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  urmom182 said:
Beat the Elite Four and then get the S.S. Ticket from Prof. Elm. Then, in Cianwood City, Oak will give you the National Dex

i have beaten the elite, and did get the s.s ticket, and went to cianwood city yet he is not there. i think that i could be that i used the walk though walls cheat to skip lance. does anyone think that could be the problem:confused:

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  Garchomp Trainer said:

how do you use the exp modefier code i dont know and it is getting me upset

anybody know how to work the exp modefier for soulsilver if you do then e-mail the answer to me at cwitchert@yahoo.com

does anyone have the instant egg cheat for soulsilver? e-mail if you do.

who has a ho-oh

Did you even read the post that you quoted? It clearly said on the first few lines:

"!!!Pokemon Heart Gold (J)


!!!Pokemon Soul Silver (J)

!!IPGJ 7387AC7F"

You are using the japanese codes and not the american/us version. Read before you post next time. Plus, there's a convenient tool over on top of this thread called a "Search" button. It's pretty cool since you can find posts that may have codes you already requested or have been released. Everyone uses the search button right?

Posted (edited)
  slimjim said:
i have beaten the elite, and did get the s.s ticket, and went to cianwood city yet he is not there. i think that i could be that i used the walk though walls cheat to skip lance. does anyone think that could be the problem:confused:

The boat is not in cianwood. It is in olivine city in the south of the city. Enter the building and Prof. Oak will come up to you and upgrade the pokedex. I know it is there. I done it myself.

Have a great day


Edited by dcrichard09
  dcrichard09 said:
The boat is not in cianwood. It is in olivine city in the south of the city. Enter the building and Prof. Oak will come up to you and upgrade the pokedex. I know it is there. I done it myself.

Have a great day


lol thanks for correcting me. I have know idea why I said cinawoood. each and every day I find more evidence to the idea that Im dyslexic.


Is there a code for the Japanese version of HeartGold to Re-Battle Trainers? If there is can someone post it up?! PLEASE! and thank you! lol :biggrin:

  urmom182 said:
lol thanks for correcting me. I have know idea why I said cinawoood. each and every day I find more evidence to the idea that Im dyslexic.

No Problem. Any Time.

Have a great day



Oh snap I just found out something; the code "Max Aprijuice Mildness" works on an Emulator/ROM fine but for some reason it doesn't work on the actual copy of the game. Instead it gives you a Flavor of 64 and no Mildness at all ._.;

I think using Emulators/ROMs to make codes is a bad idea since there's a possibility of it not working on the actual copy of the game. I may need to buy the NDS Trainer Toolkit so the codes are correct. Unfortunately, I can't make online purchases D:


is there any cheat to max my pkm's IV's, i know that the hidden power cheats work but i mean to mine, cocz i wanna do some breeding to get some skills to some pokes and i need this 1 to get max stats, i mean a cheat like Max Ev's, where i have to makr my pkm to activate it

Posted (edited)

ok I really don't feel like searching through 50 some pages, so I'll just ask politely :P

Does anyone have the following and KNOW that they WORK 100% for HeartGold? :

999x All TMs/HMs (of course you can't get 999 of HMs lol)

Official GameStop Event Jirachi for HeartGold or Diamond (since this was before HG/SS came out I am perfectly fine with a Diamond code)

Official Celebi Back-in-time event (???)

And unlock all pokewalker courses or a code that I can use to get them one by one.

Please and thank you. :)

(Please before telling me any, know if they work or not. Thanks)

Edited by wesman2232
  wesman2232 said:
ok I really don't feel like searching through 50 some pages, so I'll just ask politely :P

Does anyone have the following and KNOW that they WORK 100% for HeartGold? :

999x All TMs/HMs (of course you can't get 999 of HMs lol)

Official GameStop Event Jirachi for HeartGold or Diamond (since this was before HG/SS came out I am perfectly fine with a Diamond code)

Official Celebi Back-in-time event (???)

And unlock all pokewalker courses or a code that I can use to get them one by one.

Please and thank you. :)

(Please before telling me any, know if they work or not. Thanks)

I have a code for All Pokewalker Courses. How it works is you put in the code below and where the XX you put a hex # (The numbers needed are 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 0c, 0d, 0e, 0f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 1a) Then go into the main game and press L + R and go to any mart and talk to the guy by the counter wearing green, he will give you the route map for the walker course. The first 2 numbers will not do anything because you have those by default (Refreshing field and Noisy Forrest). The rest of them will unlock every single one (including the ones unlocked through events like Yellow Forrest.) You must do each one individually to get each one. (I just have it in my game once and edit the XX part, but you can put it in if you want for all of them to save you from having to edit alot.) I have tested it and it works. Here is the code. I did not create this code.

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E0009E4C 00000008

0000000E 000000XX

D2000000 00000000


  dcrichard09 said:
I have a code for All Pokewalker Courses. How it works is you put in the code below and where the XX you put a hex # (The numbers needed are 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 0c, 0d, 0e, 0f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 1a) Then go into the main game and press L + R and go to any mart and talk to the guy by the counter wearing green, he will give you the route map for the walker course. The first 2 numbers will not do anything because you have those by default (Refreshing field and Noisy Forrest). The rest of them will unlock every single one (including the ones unlocked through events like Yellow Forrest.) You must do each one individually to get each one. (I just have it in my game once and edit the XX part, but you can put it in if you want for all of them to save you from having to edit alot.) I have tested it and it works. Here is the code. I did not create this code.

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E0009E4C 00000008

0000000E 000000XX

D2000000 00000000


Thanks alot :) and I no longer need Jirachi or Celebi thanks to PokeFreak64's website. (Though I would have rather gotten my celebi non-shiny, but I'm not complaining since it activated the event lol)

  l3rian7 said:
Can Someone PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASE post a code for shiny eggs!!!!!!

there is no shiny egg code yet

when it finally comes out this section of the forum will be filled with excitement


Wow i dont see why so many people are having trouble with the codes. almost all of them have worked nicely for me. shiny code, pokemon mod, IV, EV, items....etc. You guys must not be looking through the whole thread. I have my top 6 pokemon with 255 ev and 31 iv's and moves ready to go and i await all challengers as soon as i figure out where i can find my friend code so i can post it >:D

  mgaudy said:
hey guys, a shiny code would be pretty cool. if possible could you make one of those?

Shiny Code(HG&SS):

5206E128 4284FE81

E2000108 00000060

021D15A8 41C64E6D

00006073 02111880

E92D40F0 E51F0010

E5900000 E1D018B4

E1D028B6 E0217002

E1A071A7 E51F1034

E51F2034 E51F3034

E5910000 E0243290

E0253294 E0246005

E1A069A6 E1560007

11A00004 1AFFFFF8

E5810000 E8BD80F0

1206E116 0000F792

E206E118 00000010

F7B1E800 1C05FE13

FE10F7B1 43050400

0206E128 E0001C28

D0000000 00000000


If someone could make this code, it'd be fantastic:

-Call Gym Leaders at any time on any day for rematches

That is all, thank you. OH! Pass this request to any other HGSS code request boards on other sites you know of and see if we can't get this made.


Hey Everyone. I Found the Vitamin codes I am Still Trying To Make the BYPASS 512 Stat Limit part though. I Will Post Them soon and see if you guys can figure it out. If you look at them and the platinum ones youll see that they have patterns. Im still trying to figure it out. I WILL POST THEM SOON!!!!

  dcrichard09 said:
I have a code for All Pokewalker Courses. How it works is you put in the code below and where the XX you put a hex # (The numbers needed are 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 0a, 0b, 0c, 0d, 0e, 0f, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 1a) Then go into the main game and press L + R and go to any mart and talk to the guy by the counter wearing green, he will give you the route map for the walker course. The first 2 numbers will not do anything because you have those by default (Refreshing field and Noisy Forrest). The rest of them will unlock every single one (including the ones unlocked through events like Yellow Forrest.) You must do each one individually to get each one. (I just have it in my game once and edit the XX part, but you can put it in if you want for all of them to save you from having to edit alot.) I have tested it and it works. Here is the code. I did not create this code.

94000130 FCFF0000

62111880 00000000

B2111880 00000000

E0009E4C 00000008

0000000E 000000XX

D2000000 00000000


do you have this code for soulsilver? if so i would aprreciate it.

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