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Hey guys I used the All items in Bag Code and for some wierd reason i Buy something and it doesnt show up in bag. so i tried deleting everything out of my bag and i saw the "X4" with no picture of what the item was and i tried pressing a on it and nothing worked. Is there a remove all items from bag code like the TM one? Thanks


I'm going to go crazy if see more people that request the same code. Use the search button if people are asking for the same code or if it's already released.

  jacket said:
is there a vitamin modifier codes?the one that gives u 252 evs

I saw this code request in over 12 posts up to now.

  Lord Dragon said:
I was wondering if anyone has yet found a shiny code that will work on legends? I really want my Raikou shiny. Please and thank you.

Shiny Pokemon code that works on Event Pokemon has also been requested many times, about more than 8 times.

This makes me wonder if anyone would even post the code despite all these similar requests.

But anyway going back onto subject, the person who requested the max performance code, I thank you for willing to wait for this code to be worked on. I shall continue working on it and see if I can remove the limit in the game. For some reason the code I've generated (not the code I've posted for I removed a few lines that didn't work) works smoothly on the emulator but not on the actual hard-copy of the game.

  jacket said:
could u post the code here cause i cant find it thx

I can't because for one thing, it isn't even out yet. It's still being worked on by some people out there. That's why there's a lot of requests of it.

  MysticJon said:
Move Modifier code yet anyone?

please just stop asking

it will be released when it's released

it just gets annoying when people keep asking due to impatience

  PokeFreak64 said:
Use these

::Experience, Max IV, Max EV, Max PP, Pokerus Codes

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I tried doing this with the IV code and when i click confirm the game freezes

  Pegs said:
I tried doing this with the IV code and when i click confirm the game freezes

join the club man, its been happening to a lot of people. Some have mentioned turning off any other codes. It hasn't helped me any but give it a try anyway,

  urmom182 said:
join the club man, its been happening to a lot of people. Some have mentioned turning off any other codes. It hasn't helped me any but give it a try anyway,

YA it freezes when I try to enter the POKERUS code... Ive tried shutting all other codes off but still nothing, but if it works for u than right on

  RaamBitty said:
YA it freezes when I try to enter the POKERUS code... Ive tried shutting all other codes off but still nothing, but if it works for u than right on

Sadly it hasn't worked for me. While it does suck that I can't get it to work for me, it is sort of relieving that Im not the only one having the problem. Maybe someone can make a code that will give you pok'erus after a battle....

And NOW I feel retarded. I don't know what I didn't think of it before but we could just use poke'save to put a random poke in the pc that's already infected and use that one to spread the disease.


Oh also, Im sure someone here would have already mentioned it if they knew about it, but does anyone know if a, i dunno, regional converter exists? Something that can have the JAP preexistent codes put it and converted to US format?

or can someone point me somewhere in the direction of how to convert them myself? Id like to help anyway I can in gettting codes out there for all of us

  FreeSpirit said:

But anyway going back onto subject, the person who requested the max performance code, I thank you for willing to wait for this code to be worked on. I shall continue working on it and see if I can remove the limit in the game. For some reason the code I've generated (not the code I've posted for I removed a few lines that didn't work) works smoothly on the emulator but not on the actual hard-copy of the game.

Thanks for working on the code I requested! Anyway I'm not running the hard copy of the game, so I guess if you are able to make the code, could you make it work on both the emulator and the actual hard copy? ^^ Will be waiting for the code to be released!


I know this is my third time asking, but no one has answered, and I have waited 3 days between each time I asked. I think that's quite patient. Anyway, does anyone think that a code to get Stephen Stone to return to Sylphco, after you beat red, to give you another Hoenn starter? I dunno how difficult this coding stuff is, so I'm just asking if it's conceivably possible that a code for that will be made eventually?

  omega11123 said:
hi is their a code to easily beat the high scores or complete of the pokethalon

If you read the back posts, there is one that's supposed to give you 999 points in every pokethalon, but not in the individual events. You'd win every time, but you'd probably still have to work to get the high scores. I haven't used that cheat.


i have a problem with my game, ive collected all the gym badges and i still dont have the national pokedex. im not sure whats wrong with it. so if anyone has a code to just get the national pokedex without it being complete please let me know.

  slimjim said:
i have a problem with my game, ive collected all the gym badges and i still dont have the national pokedex. im not sure whats wrong with it. so if anyone has a code to just get the national pokedex without it being complete please let me know.

Beat the Elite Four and then get the S.S. Ticket from Prof. Elm. Then, in Cianwood City, Oak will give you the National Dex

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