FreeSpirit said:
Have you tried the code by itself and not with any other codes? And are you pressing the activation buttons hard enough because sometimes the L or R button fails to work?

If all fails, change either the line with "FEFF (R Button)" or the line(s) "FDFF (L Button)" with FFFB which is Select and then try the code. I tried all the codes I've listed on the 2nd post on the thead on my DSi and it works fine.

O M G THANKS :DFor some reason in my code it said FCFF which idk what that is but when I put in just FFFB and hit select it worked... cause i kept trying the code alone, never had other codes on since i knew i was just going to use another code and reset right afterwards. :) <3

  Yokushin said:
I could use some serious help right away. I spent half an hour entering a code for event arceus. The code works, but I get a bad egg. The info seems legit for the egg, though the egg somehow holding a fruit. And isnt bad egg suppose to be bad? I dont want to risk hatching it, and I have been looking everywhere for help. So if someone has advice, or maybe a better code, help would be ver appreciated.

Bad Eggs are a very bad thing. They can never hatch and you can't release them either. I think the only way of getting rid of them is to use a Pokemon slot deleter of some sort.


Hey! Is there an action replay code for SoulSliver (USA). For Nature Modifier that changes your party's Pokemon or pokemon from your box's Nature? If they alright have one can you send me a link. Thank you in advance

Posted (edited)

does anyone know a code that gives you a fateful encounter shaymin? sky shaymin is the only pokemon it seems like i cant get with AR.

and no i don't have platinum so i cant get one from there...

also does AR codes work on Wi-Fi? i feel like pwning peeps at battle tower.

Edited by total darkness
spelling errors

I too am experiencing a game freeze when pressing confirm. I'm on the English version of SoulSilver and it seems to freeze no matter what PC, Pokemon, Box, or Slot.


I was wondering if anyone has started working on that "Open Pc anywhere code"

also requesting a code capable of changing a pokemon's type (like normal, ghost, dark)


With the pc confirm marking codes turn off all codes but that one code you are doing.

It shouldn't freeze.

The AR other codes interferes for some reason and freezes up.

It happened to me and it works.

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