KoLAddict Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Is there a code for Pokemon HeartGold (NA version) for the event Jirachi, to unlock the PokeWalker route? I didn't see one, and nothing pulled up when I searched for it (although I may have searched using the wrong parameters). Actually, codes for all the UNIQUE unlockable routes (ones that are promos or require special events to unlock) would be awesome. I only have the Pikachu road.
pyroshocker Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Does anyone have a code to obtain the national dex?? I've looked in every thread on here and all I find is the complete pokedex code.
Mewchu Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 KoLAddict said: Is there a code for Pokemon HeartGold (NA version) for the event Jirachi, to unlock the PokeWalker route? I didn't see one, and nothing pulled up when I searched for it (although I may have searched using the wrong parameters).Actually, codes for all the UNIQUE unlockable routes (ones that are promos or require special events to unlock) would be awesome. I only have the Pikachu road. There is a code that was posted somewhere on one of these threads: Reveal hidden contents 94000130 fffb0000 62111880 00000000 b2111880 00000000 0200e71c 07ffffff d2000000 00000000 The only problem is, I can't seem to get it to work. Maybe I'm a bit [HGSSSPRITE]079[/HGSSSPRITE]
lazarus Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Rei said: it still does not work you should try searching for codes already posted/ wait patiently if you really need to ask. im guessing you're stuck because you already have all HMs and need to delete them in order to continue. so you will want to delete all your TMs/HMs Reveal hidden contents sel+up 94000130 ffbb0000 62111880 00000000 b2111880 00000000 d5000000 00000000 c0000000 00000063 then after getting the HM you can use the get all TM/HMs code if you want to. __ any updates on the EV vitamin codes? also does anyone have a wild gender modifier?
Domras Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 I have a US Soul SIlver copy Can some one post for the AR codes that work. I'm looking for: 1) Wild Pokemon Modifier Code 2) Codes for all the various special Event pokemon for the game and others (such as the Leafon) that I could get 3) a code for all the plate for Arceus I just recently got into pokemon so I missed out on alot of the special pokemon and such and would like to have them in my game. Just for personal reasons and to see what all there is. I don't plan on putting them on the GTS or anything silly like that, their for me and me only.
Shadow_Dragon Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 pyroshocker said: Does anyone have a code to obtain the national dex?? I've looked in every thread on here and all I find is the complete pokedex code. ditto. i need the code, too, please!
Shadow_Dragon Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Hey! I found a code for the arceus event! here's the code for the US: Press (L+R) Activate the code before you go into the Pokemart and go collect your Arceus from the delivery guy. 94000130 FCFF0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 E0009F50 00000104 00000001 00000001 00000001 E8FD0000 A0F4B9E3 5A4C5DAD F35A84CD E9571FB5 F3E263F7 09088252 64C70C40 B3D6578A FCFF687B 3472D98D 689ECFE0 82A0CB86 DDB70BFA 1C979418 37E16AE4 6C48DB2B D53E7993 967D2307 9E77D3E5 5DA777BF FDC28907 25CCD2AC 22D4EB82 26CC2251 6C6394FB 1EAFBEE3 3B22D8BC 956B44D2 670FFAE1 020C87DD 780DD226 B815AB02 AC2141C6 1EE9D28A B7A578BD 374C4A26 DEBC0CD8 92F95736 22317837 D4E459C1 82413E98 FF91B194 3CD5D027 02E7D2AB 1445107D D4934469 742B3167 A857A728 138B2BCE 26D8ABF6 975673D6 C1B333EB D8372D49 062303D5 EEB0FDA5 0AB9A8B3 474E9945 00000000 00004000 00000000 00000000 00000000 D2000000 00000000
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Go to page 21 for the event pokemon. If it doesn't work, post the code and your problems and I'll fix them. Remember to use spoilers when posting long codes.
KoLAddict Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Go to page 21 for the event pokemon. If it doesn't work, post the code and your problems and I'll fix them.Remember to use spoilers when posting long codes. Do you have any of those codes for HeartGold? Your thread says those are for SoulSilver.
KoLAddict Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Yes it should work for both HG/SS. Thanks. I actually have the AR DSi, so I'll have to use that. I'll let you know if I encounter any errors though. I'm still early in the game so won't get to upset if anything is messed up.
PerdxxBlade Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Hey, does anyone know if the POKEMON gender modifier would work on the event Pichu that's always a female no matter what? I was really hoping for it to be a male...And Action Replay is the only way to do it; IF it's possible in the first place.
jaysaengchantha Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Welcome and I'm glad you're happy.I've made an Any Item Modifier Code [Press Select] and go to any Poke Mart. 94000130 FFFB0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 E0009E4C 00000104 00000003 00000XXX D2000000 00000000 Replace [XXX] with the numbers [000-218]. Example: Replace [XXX] with [1D1] to get the Key Item [VS. Recorder]. Replace [XXX] with [214] to get the Key Item [Jade Orb]. Hi, I'm having a problem with this AR code. When I enter it in, I can't put the hex code for the item in. So I did it manually, and it still wouldn't work, instead I got a ? checked into the box for the code. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure. Can I get a little help? By the way, I thank you, for supplying so many useful codes! edit: I also tried your examples, and it didn't work. I pressed select, and headed into a pokemart, but nothing out of place was selling.
Mewchu Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Go to page 21 for the event pokemon. If it doesn't work, post the code and your problems and I'll fix them.Remember to use spoilers when posting long codes. Maybe you can help me out, I'm trying to use unlock all pokewalker courses code, Reveal hidden contents 94000130 fffb0000 62111880 00000000 b2111880 00000000 0200e71c 07ffffff d2000000 00000000 and I can't seem to get it to work. Please help. Thank you in advance.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Ok it worked for my NA Version Soul Silver. Use this Any Item Modifier Code. Any Item Modifier Code [Press Select] 94000130 FFFB0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 00000656 FFFFXXXX D2000000 00000000 1. For [XXXX] enter the numbers between [0000-0218]. Ex: Enter [0032] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Rare Candy. Ex: Enter [0001] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Master Balls. Ex: Enter [01D2] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Gracidea Flower. Ex: Enter [0070] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Orbs for Giratina. Ex: Enter [0010] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Cherrish Balls. 2. Press Select 3. Check your Item Bag and your first slot should be the Item you've chosen.
jaysaengchantha Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: Ok it worked for my NA Version Soul Silver.Use this Any Item Modifier Code. Any Item Modifier Code [Press Select] 94000130 FFFB0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 00000656 FFFFXXXX D2000000 00000000 1. For [XXXX] enter the numbers between [0000-0218]. Ex: Enter [0032] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Rare Candy. Ex: Enter [0001] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Master Balls. Ex: Enter [01D2] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Gracidea Flower. Ex: Enter [0070] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Orbs for Giratina. Ex: Enter [0010] for [XXXX] to get Unlimited Cherrish Balls. 2. Press Select 3. Check your Item Bag and your first slot should be the Item you've chosen. Thank you. I appreciate the help.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Welcome lol! Here's the correct Unlock All PokeWalker Courses. Unlock All PokeWalker Courses [Press Select] 94000130 FFFB0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 0000E71C 07FFFFFF D2000000 00000000 1. Turn on your Nintendo DS Lite/Dsi/Dsi XL and insert your Pokemon HG/SS. 2. Press Select during the Intro. 3. Choose the option Connect to PokeWalker. 4. Choose a pokemon to be transfered. Now you can choose any PokeWalker Course you want. Enjoy!
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Hi can anyone test this code out please? All Gym Badges [Press Select] 94000130 FFFB0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 2000005C 000000FF D2000000 00000000 1. Press Select 2. Check your Trainer Card.
Swampert91 Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 i still cant find a code that will make groudon appear at the embedded tower T_T
JohtoTrain Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Does anyone have a code for the US versions of HeartGold and SoulSilver EXP gain codes, like the ones for Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Sorry if they're already up, just having a little trouble finding them.
Art_Guy Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Riolu Aura Sphere Now said: [ ]Updated[ ]Hi everyone I just finished my Move Modifier Code. Ok here is my Move Modifier Code and how to use it. Its in the spoiler. Reveal hidden contents Move Modifier Code [Press L+R] 94000130 FDFF0000 62111880 00000000 B2111880 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 00000656 01D30090 D0000000 00000000 DA000000 00000656 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 021000DF D2000000 00000000 Step 1: Press L+R. Step 2: Look in your Item Bag and you will see 467 Snow Mails in your first slot. Step 3: Throw away any amount of Snow Mails to get any move. Take the Index No. of the move you want Here and subtract that number from the 467 Snow Mails. Ex. Throw away 3 Snow Mails to get Dark Void. 467 Snow Mails - 3 Snow Mails = 464 Snow Mails = Dark Void Ex. Throw away 1 Snow Mail to get Shadow Force. 467 Snow Mails - 1 Snow Mail = 466 Snow Mails = Shadow Force Ex. Throw away 18 Snow Mail to get Judgement. 467 Snow Mails - 18 Snow Mails = 449 Snow Mails = Judgement Ex. Throw away 2 Snow Mails to get Seed Flare. 467 Snow Mails - 2 Snow Mails = 465 Snow Mails = Seed Flare Step 4: Press and Hold L while looking in your TM/HM Bag. Step 5: Look at TM10. Step 6: Choose any Pokemon you want to teach it too. For some reason I can't get the code to work right. I am getting the "Snow Mail" I need, trash some of the mail, and hold "L" as I open the TM/HM bag; however, I don't seem to be getting the move I requested. Am I doing something wrong.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Hi everyone, I've found a code that lets you get both Kyogre (HG) and Groudon (SS) on Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon Soul Silver inorder to catch Rayquaza at the Embedded Tower, but its pretty long to type it in yourself and its about 39 lines. The link to these codes is below. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100318122905AAwgTDh These codes work 100% and I've tested them myself. Enjoy!
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 4, 2010 Posted April 4, 2010 Art_Guy said: For some reason I can't get the code to work right. I am getting the "Snow Mail" I need, trash some of the mail, and hold "L" as I open the TM/HM bag; however, I don't seem to be getting the move I requested. Am I doing something wrong. Remember to check TM10 which is Hidden Power.
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